  • Mask for hair with cinnamon - cinnamon mask

    Wonderful delicate aroma of the East - the smell of cinnamon is known not only to confectioners and cooks, but also to all fans of natural home cosmetics. Nutritional and medicinal properties of this product have a beneficial effect on the state of our health from the inside, at the same time they bring significant benefits as a cosmetic component in masks, wraps and balms. With the help of this exquisite spice, you can create a safe and effective anti-cellulite drug, rejuvenating facial mask and other effective means. Easy to prepare hair mask with cinnamon provides nourishment to keratin fibers, restores structure and stimulates abundant growth of curls.

    Unique vitamin value of cinnamon


    Cosmetic action of exotic powder from the dried bark of the fragrant tree Cinnamon cinnamon( Latin Cinnamommum) is amazing. Cinnamon - a storehouse of vitamins and minerals, has a rich set of antioxidants;contains a miraculous essential oil, nourishing the hair and restoring their structure. Due to the warming effect, blood flow to the hair follicles is accelerated, which stimulates copious hair growth. In addition, the cinnamon perfectly brightens colored hair for a couple of tones without any aggressive chemical brighteners and paints.

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    Cinnamon wood consists of:

    • Beta-carotene - excessive loss of hair is prevented;
    • Retinol - split ends are restored;
    • Thiamine - calms down and prevents further irritation and burning of the skin;
    • Riboflavin - improves blood circulation;
    • Pyridoxine - helps prevent the appearance of dryness and peeling, and also helps to cope with dandruff;
    • Folic acid - protects against stress, sunlight, and low temperatures;
    • Ascorbic acid or vitamin C beauty - turns any strands into a natural shiny cascade of curls;
    • Vitamin E - accelerates the regeneration of cells;
    • Vitamin K - strengthens blood vessels;
    • Vitamin PP - restores the natural shine of hair;
    • Choline - actively moisturizes and perfectly soothes sensitive skin, your hair after a few procedures will be much less fall out, will get a healthy shine. A full course of hair restoration with the help of masks with cinnamon in compliance with all the rules for the use of this unique natural beauty product can give your locks a chic look. As a result, you can get silky and shiny, strong and healthy hair like after professional lamination.

    Rules for the safe use of hair masks with cinnamon

    Cinnamon sticks

    Cinnamon is not only a healing and very fragrant product. It is quite sharp and aggressive component of any cosmetic mask, which must be used with great care.

    In order to avoid the undesirable consequences of using cinnamon masks, it is necessary: ​​

    1. Test each prepared mixture on a delicate sensitive skin with an internal bending of the elbow or behind the eyelet. At the slightest discomfort - abundant redness, burning or itching - immediately wash off the leftovers of the mixture and apply a moisturizer. Any reaction in the form of strong irritation indicates that this composition of hair mask with cinnamon is unacceptable for you.
    2. Cinnamon mask can be applied only to dry and necessarily clean hair. It is desirable to pre-wash them and dry them well.
    3. Hair mask with cinnamon, like other cosmetic preparations, is first applied to the scalp and the roots of the hair( without rubbing it inside!), And then spread over the entire surface of the strands to the very tips.
    4. Cover the head from above with a compress of polyethylene and a terry towel or a warm kerchief.
    5. The duration of the cinnamon mixture should be regulated not so much by the recommended duration in the recipe as by individual sensations: if there is discomfort, then the mask with cinnamon needs to be rinsed! If the heat is felt, then it can be kept from half an hour to an hour.
    6. The cinnamon mask is washed off with warm, comfortable water, since the scalp from its effect becomes very sensitive and reacts to any temperature deviation. You can add a favorite shampoo when washing.
    7. The course of masks with cinnamon for the hair is 4-6 weeks, with the frequency of the procedures once or twice in 7 days.
    Mask from cinnamon and honey

    Choose a mask recipe from cinnamon for hair is easy enough, the main thing is that it suits your hair type as best as possible and ideally solves the task: to accelerate their growth, lighten curls for one or two tones, strengthen follicles, giveelasticity and silky, restore the health of the hair due to increased nutrition and moisturizing.

    Please note! When buying cinnamon in a store or on the market, it is better to give preference to cinnamon sticks to reliably protect yourself from synthetic powder, ground cinnamon grains or white cannella, a cheaper Ceylon analogue. Although they do not harm our body, they have significantly less flavor and valuable properties. A cinnamon sticks can be easily ground into a powder with a coffee grinder or weld them a thick cinnamon concentrate, which is then used to create various cosmetics.

