
Bottle caries: provoking factors and the main methods of treating the scourge

  • Bottle caries: provoking factors and the main methods of treating the scourge

    According to young mothers and dads, small children under the age of one year are not at risk of developing caries. But this is not so. Many babies often develop a bottle caries, affecting the front four teeth. They are covered with a specific touch of brown hue, and then destroyed.

    And here is the bottle?

    Modern dentists believe that bottle caries affects very young children up to two years. As soon as you do not call this disease! And circular, and nursery, and even kefir. Each of these names reflects both the ways and age of children at risk, and the causes of bottle caries.

    Why attacks the disease

    Often the formation of this unpleasant and dangerous pathology is caused by disgusting hygiene of the oral cavity of the baby, as well as malnutrition.

    Young mothers somehow think that the care of the baby's teeth should be started only after the last tooth has been erupted. But brushing your teeth should be done from the moment the first tooth is formed. To help in this delicate matter comes a gentle brush-fingertip.

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    Among the causes of bottle caries it is necessary to note the wrong diet of the child. Moms prefer to feed the baby from a bottle filled with cereal, mixtures, juices and compote. In this regard, carbohydrates remain on the baby's teeth, provoking active multiplication of harmful bacteria. This contributes to the rapid development of the carious process.

    Another cause of bottle caries is the abuse of the nipples. A child eating from a bottle should not keep a pacifier in his mouth for a long time.

    Clinical picture of

    This kind of carious process attacks four or six upper milk teeth. Rotting in the cervical area of ​​the actual tooth is localized. The bottle caries develops as follows:

    1. The enamel in the focus zone becomes loose and porous.
    2. Malicious bacteria quickly penetrate into the enamel and secrete acids, which contributes to its destruction.
    3. There are "birth" spots of a brownish hue.
    4. In those areas where enamel is not present, a specific raid accumulates that accompanies the progression of the pathological process.

    Detect the enemy

    A qualified dentist can easily diagnose bottle caries. Preliminary diagnosis can also be made by the parents themselves, since the specific plaque formed on the front teeth is visible to the naked eye.

    It should be borne in mind that the carious process in babies progresses with lightning speed, and the affected teeth can collapse within a week or two.

    Diagnostics should be carried out once a year. The dentist will assess the condition of the teeth and suggest a strategy for treatment and care.

    Doctor's help

    "How to treat caries in very young children, if they, by virtue of their age, simply do not allow it?" - it is justifiably surprised young moms. The answer is unambiguous: due to the restlessness of young patients, and also to avoid stress, the treatment of bottle caries is carried out under general anesthesia.

    Remineralizing therapy

    Thanks to this modern method of treatment, the mineral composition of the demineralized zones is replenished. Unfortunately, the therapy is not devoid of shortcomings: the structure of the enamel is not restored, and the actual site continues to be vulnerable to the progression of the carious process.

    Stabilization of the process contributes to the hygiene requirements and a radical revision of the diet.


    The treatment of bottle caries involves the use of many modern methods. One of them is the sealing of the affected area.

    The doctor uses a high-quality and safe sealant, which penetrates into the very depth of the affected enamel, strengthens it from the inside and stops the development of relapse.

    Radical approach

    And how to treat a pathology in case of destruction of enamel and exposure of dentin? Unfortunately, without liquidation of infected tissues here is indispensable. The cavity formed after removal, the dentist disinfects and fills with filling material.

    If the tooth is severely damaged, the dentist decides on crown replacement.

    Why you need to treat

    Many are perplexed about the urgency of the treatment of bottle caries, because it is believed that the milk teeth and soon fall out. So why torture a child?. ..

    Treatment of infant teeth should be carried out without fail, as tooth decay is a dangerous infectious process. Otherwise, the infection will strike permanent teeth already at the time of their eruption.

    If the disease is not treated, then such dangerous complications as periodontitis or pulpitis may occur.

    The danger lies in the fact that, spreading through the root canal of the tooth and reaching the bone tissue, the infection contributes to the formation of a circumcural cyst.

    Smoking development at the root

    If the child is at risk, the parents are obliged to take care of the development of the carious process in a timely manner. It is necessary to strictly follow certain preventive recommendations:

    • compliance with oral hygiene( teeth should be cleaned two to three times a day);
    • rubbing the child's teeth after each meal( for this procedure you can use dental xylitol wipes or gauze soaked with chamomile broth);
    • inclusion in the diet of the child of solid foods( carrots, ogric, apples, and fresh parsley);
    • use of remineralizing preparations at home;
    • care of the nipple( without the need to better not use it).

    It is important to remember that licking the nipple and baby teaspoon should not be. Otherwise, together with saliva, the child can be transferred to the bacterial flora, which carries a danger to the fragile organism. After teething in the child's first tooth, you need to seek advice from a pediatric dentist.

    Often the carious process is formed not only because of non-compliance with hygiene requirements, but also due to improper cleaning of teeth. Experienced children's dentist will tell you what brush to choose, and how to clean your children's teeth.

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