
The first spring work at the dacha, in the garden and the vegetable garden

  • The first spring work at the dacha, in the garden and the vegetable garden

    Here comes the spring. The first warm sun rays give us joy and awaken the first spring flowers from winter hibernation, the buds begin to swell on the trees. It's time to get out of our apartments and go to the country house, put everything in order, so that she would rejoice us with her multicolored and fruits.

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    What to do in the suburban area in March?

    March is the beginning of spring, it can still be cold, and periodically accompanied by frost. It's not so warm to start landing at the dacha, but you can already safely go and start cleaning and preparing a summer house for the summer season.

    When you arrive at the dacha, the first thing we do is clean the area, since from the autumn old leaves could remain, and dust and debris accumulated during the winter.
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    Inspect your buildings, maybe they need some repair. It's time to do the house cleaning. Decide what you need to paint and whiten. Buy the necessary products and bring your dacha in order.

    Also worry about inventory. Look, maybe you have something broken, you need to repair or buy new tools for the garden and garden. When checking, pay attention to the fact that at each dacha there must be necessarily such tools: shovel, rake, bucket, chopper, secateur, ax.

    Also, when you arrive at the dacha, consider that you will need things to work with. What kind of clothes - it's up to you, but in the spring it should be warm, because the heat on the street is deceptive. Make sure that things cover your back, because when you bend down, your back can be opened, and this will cause illness.

    Also get yourself a glove to work on the site, preferably a few pairs. Please note that shoes must be warm and comfortable. Bring rubber boots to the dacha, you will need them for work at the dacha in the spring time, and also in the summer after heavy rain.

    You also need to bring personal care products: soap to wash your hands and be sure to take a hand cream, since the skin of hands when working in the suburban area is quickly airborne and requires enhanced care.

    Decide where and what you will plant. Prepare the site for planting works. Maybe somewhere you need to dig up the ground or break large pieces of land.

    Before planting seedlings, the seeds need to be treated. To do this, go through the seeds, that is, select the largest and healthy ones. Warm them on the heater for several hours. In a glass of water, add 1 tbsp.spoon of salt and put seeds in there, bad seeds will float up, clean them up. Next, put the seeds in gauze on a saucer for germination. Just the seeds must be hardened, putting them for several hours in the refrigerator. Now your seeds are ready for planting. You plant them in a greenhouse or a greenhouse, or in a wooden box in advance, type the land, dry it, and sow seeds there. Boxes then put in a warm room on the window, so that they get sunlight.

    Also in March, according to the same principle, one-year-old flowers such as asters, petunias, marigolds can be prepared for future planting in open ground. Preliminary soil should be fertilized. Fertilize it better in March, when still under the frozen earth.

    If you grow dahlias, begonias, gladiolus on your site, then it's time to take them to a warm, bright place in March, check all the rootlets, sort the damaged ones, and land them in the prepared soil in the boxes for germination and future transplantation into the open ground.

    In March, you must have time to sow the seeds, repair and remove attachments, fix inventory, prepare and fertilize the land.

    Classes for April

    In April, the spring feels spring, and there are no more frosts, plants are awakened from hibernation. At this time, you can already begin to clean the covers that you did on the vineyard, roses, so that they do not freeze in winter.

    The Earth has already warmed up a little with the sun, but not yet enough to start the planting works. But by the middle of April, it is already possible to start breaking greenhouses or greenhouses for sowing seeds and planting seedlings out of boxes.

    If you grow vegetables, then make a greenhouse. He must stand for several days under a closed film, so that the earth warms up in it. Then you can plant seeds for seedlings.

    In April, you need to put trees and bushes in order, because they have not yet woken up from the winter, and you will not harm them. View all your trees in the country and shrubs. Cut off the dry branches, cut through the crown pruner, remove the growing branches inside the crown. Also, in order to neutralize your trees from insects, you need to process the trunks with special preparations.

    April is a good month for planting trees. If you decide to renew your garden, April is the month when they can be planted, and shrubs are also planted.

    Along with this, in April, strawberries and raspberries are prepared for the summer season. Strawberries need to be checked, remove unnecessary tendrils, and thin out. In the raspberries, remove the dry stems and dilute, if the raspberry grows densely.

    Action plan for country work for May

    May is the most active month for work at dachas. Also during this period, insects and pests of the garden wake up.

    Check the currant so that it does not have ticks. Kidneys, which with mites differ from other kidneys - are larger in size. Collect them and burn them, in no case do not throw such kidneys on a plot of land or in compost. When the currant starts to bloom, see that there are no dirty pink flowers. If you find such inflorescences, be sure to dig and burn the bush, as this disease quickly passes through the plants and all the bushes will die completely.

