  • How to deal with dust at home?

    Home dust is the scourge of modern housewives. Just finish cleaning, look - and the hateful dust is already hiding in the corner of the room. The fact is that it is completely impossible to get rid of it, because the main source of dust is the person himself( keratinized skin particles, hair), domestic animals( wool), indoor plants( pollen) and household equipment( pillows, blankets, upholstered furniture, books andetc.).However, it is possible and necessary to combat dust, reducing its quantity to a minimum. After all, dust is not only unattractive, it also hurts health, being one of the strongest allergens, the cause of problems with respiratory organs. How to deal with dust?

    One of the main means in combating various types of dust is wet cleaning. You need to spend it as often as possible: there is an opportunity to wash the floors every day - wash them every day! Do not forget to pay special attention to places hidden from the human eye - floors under cabinets, sofa, bed and other furniture. Walk cloth( wet or dry - depending on the type of surface) and on the bedside table, chest of drawers, shelves, household appliances and digital devices( especially a lot of dust is always on the TV screen and computer monitor).

    Advanced technology also seeks to help housewives, puzzling over how to deal with dust. Good for wet cleaning specially designed by chemists wet wipes with antibacterial effect. They perfectly clean the surfaces, disinfecting them, polishing them, giving them shine. Another way to replace a dusty cloth with something more effective is to use a microfiber cloth. Wet napkins for cleaning and microfibre napkins can be purchased at any home store.

    It is necessary to refrain from sweeping with a broom, because at the same time dust rises into the air, remaining on other surfaces, as well as getting into the respiratory tract. Vacuum cleaner( if it is not washing), by the way, is also not a panacea for dust, leaving up to 30% of this substance in the air. So cleaning with a vacuum cleaner must necessarily finish wiping the floors with a damp cloth.

    Change bed linen once a week. In this case, the blankets need to be wiped out, and the cushions put in the sun - so you eliminate laundry mites, one of the most allergenic components of house dust.

    Outerwear should be worn periodically in the winter on the balcony - also in order to combat mites and other microorganisms living in wool and down. With the help of frosty air or bright sun, one must also fight with ticks in soft toys, especially if there is an allergic child in the house.

    Choose for combing one place in the apartment( preferably, if it is a bathroom), and combing, immediately remove the fallen hair. Regularly carefully comb out your pets( cats, dogs), collect their wool, while cleaning use a special vacuum cleaner attachment to remove animal hair.

    Start a few indoor plants - they will help you in the fight against dust, absorbing part of it. Grooming plants, do not forget gently( no embossing of the pot soil) water them, spray or wipe leaves dipped in water with a cotton swab.

    Try to exclude as much as possible the presence of all sorts of "dust collectors" in the territory of your apartment. Scattered here and there are newspapers Open bookshelves included day and night television, carpets with high natural bristle brush, hanging clothes on the chairs, dirty shoes, too many curtains and curtains - all this is a tasty place for the localization of harmful dust.

    Special attention should be paid to cleaning the dust in the kitchen - here it accumulates in large quantities. Friable products( flour, cereals) should be stored in well-closed containers. Change the extract filter regularly. Daily take out the garbage, even if a day it was not very much accumulated.

    All kinds of air purifiers and humidifiers are a rescue for people suffering from dust. These miracle devices will effectively clean the air of the smallest particles of dust, cigarette smoke, harmful microorganisms and various impurities. Just irreplaceable are air cleaners and moisturizers for families with young children and allergies. And it will be easier for all the rest of the family to breathe air in the apartment. We advise you not to spare money for the purchase of such a tool. By the way, our website can also help to choose the right humidifier.

    Unfortunately, there is no way to do away with dust once and for all, because dust is a natural component of life on Earth. Regular struggle with dust, maintenance of cleanliness and the order in the house is what will help to reduce considerably the amount of dust in the apartment. Do not be lazy to fight dust - and let your health and the health of your family members not be affected by its harmful influence.