  • Glossitis in children: symptoms and treatment

    Lesions of the tongue mucosa( glossitis) are a common form of oral disease in children. Glossitis can be a consequence of trauma, the result of exposure to pathogens, a symptom of other diseases.

    The course of the disease can be acute, as well as chronic, when there is an alternation of the processes of exacerbation and remissions. Glossitis in children can often proceed unnoticed, without complaints from the child. In this case, the disease is detected by accident, when examining the oral cavity. Therefore, it is very important for parents to regularly examine the oral cavity of the child, since glossitis is a concomitant sign of any diseases that can be hidden, without a vivid symptomatic picture.

    Causes and appearance of glossitis in children

    Traumatic factor affecting the appearance of glossitis in children:

    • Mechanical injuries in which the mucous membrane of the tongue is damaged by sharp edges of teeth, seals, special plates and brackets that are used to correct the occlusion. Bad habits( gnawing pencils, pens, biting the tongue) can also cause mechanical damage to the mucous membrane of the tongue.
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    • Burns the oral cavity due to drinking too hot drinks, food.

    With desquamative glossitis, parents complain about the detection of various incomprehensible spots in children, which change their shape and position. These spots can disappear on their own and appear again. The child's language at the same time resembles a geographical map, hence the name - "geographical language", "migrating" glossitis. With desquamative glossitis, such desquamation zones are replaced by cornified epithelium, so the picture of the disease can change every day.

    As a rule, parents are usually concerned about the strange appearance of the language, only sometimes there are complaints from the child about the feeling of tingling and burning. Desquamative glossitis can cause diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, anemia, infectious diseases, endocrine disorders, allergies. Glistular invasion can also cause this form of glossitis in children.

    Disease glossitis can take a long time without causing any unpleasant sensations. The disease can disappear for an indefinite period, then suddenly appear again.

    Rhomboid glossitis, as a manifestation of mucosal inflammation of the tongue.

    It happens that when examining the oral cavity of a child, there is a diamond-shaped section located on the back of the tongue, in the back part.

    The site is characterized by the absence of threadlike papillae and bright pink coloration. There are complaints of roughness of the back of the tongue, burning sensation, pain in the development of the inflammatory process.

    The cause of the appearance of a diamond-shaped glossitis has not yet been identified, it is believed that this disease is congenital.

    Children also have acute catarrhal glossitis, in which the inflammation of the mucosa is caused by the penetration of a bacterial infection. In this case, the inflammatory process is usually localized on the back and sides of the tongue. The disease is characterized by the appearance of pain, which is observed during a meal, during a conversation.

    The tongue becomes red, swollen, and there are tooth marks on the lateral surfaces.

    On day 2-3 of the disease, the tongue becomes covered with plaque, increases in size. It also noted increased salivation, an increase in papillae, which are clearly visible against the background of the plaque covering the tongue.

    Glossalgia as a manifestation of glossitis

    The emergence of glossalgia in children and adolescents was also frequent. This condition is characterized by pain in the tongue against the background of the absence of any changes. Children complain of tingling, burning sensation. These unpleasant sensations can be permanent in nature or appear periodically. There is fatigue during a conversation.

    There are also complaints about a feeling of dryness in the mouth. This can be caused by excitement and manifested temporarily. A drunk glass of water usually helps to cope with this problem.

    Glossalgia can be a manifestation of various diseases: the system of the gastrointestinal tract, central nervous system, diabetes, diseases of the hematopoietic organs. Painful sensations can be accompanied by allergies to the seal, orthodontic materials. Glossitis, accompanied by pain, burning, often are the initial signs of iron deficiency anemia and vitamin B12 deficiency.

    Principles of treatment of glossitis

    Treatment of glossitis in children must necessarily be comprehensive, as prescribed by the doctor. If there are no painful feelings and complaints, then special treatment is not carried out.

    If there are certain complaints, then it is applied:

    • Oral sanitation. Used herbal medicinal herbs, solutions of antiseptics, special elixirs and rinses( broths of chamomile, sage, oak bark, elixir "Victoria").
    • 1% citral solution.
    • Application of anesthesin in an oil solution of vitamin E.
    • Rosehip oil, sea buckthorn, vitamin A oil solution and other keratoplastics.
    • Solcoseryl-dental paste.
    • Analgesics and stimulants of epithelization( dalargin).
    • Anti-inflammatory non-steroids( tartum verde).
    • Preparations that strengthen the wall of blood vessels( curantil, trental).
    • Antihistamines and antiallergic drugs( tavegil, suprastin).
    • Physiotherapy with analgesics( phonophoresis).
    • Vitaminotherapy.
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