  • Cesarean section

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    If there are serious complications that prevent natural delivery, there is a need for delivery by cesarean section. It is known since ancient times, and in Russia the first cesarean section with a favorable outcome for mother and child was made in 1756.At that time, in the absence of aseptic remedies, the cesarean section gave almost absolute maternal mortality and inspired women with horror. In the future( with the advent of the era of antiseptics and asepsis), the problem of cesarean section as an obstetric surgeries operation, the possibility of its application and improvement was given due coverage. Despite the fact that caesarean section is a major surgical intervention, today the danger of this operation is significantly reduced due to the high degree of development of surgical technique, anesthesiology and resuscitation methods, which is very important for mother and child.

    ( It is interesting that some authors refer to the phrase "caesarean section" with the name of Julius Caesar, who, according to legend, was extracted from the uterus by its cross section.) The researchers believe that the operation got its name from the oldest Roman laws, onefrom which it says that "the prescription to produce it in certain cases( on the deceased)" gave the doctors of that era permission for the operation. The writing of these laws is attributed to the Roman king Pompilius, therefore, it is probably more correct to call the operation not Caesar's, and the king

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    Other authors believe that the name of the operation "Caesarean section" has nothing to do with the word "Caesar", but rather it comes from two Latin words "sectio caesarea", meaning( tautology): secare "to cut,and caedere is "cut." But in any case, the term "cesarean section" should be understood as a surgical resolution.)

    Caesarean section is a surgical intervention in a woman's body when the abdominal wall is cut, then the uterus and through the openingextract the fruit andlatsentu with ruptured membranes. The operation is usually performed under general anesthesia. Cesarean section is done quite often for various reasons:

    - if natural births are impossible, which is related to the size of the woman's and fetus's pelvis, incorrect position of the fetus, an obstacle in the way of the child( for example, fibromiomas);

    - if necessary, urgently terminate labor to save the lives of a mother or child who may be at risk due to bleeding or other unexpected complications( central placenta previa, placental abruption);

    - with forced termination of pregnancy before the term, if its continuation is dangerous for the child or the mother( with diabetes mellitus, negative Rh factor of the mother's blood).In some cases, the cesarean section is planned in the planned manner already at the end of pregnancy, and sometimes its need arises during childbirth.

    Elimination of the consequences of caesarean section is not difficult. The stay of the woman in the maternity hospital after the operation is increased by only 2 days compared to the usual birth. On the 7-8th day, the mother and child are discharged home. Cesarean section does not interfere with feeding the baby with breast milk within 12 hours( not later) after the operation. Aesthetic damage is also minimal, as it is currently possible to make a horizontal incision in the lower abdomen above the pubis, the scar then hide the pubic hair.

    There is a misconception that after cesarean delivery the following births are possible only with the help of a similar operation. This is only partly true. In the event that the surgery was caused by an accident( bleeding or gestosis - toxicosis of the second half of pregnancy), the next pregnancy can occur naturally. But if the need for a cesarean section was caused by the presence of a narrow pelvis in the woman, then next time you will have to resort to surgery.

    A few words about the psychological consequences of caesarean section. If you have had a caesarean section, you will not necessarily feel worse than the women who gave birth in the usual way. I saw vigorous and active young mothers on the second day after the operation of cesarean section, but also saw women, exhausted by long natural births. However, the main thing is that you became a mother and nothing should overshadow your uneasy happiness.

    These are the experiences shared by one of my patients: "The first pregnancy I had without complications, almost perfect. But at birth the cervix did not open, I had to do a caesarean section. The terrible thing happened, because the child is fine, he is already 4 years old. I understand everything perfectly, but the feeling of fear does not leave me until now. Now I'm pregnant for the second time and I'm afraid of Caesarean section. For me, childbirth is a process that must necessarily be lived through. Will I not be able to do what other women do: to give birth to my own child? "

    In this regard, I want to give some advice.

    Do not be afraid of caesarean section. The whole pregnancy enjoy your round tummy, iron it, talk with your baby, read fairy tales to him, sing songs. Think of the little creature that must be born to you, love it. After all, positive emotions are so necessary for you and the baby!

    Do not worry about the birth itself, adjust yourself on the first day after giving birth. Think about the child that you will be born. Imagine how you first attach it to your chest, transplant, kiss, how happy you will be. Do this every day, without missing.

    And finally, in the maternity hospital. Before the operation, you fall asleep, and when you wake up after anesthesia, your beloved little one will already lie in the crib next to you.

    I think that now you will not find that nature undeservedly offended you, refusing in 12 hours of painful contractions and attempts. In addition, the child is not tired and is not traumatized by passing through the birth canal. However, you will receive a very important lesson, the results of which can be useful to any novice mother. Remember:

    - you, like any other woman, are not omnipotent, many things happen in the world, regardless of your desires, and there is nothing to worry about;

    - you are not perfect and can not do everything best, no matter how much you want it;

    - you, in spite of all the circumstances that have arisen, got exactly the one whom you so wanted - your baby. So, you still managed to win from Mother Nature, although she is stronger than you. You became a mother!