
What is the danger of arterial hypotension: symptoms, causes and treatment of ailment

  • What is the danger of arterial hypotension: symptoms, causes and treatment of ailment

    The problem of hypotension or low blood pressure, according to many experts, should be sought in childhood( especially adolescence).The condition in which patients experience signs of hypotension, is characterized by a large variety of symptoms and clinical signs. At the same time, the main problem with hypotension remains a decrease in mental and physical performance, which ultimately leads to a decrease in the quality of life.

    Types of arterial hypotension

    Arterial hypotension is a syndrome in which blood pressure is significantly reduced due to various causes. There are many classifications of hypotonic syndrome, but the main division occurs for reasons that cause hypotension:

    1. Hypotension is physiological when there are no complaints of the patient, and the state of low blood pressure is considered normal. This happens in several cases - when hypotension is considered as a variant of the norm, hypotension in athletes( hypotonia of increased training) and adaptive hypotension in the inhabitants of some high-mountainous regions.
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    3. Pathological hypotension, which is primary and secondary. With primary hypotension, the syndrome occurs against the background of a decrease in the tone of the nervous system, and can be both a reversible state( in children and adolescents), and go into an irreversible state or hypotonic disease. Secondary hypotension occurs against the background of other diseases and organic changes in the organs, as one of the symptoms.

    The causes of this condition have not yet been studied and remain the subject of research. But it has been proved that hypotension causes disruption of the mechanisms of discrepancy between the volume of blood ejected from the heart and the general resistance of blood vessels due to a decrease in blood pressure.

    How does the disease manifest itself?

    In case of arterial hypotension, the symptoms are polymorphic and vary widely. These include:

    • Low blood pressure, which is considered the main symptom.
    • Changes in the cardiovascular system - these include these symptoms. Like pain in the heart and behind the breastbone, headaches, dizziness, fainting, heart rhythm disturbance and heart rate. Later, such symptoms as cold intolerance, cold extremities, excessive sweating, swelling of the legs and hands join.
    • Pathology from the smooth muscle - these include abdominal pain, belching, bloating, chronic constipation, bowel movement, nausea, vomiting.
    • Changes in the nervous system - these include symptoms such as emotional imbalance, anxiety, fears, irritability, sensitivity to weather changes, reduced physical and mental activity, a sense of lack of fresh air.

    In addition, distinguish between light, moderate and severe hypotension, the main criteria of severity are:

    • Stability of pressure reduction and duration of symptoms.
    • Presence of crises, which are accompanied by all clinical symptoms.
    • Impaired orientation, static position and the amount of fainting.
    • Degree of physical and psychoemotional disadaptation.

    Vegetative crises, as a rule, are accompanied by increased sweating, adynamia, drowsiness, hypothermia, a decrease in the pulse. Further, there may be vomiting, nausea, headaches and dizziness.

    How to treat arterial hypertension?

    Treatment of arterial hypotension begins with the definition of the cause that caused the pressure decrease. Especially relevant is the search for the causes that caused the secondary form of hypertension. Currently, medicamentous and non-medicamentous methods of treating hypotension are widely used.

    The non-drug treatment of hypotension includes:

    • Psychotherapy, which can be individual, group, family, game. The goal of such therapy is the normalization of the patient's relationship with the environment and various psycho-emotional factors.
    • Normalization of the regime of work day and rest, alternation of mental and physical loads, full sleep at least 10 hours a day( with an elevated headboard).
    • A food ration in which there are dishes with a high content of salt, animal fats, sweet and flour dishes. Be sure to include products such as vegetables, greens, fruits, berries, tonic drinks, alcohol.
    • A therapeutic massage that tones up the nervous system and blood vessels.
    • Hydrotherapy, especially in resorts with water procedures. During the procedures, the temperature gradually decreases to 27-28 degrees.
    • Physiotherapy, which includes methods such as acupuncture, electrophoresis, iontophoresis, aromatherapy.

    What to take with hypotension of medicines:

    • Vegetable adaptogens( rhodiola rosea, levsea, ginseng, eleutherococcus).
    • Nootropic drugs and anticholinergics( midodrin, pyriditol, GABA, gopanthenic acid).
    • Cerebroprotectors( cinnarizine, vinpocetine).
    • Antioxidants and vitamins( vitamins A, E, succinic acid, citric acid, ubiquinone).
    • Antidepressants and tranquilizers( St. John's wort).

    Arterial pressure in hypotension disrupts the way of life and reduces its quality, many people because of illness rise to the position of being outside the society, as they are prevented from being among the ordinary people the clinical symptoms of the disease. Therefore, it is so important to observe preventive measures, especially if the pressure has already been reduced several times. The earlier you start to struggle with the symptoms and causes of the disease, the more reversible the condition is with hypotension.

    What should I do to prevent hypotension? Here are those simple techniques and preventive measures, the observance of which will help to cope with the initial symptoms of the disease:

    • It is normal to sleep( at least 10 hours).
    • Learn how to get out of bed correctly( without jumping, but gradually).
    • Do morning exercises or exercise exercises.
    • It is a good idea to eat 4-5 times a day( not dry and hastily).
    • In time to take tonic( coffee, strong tea, cocoa).

    It's a good time to rest.

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