
Home masks for strengthening hair - masks for strengthening hair

  • Home masks for strengthening hair - masks for strengthening hair

    One of the standards of female beauty in any era is the presence of healthy and well-groomed hair. Therefore, any woman during her life tries not only to grow beautiful hair, but also to strengthen them with various methods. Especially these events are relevant in our time, when constant stress, poor ecology and a constant lack of free time prevent many young girls and lovely ladies from systematically caring for their hair. Fast morning drying with a hairdryer, using only chemical means, frequent staining and permanent styling prevent hair from getting thick, growing quickly, pleasing its owners with chic hair.

    Thick and healthy hair is the dream of any woman, and it is provided by various methods to strengthen the roots, their structural improvement, numerous recipes to accelerate growth. Become thicker and stronger hair can help simple masks, compresses and wraps, which you can do yourself, from improvised means for simple recipes.

    Basic rules for the use of home cosmetics

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    Folk masks for strengthening hair are magnificent cosmetic products that restore and strengthen our head of hear. Their recipes have long been tested for many years, and the ingredients are much more affordable, expensive store offers. However, having the financial opportunity to purchase various ready-made products, choose the preparation of various masks at home.

    Before making home hair masks to strengthen hair at home, you should familiarize yourself with the basic rules of their use:

    • Systematic. Masks, compresses and wraps for hair, like any other procedure, should be carried out with a certain cyclicity and periodicity. Typically, you should spend 10-15 procedures, and then take a break in one to two months, through which the procedures are repeated again.
    • Quality of ingredients. Do not forget that you do all the activities for yourself, your beloved, so do not save on the quality of the ingredients, and always carefully observe the composition of the preparation.
    • Cooking time. Remember that all cosmetics prepared at home have a certain time of use. Masks are usually prepared at once. Broths can be cooked for three days, but they should be stored in the refrigerator. But the tincture of alcohol has a longer use.
    • Mask or decoction before use should have a comfortable temperature, do not be too cold or very hot.
    • Allergy. Many recipes include herbs, honey, lemon and other natural allergens. Therefore, before starting treatment, perform a simple test. Apply a bit of the finished compound to an exposed area of ​​the skin, for example, on the back of your wrist, and wait a few hours. If there is not any reaction, you can safely continue the procedure.

    Masks for strengthening hair

    1. Mixture of burdock oil with pepper tincture. Take two tablespoons of concentrated tincture of bitter pepper, previously diluted with two tablespoons of boiled water, and mix with two tablespoons of burdock oil. The mixture is thoroughly mixed, and a special brush or tampon is applied to the roots of the hair for one hour. If there is a slight burning sensation, do not be afraid, the skin will not suffer, and there will be no harm. After the procedure, wash your hair thoroughly with shampoo in warm, clean water.

    2. Hair mask with egg yolk . Make a mixture:

    • 1 yolk
    • 1 teaspoon yogurt without additives
    • 1 tablespoon of balm for your hair type
    • 1 teaspoon of liquid honey
    • 5-7 drops of garlic or onion juice
    • 5-7 drops of vodka or good cognac

    Ready mixmust be applied to clean damp hair and set aside for 1 hour. It is advisable to wrap the head with thermal film and a towel. With this mask you can even go to bed. Then rinse your hair thoroughly with warm water and gentle shampoo.

    3. Honey onion mask. Small onion grate on a fine grater or pass through a meat grinder. In the resulting gruel, add liquid honey in a ratio of 4: 1.If your hair is too dry, then add to the mixture 10-15 drops of olive oil or sea buckthorn oil. The mixture should be for half an hour, first massaging the head with circular motions, then wrap it with film, wrap with a towel and leave for another half an hour. Wash off the mask very carefully, twice washing the head with a specialized shampoo. To make such a mask for a better effect is necessary every two days, ten times in a row.

    4. Yeast mask. It has long been known in the people that the beneficial properties and virtues of yeast, which have a beneficial effect on the body and contribute to the strengthening and growth of hair. For a yeast mask, you need to mix 30-40 grams, depending on the density and length of hair, with pepper tincture. Ready mixture should be applied first to the roots of the hair, and only then spread to all the hair. If the hair is very dry, then dissolve the yeast should be in milk or even in cream. At the end, the mask is rinsed off with warm water. Wash your hair after such a mask is not necessary, you can do only rinsing.

    5. Mask onion and cognac , to enhance hair growth. Grate a small onion on a small grater or pass through a juicer. Prepare the broth from the roots of thistles. Mix one part of good cognac with six parts of the prepared broth of thistles and four pieces of onion juice. Stir the mixture thoroughly and leave it for half an hour. It should be used daily, applying to the roots of the hair for one to two hours. Note that the mixture must be cooked daily, and not to use yesterday's mask.

    6. Nourishing mask. This mask is designed to enhance hair growth, giving them a thick and fluffy appearance. Take one tablespoon of dry mustard and mix with two yolks and a glass of warm kefir. The mask is applied before washing your hair. To keep the mixture from draining, wrap the head with a film and a towel. Wash your hair after an hour. A nutritious mask is used once a week, with a total course of 10 procedures.

    7. Mask for enhanced hair growth. Take the stem of the aloe plant, which is not less than 5 years old, put it in the refrigerator or freezer for two days, and only then squeeze out the juice from it. One tablespoon of aloe juice should be mixed with one tablespoon of liquid honey and one yolk. Add 4-5 table spoons of cognac to the prepared mixture. The mask is applied to clean damp hair, carefully distributing the mixture over all the hair. After the events, cover the head with a film and a towel, and leave it for one hour. Apply this mask after one or two days with a general cycle of 10-12 procedures.

    8. Beer mask. Such an accessible mask, which is quite possible at home, will help the growth and density of hair. To prepare the mixture, two proteins must be thoroughly knocked down and a glass of preferably dark beer added to them. The ready mix is ​​put on not yet washed hair, having wrapped them with a polyethylene film and a towel, leave it for one hour. Such a mask should be made for better effect every day for ten days. Then you need to take a break in one month and repeat the whole course of procedures again.

    Mask for strengthening hair at home is not the only cosmetic procedure that should be done to ensure that the hair was beautiful and healthy. Hair should be washed preferably in the afternoon or in the morning, but not in the evening. After washing, carefully wipe the hair with a warm towel, and it is best to wrap them for half an hour. It should also be well rinsed hair after washing with water, which is added with lemon juice, nettle infusion or just rain water.

    Very good once a month to wash your hair with boiled or purified warm water with egg yolk.

    In the period of aggravation of problems with hair, especially in springtime, you can additionally nourish them with vitamin oil. To make it, take twenty capsules of vitamin Aevit and mix the mixture of them with half a glass of linseed oil and 5 tablespoons of burdock oil. The resulting mixture should be mixed and rubbed twice a week in the scalp while simultaneously massage the roots of the hair. After this, wrap the head with a film, wrap it in a warm towel and leave for one hour. Then you should wash off the vitamin oil with shampoo and thoroughly dry it.

    Carrying out these simple simple procedures at home can improve your hair, its growth and density. The main thing is a systemic and constant, and then the effect of these cosmetic procedures will not keep you waiting.

    Beautiful strong hair