    When preparing masks with cinnamon for hair, you need to use utensils and tools that do not contain metal, i.e.apply plastic, glass, wood or faience( porcelain).

    Recipes for hair nutrition

    Cinnamon mask
    • Combine 200 ml of natural kefir without additives with one egg yolk and 25 g of ground cinnamon powder( 1 tablespoon), whisk thoroughly until smooth and apply it to clean and moistened hair. Wrap the head with a compress and after 25-30 minutes wash off the mask without using shampoo.
    • Warm up 60 ml of coconut oil( can be replaced with burdock, olive, almond or castor oil) together with 25 ml of natural honey honey on a steam bath or in a microwave( not overheating).Stir in this mixture 25 grams of ground cinnamon powder. Apply to the roots of hair and strands, and after 20 or 30 minutes, rinse with a baby shampoo.
    • Mix in equal proportions 50 ml bees natural honey and a couple tablespoons of any vegetable oil: burdock, castor or olive. You can also warm this mixture slightly in a microwave. Pour and mix 50 g of cinnamon powder, 25 cloves and 2-3 g of hot red pepper. Apply to wet hair roots and cover the head with a compress. You can keep this mask from 15 to 60 minutes, but in any case, do not suffer a burning sensation! Any discomfort is a signal to an urgent water procedure, when it is necessary to immediately rinse out the remains of the mixture. If you feel a strong heat, then after an hour you can remove the mask with the help of warm water and conditioner balm.
    • Grind the banana pulp in a puree mixture, mixing it with 60 ml of coconut( or any base oil) and 15 g of ground cinnamon. Distribute the mask from the roots of wet hair to the very tips, cover the head with a compress and leave for 20-30 minutes. Rinse off the rest of the mixture with your favorite shampoo.

    Recipes for strengthening and growth of hair

    Strengthening hair with masks
    • Dilute 100 g of blue clay( or green - if there are signs of dandruff) with water to a creamy consistency and mix with 30 g of cinnamon powder, 40 ml of base( olive, castor or burdock) oil, 1 egg yolk and 2-3 g of hot red pepper. After applying to wet hair, wrap the head with a compress and after 15-30 minutes rinse, as usual.
    • In 50 ml of natural yogurt add 15 grams of ground cinnamon, 15 g of liquid bee honey, 1 egg yolk. For oily hair, nothing else is needed, and for dry hair, 50 ml of base oil( olive, burdock, almond or coconut oil).Keep the mask for no more than a third of an hour, then wash it off.
    • To bring to a homogeneous state a mixture of warm honey bees and olive oil - 20 ml, 15 g of cinnamon powder and 5-6 drops of liquid "vitamin of beauty" - E. After applying to wet hair, wrap the head with a compress, and after 15 or 30 minuteswash off the leftovers with baby shampoo.

    Recipes for lightening hair

    You can brighten the colored curls by 2 tones by applying cinnamon masks of the following composition:

    • Combine 100 g of natural "clarifier" of hair - honey with 60 ml of olive or burdock oil, with 100 g of cinnamon powder and dilute the mixture with water until creamyconsistency. Apply to damp, clean hair at the roots and spread evenly over the entire length to the tips. Insulate the head with a compress made of polyethylene and a soft towel, and after 20-30 minutes, remove it and hold the cinnamon mask with an open head for three to four hours. Then rinse with water with baby shampoo and rinse the hair with a decoction of chamomile.
    • Regularly after washing your hair, apply a mixture of 50 ml of warm bee honey, 50 g of ground cinnamon and conditioner balm( add the required amount).Then proceed in the same way as in the first case( hold the head for 20-30 minutes under the compress, then several hours - without wrapping, and finally rinse and rinse with chamomile broth).In this mixture to enhance the effect, you can add a few drops of lime juice or lemon.
    Please note! Experts say that these natural, safe products lighten up only the colored hair, which is additionally obtained by a light, rusty shade. In this case, rarely anyone can get a noticeable result immediately after the first procedure, a more reliable way to achieve the desired shade - to conduct several sessions of "cinnamon" clarification.

    Thanks to the life-giving properties of cinnamon, the roots of your hair will get the maximum amount of nutrients and oxygen. Regular care for strands with the help of Ceylon wood powder will make your hair thick and voluminous, and curls are truly royal - chic, silky and shiny!


    We publish the recipe for a mask with cinnamon for lightening the hair: