  • How to make hair shiny - hair care

    Well-groomed silky hair, flowing with a waterfall or flowing curls, shining with natural brilliance is an exquisite accessory for any woman. Together with the irreproachable make-up and the charm of the refined perfume, he is able to turn any lady into a real "goddess of beauty".But severe unbalanced diets, seasonal vitamin deficiency, summer heat and winter cold, excessive dryness in heated rooms, taking certain medications, stresses, drying with high-temperature devices, and other external or internal "gangsters" of beauty of female hair negatively affect their condition. Dull strands with lifeless dry tips are not the best decoration for any lady. How to make your hair shiny and well-groomed, tell us in more detail.

    How to restore the ideal image?

    How to return the perfect image of

    Many women are sure that only regular manipulations for hair care can give them shine and silky. But it is not so. Nutrition of hair, their health and magnificent appearance fully depend on a balanced diet, as their beauty begins from within. In the diet must be present: fresh "gifts of nature"( vegetables and fruits), lean meat( beef, poultry) and fish, whole grain bread, eggs, cheese, mushrooms, nuts and avocados, beans and other protein foods with B vitamins, as well as in an abundance of useful fats that give hair shine and volume.

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    Hair food

    Fragile, dehydrated hair requires a sufficient amount of moisture, which also comes mainly from internal reserves. Therefore, you need to drink the required amount of water per day at a rate of 30 ml per 1 kg of body weight. On average, experts recommend 8 glasses of water, this volume can include herbal teas( including green tea).Vegetables, fruits and berries, full of moisture: watermelons and apples, cucumbers and celery, various salads, smoothies, cocktails, cabbage - the ideal food for restoring the health of the hair.

    Environment with its scorching sun and other extreme temperatures, contaminants, sea water with a high salt content and chlorinated tap water can significantly worsen the health of the hair and deprive them of shine. To maintain the liveliness of hair, you need to use protective equipment: wear a hat in bright sunshine, wear a bathing cap in the pool or flush the leftover chlorine from the hair after bathing without this accessory, avoiding the appearance of fresh air with wet hair in cold weather.

    How to take good care of hair?

    How to wash the head

    To clean the head, the trichologists recommend using only warm water, since the hot one damages not only the keratinous scales enveloping the hair rods, but also the follicles, stimulating the secretion of the skin secret, which leads to frequent salting and unhealthy appearance of the strands.

    Please note! The warm water of a comfortable temperature helps to uncover hair follicles, so it cleans any dirt from the inside well.

    How to make hair shiny in the simplest way? Rinse them with cool, slightly acidified water( with the addition of 25 ml of lemon juice or fruit vinegar to 1 liter of liquid), the scales of hair will close and the hair will become elastic, docile and shiny!

    Simple ways to make the magic shine

    Shine greasy hair

    In the "grandmother's" first-aid kit, there were many simple "secrets" of hair rinsing so that the main attribute of female beauty always differed in strength and health. In addition to acidified boiled water, natural decoctions were used for hair care:

    Nettle and rosemary. These medicinal plants not only give a magical sheen to locks, but also significantly strengthen them. Take 75-100 grams of fresh or dry leaves of raw materials and brew them in 1 liter of boiling water. Cool the broth and apply to rinse. Nettle removes dandruff and prevents hair loss. Rosemary improves microcirculation of the scalp, strengthens the nutrition of the hair. With regular use of hair, it acquires splendor and silky.
  • Cool tea: black is perfect for brunettes, green for blonde beauties. A couple tablespoons of dry tea leaves need to pour 1 liter of boiling water and boil for a few minutes. To enhance the effect, you can add mint to the tea broth.
  • Chamomile - this broth not only gives a natural shine to the hair, but also brightens them, so enjoy the sunlight after such rinsing can only blonde representatives of the fair sex.
  • Hops and nettles, and also bark of an oak - only for dark-haired beauties. Decoction of oak bark is used infrequently, since it has a powerful drying effect.
  • Onion husks - suitable for owners of red hair, since it acts like a shade of shade, saturating the color.
  • Sage - gives an amazing shine and silky hair.
  • Chamomile returns natural shine
    Please note! Causes hair to shine rinsing beer of light varieties. Enrich it can be 20 ml of olive oil or liquid bee honey. Gives vitality to hair rinsing with mineral water( any kind, but without gassing).

