  • How to wash windows quickly and without divorce?

    Washing windows - it would seem, such a simple process, that it can be complicated!? But that's what they say only those who either never washed windows, or did it not qualitatively and without diligence. Today we will tell you how to wash your windows so that they are thoroughly washed and not divorced.

    The process of washing the windows will be reviewed in two blocks:

    Preparation of
    Washing process

    Preparation of

    To begin with, you must prepare all the necessary tools for washing windows. You can clean windows in two ways: manually and using the windowwash. For manual washing use ordinary fabrics, newspapers or special cloths from microfiber. In turn, the window washer includes a handle with a holder on its end, with a sponge on one side and a special rubber scraper on the other( they can also be separate items: a separate sponge and a separate scraper).About how to wash with the help of one way or another - we'll talk a little later, but for now about the preparation.   
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    For the washing of windows, we will definitely need detergents. There are a lot of special detergents for windows, they can be bought in any supermarket, and we recommend them to them. If there is no such tool at hand, it can be prepared at home: one drop of dishwashing liquid per liter of water, or make a usual soapy solution. It is also popular to wash windows and ammonia, adding it to the water in a proportion of 1:10, but there is no point in this, because the special means for washing windows at times better.

    It is not recommended to wash windows in sunny weather, because when sunlight hits the window the water dries quickly, and there will be stains on the glass. Therefore, windows are best washed in the evening, and so that there is no wind.

    It is recommended to remove the curtains before washing the windows, and also to remove all appliances and furniture that are at the window.   

    More detailed tips you can get from the video, which is published below.

    Washing process

    When everything is ready - we will tell about the process of washing PVC windows.

    One of the main mistakes of many is that they first wash the glass, and then the profile - it's wrong. First you should wash the profile( frame) well, and only then proceed to the glass itself.

    If there are a lot of dirt in the corners of the windows, then use brushes or brushes. A detergent is also used for washing the frame. First, the profile is washed from the outside, and then from the inside.

    On the process of washing windows you can clearly see from the video below.

    Moem with the help of rags

    For washing windows it is best to use special rags made of microfiber, they clean the windows well and qualitatively, leaving no villus and divorce.

    It does not matter where to apply the detergent: on a rag or on a profile / window. Apply a small amount of window cleaner and thoroughly wash the profile, then take a dry rag and wipe the washed areas dry. Then perform the same operation with the glasses.

    My window washer

    Washing windows with a window washer is easy, but you will still have to clean the profile with rags, if you want to achieve perfect cleanliness. Window-cleaning is an excellent solution for large windows, as well as for a loggia, and in cases where there is a blank part of the window. It also allows you to quickly wash the windows, which is very practical.

    To wash the window with a wash-stand it is necessary to use a special solution, you can dilute it in a bucket, and immediately apply to the glass. Thoroughly treat the surface of the glass with a sponge, and then remove the soap solution and stains with a rubber scraper. Movement scraper should be from side to side. We would like to draw your attention to the fact that thanks to the scraper, after you wash the windows there will be no divorce. By the way, a rubber scraper can also be used when washing with rags.

    Window cleaning is necessary 2 times a year: in the middle of spring, when the weather is hot outside and in the middle of autumn.

    That's it! We wish you success in putting things in order!