  • Hypotension: symptoms and treatment of hypotension

    What is it - hypotension, or arterial hypotension called the state of the body, which greatly lowers blood pressure.

    Hypotension is diagnosed in women if the pressure drops below 100/60 millimeters of mercury, and in men it is below 110/70 millimeters.

    In general, hypotension occurs in women 30-40 years old, and can occur in 20-30-year-old women, if they are engaged in mental work.

    Classification of

    Arterial hypotension may be:

    1. 1) Physiological;
    2. 2) Pathological.
    Physiological hypotension happens:

    1. 1) Individual - it affects heredity and individual characteristics;
    2. 2) Enhanced training - meets in people professionally engaged in sports;
    3. 3) Adaptive - typical for people living in tropical and subtropical areas, as well as in high mountains.
    Pathological hypotension is divided into:

    1. 1) Primary - there are no diseases that lower blood pressure;
    2. 2) Secondary, or symptomatic - hypotension is caused by the presence of other diseases.
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    Some scientists consider primary hypotension a disease, while others argue that hypotension is a normal physiological state of the body.

    Primary hypotension occurs:

    1. 1) Neurocirculatory - the regulation of the vascular tone is impaired;
    2. 2) Idiopathic - the pressure drops when the patient changes the position of the body( vertical to horizontal or horizontal to vertical).
    Secondary hypotension can be:

    1. 1) Acute - pressure drops dramatically and many of the signs that are characteristic of hypotension are manifested;
    2. 2) Chronic - the pressure remains low for a long time, the body adapts to this condition and almost no symptoms appear.

    Causes of hypotension

    Primary hypotension provoked:

    • by nervous disorders and psychological trauma;
    • traumas of the craniocerebral box;
    • with constant lack of sleep;
    • chronic fatigue;
    • stress and depressed state;
    • by lowering the vascular tone;
    • by vasodilation;
    • hereditary predisposition.
    Secondary hypotension is a sign of other diseases. It can cause:

    • diseases of cardiovascular, respiratory, digestive, endocrine, supporting systems;
    • carcinogenic formations;
    • brain injury;
    • intoxication of the body;
    • allergic reactions;
    • vitamin deficiency.
    Often the pressure decreases after infectious diseases and in the spring-summer period.

    Symptoms of hypotension

    At a very low pressure, cardiogenic shock can develop, characterized by a weak pulse and the inability to measure pressure.

    People with chronic hypotension may not experience any symptoms of low blood pressure for many years.

    In acute arterial hypotension:

    • the patient becomes emotionally unstable, irritable or apathetic;
    • its condition depends on the weather;
    • he quickly tires;
    • blood supply is inadequate;
    • observed oxygen starvation;
    • may experience dizziness and fainting;
    • the patient is constantly headache;
    • he staggers when walking;
    • the patient becomes too sensitive to heat and cold, to bright light and loud speech;
    • pulse is getting fast;
    • potency is broken;
    • there are failures in the menstrual cycle;
    • memory and attention deteriorate;
    • performance decreases;
    • observed daytime drowsiness and insomnia at night;
    • strongly sweat palms and feet;
    • decreases body temperature;
    • darkens in the eyes;
    • is observed indigestion;
    • the patient is quickly swayed;
    • in the region of the heart are showing pain;
    • the patient becomes pale and weak;
    • during physical exertion the heart beats violently;
    • the patient may faint;
    • is broken thermoregulation.
    In some hypotonic patients with increasing age or as a result of using drugs that increase blood pressure, hypertension may develop. This kind of hypertension is much harder to cure than usual.

    Diagnosis of hypotension

    If the patient has low blood pressure, first of all, it will be necessary to find out the primary or secondary hypotension. For this purpose use:

    • blood pressure monitoring;
    • cardiointervalography - it will help to detect vegetative disorders;
    • X-ray and ultrasound - will help to identify violations in the digestive, cardiovascular and respiratory systems;
    • dopplerography;
    • angiography;
    • electrocardiography;
    • echocardiography.
    Also the doctor will give a referral to:

    • a common blood and urine test;
    • blood test for viscosity and coagulation;
    • biochemical blood test.

    Treatment of hypotension

    If the pressure is not too low( it does not decrease by more than 20%) and it does not disturb the patient, then the disease will not bring any harm to health and it is not necessary to treat it. In addition, hypotension inhibits the manifestation of atherosclerosis and contributes to an increase in life expectancy( up to 10 years).

    But with a strong drop in pressure, consult a doctor. Getting rid of the primary hypotension is quite difficult. Her treatment is handled by a cardiologist. After determining the cause of the low blood pressure, he ascribes to the patient:

    1. 1) Medications containing caffeine to relieve headache and spasms from the vessels, general stimulation of the body and raising vitality;
    2. 2) Nootropic means for maintaining the body( nootropil, aminalon, phenibut);
    3. 3) Medications that tone the blood vessels and accelerate the movement of blood( encephabol, tanakan, stugeron);
    4. 4) Neurotransmitters( glycine, glutamic and gamma-glutamic acid).
    It is possible to use physiotherapeutic procedures:

    • massage;
    • reflexotherapy;
    • aromatherapy;
    • aeroionotherapy;
    • galvanic collar;
    • by darsonvalization.
    They will strengthen the body, improve the heart and vascular system, normalize metabolism.

    Strengthen the blood vessels help contrast shower, dousing with cold water, visiting the sauna or sauna, whirlpool. But you should not allow too sharp temperature changes. The patient should adhere to the regime of the day, walk in the fresh air, exercise, play sports games. Active movements strengthen the blood vessels and improve blood circulation, increasing blood pressure.

    Be sure to perform the exercise "bike".It helps to raise the pressure better than others. But strongly to take a great interest in sports does not follow: overwork will only aggravate a hypotonia. People with low pressure for recovery need to sleep 10-12 hours.

    You should eat often and gradually. Do not overeat: overeating can lower blood pressure. The diet should include all the nutrients that the body needs: proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins( especially vitamin B3) and minerals( especially calcium, potassium and magnesium).

    Hypotonics are recommended for consumption:

    1. 1) Spicy foods and spices( especially cinnamon and sweet pepper) - they improve the endocrine glands, activate the body, reduce blood vessels and increase blood pressure;
    2. 2) Salt-accelerates blood circulation and raises pressure;
    3. 3) Foods rich in fats - increase pressure;
    4. 4) Cheese - it contains substances similar to serotonin, which correct the mental state;
    5. 5) Dark green leafy vegetables - contain folic acid that promotes the formation of serotonin;
    6. 6) Coffee, black and green tea - these drinks are good for raising pressure, but they should not be abused.
    From smoking and drinking alcohol will have to give up: they lower the tone of blood vessels. To get rid of secondary hypotension, it is necessary to cure the underlying disease.

    Prevention of disease

    It is best to prevent hypotension, if you adhere to a healthy lifestyle. For this, it follows:

    • is rational to eat;
    • doing physical exercises;
    • fully rest;
    • to heal the body with massage, contrast shower, whirlpool, swimming;
    • to avoid stressful conditions.

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