    Seedlings in greenhouses and greenhouses, too, requires an inspection, if you see on the examination that the leaves are twisted downward, or strongly convex spaces on the leaves, which means that there are spider mites on the seedlings. Please note that aphids may appear on peppers. If the seedlings are damaged, treat it with biological preparations against ticks and aphids.

    In May, you must also nourish seedlings, if the seedlings have a languid appearance and its leaves turn yellow - feed it with special means.

    In mid-May, you can start planting seedlings on the ground. Before planting, prepare a place and wells for seedlings, pour water into it. Since in the summer the moisture quickly disappears and leaves the soil, to less often water the plants and the moisture remained longer - you need to wallow the soil. To do this, use the peat turf, or you can lay it with dry grass, or even a newspaper. Consider that such a coating will like tomatoes, as they grow better( if moisture goes deep, their root system improves).Eggplants and peppers do not like this technology, they need daily watering, but moderate, as they grow better when the soil surface is wet.

    It is also time to plant annual plants in the soil: parsley and dill. Be sure to water the seedlings before planting, so as not to disturb the root system.

    Potatoes are best planted at a time when cherry blooms. Before planting for two weeks, the potatoes must be prepared: sorted and placed in a warm place for germination. When boarding, consider that the land should be already 12-15 degrees. Do not put the potatoes deep, about half the bayonet bayonet. When planting, you can immediately fertilize potatoes, put wood ash or straw in the hole, which will give heat and fertilizer to potatoes throughout the spring.

    So you need to process trees and shrubs from pests. Spraying against pests should be done at the beginning of flowering and after two weeks repeat.

    Also May is a good month for grafting trees. If you planned to plant trees, do it in May. When grafting, pay attention to the moon was not growing, as the trees fall under the influence of the moon. With the growth of the moon, the juice in the trees is more in the branches, when the moon decreases - the juice comes to the root system.

    Another major pest of the garden and garden are the ants. If you have found ants on bushes, put a rag soaked in kerosene, next to the bush, this smell will drive the ants away from the bush. How to remove an anthill? You can treat it with special means against ants, preferably by those that are added to the food for bait for ants. Since the ant shares its food with all the ants, it will not only perish itself, but its brethren too.

    Let's talk about working in the garden and the garden

    Throughout the spring, it is necessary to maintain the garden and help plants for their better maturation. In the spring work, do the following:

    1. Feed the plants. Even if the soil is good and fertile, be sure to feed the trees and shrubs. Fertilizer consists of a mixture of nutrients for growth: potassium, nitrogen and phosphorus. Phosphorus promotes the growth of the root system and shoots, nitrogen is responsible for the saturation of greenery, potassium is important for the formation of flowers and fruits. When fertilizing plants, it is better to use a complex content of phosphorus, nitrogen and potassium. They are sold in stores for summer residents and, as a rule, are distributed in granules. Such a fertilizer scatter around the plants in a period when there is still snow or when it will melt, thanks to this, the nutrient elements will gradually flow into the earth.

    2. Weed cleaning. Do not forget that many weeds grow faster than cultivated plants. Be sure to spill the site, but be careful if you grow perennial plants that have not yet ascended. It is better to make weeding with our hands to weed out the weeds, and they no longer grow. If you have a place where there are no perennials, then you can treat it with means against weed.

    3. Mulch the soil. When planting plants mulch the soil. For mulching, you can use different types of mulching: from old leaves or straw. The main thing is that the layer should be thick, about ten centimeters, so that it does not get carried away by rain and wind. Mulching will help the soil to better retain moisture, create cool conditions for plant roots in the summer.

    4. Check the soil for empty spaces. In spring, you can immediately see where the plants died after the winter. It is possible to decide what can be put on empty seats. Or make compositions from annual flowers in combination with perennial colors.

    5. It is also necessary to clean the paths and tracks from the leaves that have remained since last year, moss. It is advisable to wash the path with water from a hose or a metal brush.

    6. Check the vases, they could be slightly damaged during the winter. Fix cracks with the outer filler. Next, you need to change the ground in the vases to a new one. If a perennial plant has wintered there, it should be pulled out and the roots dried a little, because after a winter, a lot of water forms in the flowerpot.

    7. If there is a pond or pool in your dacha, be sure to clean it and check the condition of the equipment for water supply and drainage, especially filters.

    After you worked in the spring at the dacha, prepared it for the summer period, it remains only to monitor your plants, fertilize them in time, water them and enjoy the delicious fruits growing on your plot.