    In addition, perfectly restores the gloss of hair double rinsing: first with milk, and then with cool comfortable water. Such a "duet" makes them obedient, smooth and silky.

    Mask for shine restoration

    Mask for shine of hair at home

    Specialists recommend washing their hair not more often 3-4 times in 7 days so as not to wash away the natural layer of greasy secretion - a thin film protecting the hair from dehydration, giving them a natural sheen and elasticity. In addition, periodically, in courses of 7-10 days, it is necessary to conduct sessions of restoring the health of the hair, spoiling it with natural healing masks.

    Avocado for hair
    1. Traditional egg mask. It is prepared based on: for 1 egg yolk of hen's egg - 20-25 ml of olive or burdock oil( you can take linseed or castor) and 15 g of natural honey. This amount is sufficient for short hair, for long hair - we increase the volume, observing the proportions. Bring to a uniform state, rub into the scalp and spread to the ends of the hair. After a half or two hours, rinse the nutrient mixture with warm water, rinse the hair with any decoction of medicinal herbs. This mask will significantly strengthen the roots of hair, enrich them with trace elements, nourish the rods by force, make them elastic and shiny. Coconut oil and aloe juice. Unrefined coconut oil( 50 g) mixed with 15 ml of aloe leaf juice, warmed on a steam bath and applied to all hair from roots to the tips. After a couple of hours, rinse the remains of the mixture with warm, comfortable water. Coconut oil for hair - a real nectar, turning them into smooth, shiny strands.
    2. You can give a healthy shine to fatty hair with a mixture of kefir( 100 ml) and linseed oil( 40-60 ml).It is necessary to bring it to a homogeneous state and apply to the entire surface of the hair. After 120 minutes, rinse with pleasant warm water and a small amount of shampoo appropriate to the type of hair.
    3. Natural honey( 20-25 g) warm slightly on a steam bath or a few seconds in a microwave oven, mix with 100 ml of milk and 15 ml of jojoba oil. Apply this mixture on the entire length of the hair, wrap your head with a warm towel. After half an hour, rinse off the remains of the oil suspension with warm water with the addition of herbal shampoo.
    4. The pulp of a banana or avocado mixed with 50 ml of natural kefir or yogurt without additives. Apply the fruity and milk mask on the hair, wrap the food film and wrap it with a ironed towel. After 20-30 minutes, rinse it with comfortable warm water and shampoo.
    Hair restoration with oils

    Thinking about how to make hair shiny, pay attention to oil hot wraps with almond, olive, coconut, castor, burdock, karite, shea and other base oils. Having enriched them with a few drops of any aromatic oil: sandalwood, ylang-ylang, cedar, rosemary or citrus, you can not only restore the shine and beauty of your hair, but also enjoy a pleasant home-spa procedure.

    Decoctions for dark-haired

    Well-groomed, healthy hair look impressive, obediently fit into any, even the most exquisite hairstyle, testify to the ideal health of the owner and fascinate men. Many girls are mistaken, thinking that home remedies for shine to the hair are "the last century", since even world-class "style icons", having mega-opportunities, like to indulge their hair with natural means for caring for hair. So, for example, Jennifer Lopez often uses a light beer to rinse hair or a mask of it, adding 5-6 drops of olive oil. Mellani Griffith loves to rub almond oil in the roots of the hair, Cetrin Zeta-Jones always uses honey to feed her hair, and the first-rate film star - Monica Bellucci, as a true Italian, is pleased to rub olive oil into her damp hair.

    Using these recommendations, regularly caring for the hair, you can very soon get a magnificent reflection of the thick, silky and casting healthy shine of the hair in the mirror. Be beautiful!