
Laser treatment of caries: the advantages and disadvantages of the innovative technique

  • Laser treatment of caries: the advantages and disadvantages of the innovative technique

    Oh, this terrible drill! According to statistics, many people, regardless of age, refuse to attend the dental office because of unwillingness to "meet" with this apparatus. Today, thanks to the introduction of modern technologies, the newest methods of treating dental pathologies are used. The most popular technique is the treatment of caries with a laser.

    The manifestation of the pathology

    Caries is one of the most common diseases. Pathology manifests itself in the form of a defect in dental hard tissues. The initial caries is characterized by the appearance of spots of brown or white color. From contact with sour, sweet, hot or cold food, there is a painful syndrome.

    The type of dental care depends on the form of the disease and to what stage it has progressed. Treatment at the initial stage is to stop inflammation, which helps to eliminate further destruction of dental tissues.

    Timely appeal to a qualified dentist to avoid carious growth. This means that the chances of saving the tooth are very high.

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    Features of treatment

    Anti-caries therapy should begin immediately after the detection of the disease. This is necessary because the damaged tooth is a "nest" of a dangerous infection, the risk of spreading to the entire body is very high.

    If the pathology is not cured in time, it can be transformed into periodontitis. No less dangerous complication is pulpitis.

    The purpose of treatment of caries without "Bormann's machine" is to stop the initial and superficial forms of the disease, eliminate harmful microorganisms and strengthen hard dental tissues. Also thanks to innovative methods of treatment there is a chance to keep healthy tissues.

    The most common therapeutic methods include:

    1. Ozone therapy.
    2. Treatment of caries by laser.

    Painless therapy

    Laser treatment of caries involves selective irradiation. At the end of the procedure, a person's condition changes for the better.

    Such specific carious signs disappear as:

    1. hypersensitivity in the area of ​​the tooth transfer to the gum;
    2. hypersensitivity to tooth enamel;
    3. demineralization of dental hard tissue.

    How the procedure is performed

    Laser treatment of caries involves the exploitation of a specific tip of state-of-the-art equipment. It does not come in contact with the damaged tooth, so a high level of sterility is provided during this delicate manipulation.

    The doctor begins to treat the caries with a laser, putting on the client special glasses with tinted glasses. The laser beam acts in such a way that the healthy areas of the tooth are unaffected.

    This technique assumes that altered dental tissues evaporate, and pathogenic microorganisms are destroyed.

    Advantages of

    The main advantage of treating the caries with a laser is a careful treatment of tooth enamel: microcracks do not appear after the procedure.

    The rest of the advantages of laser therapy include:

    1. The absence of a provoking painful syndrome of vibration, which accompanies the treatment of the tooth by means of the "Bormann machine".
    2. Painless procedure, so the need for anesthesia is eliminated.
    3. Absence of psychological discomfort, arising during noise and vibration in the case of drill treatment.
    4. You can treat tooth decay with dentofobam, children and young ladies, who bear fruit.
    5. Treatment involves a minimum of time consumed.
    6. Prevention of recurrence( due to the fact that the carious cavity is completely sterilized).

    Disadvantages of

    There are some disadvantages to the procedure. It should be noted:

    1. The undemocratic cost of the procedure( this is due to the fact that the equipment is quite expensive).
    2. This manipulation is complex and extremely delicate.
    3. The procedure assumes only the removal of the enamel affected by caries, while for the treatment of cavities located more deeply, a different approach is assumed.
    4. Due to the strong overheating of hard dental tissues, the risk of loss of a seal is steadily increasing.
    5. There is no clear evidence that the laser does not have a negative effect on the human body.

    In many clinics with the help of the laser, not only treatment is carried out, but also diagnostics of dental pathologies.

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