
Candidiasis in children: why there is an attack and how to deal with it

  • Candidiasis in children: why there is an attack and how to deal with it

    Kididosis stomatitis in children is similar to thrush. When you look at the eyes appear appearing on the tongue, tonsils and internal walls of the cheeks a touch of whitish shade. Reproduction of Candida fungi, contributing to the destruction of the internal ecosystem of the body, causes a lot of suffering to a person.

    Risk factors and transmission routes of infection

    In most cases, candidal stomatitis in children develops "through the fault" of the parent, who did not get rid of urogenital thrush in time. In children under the age of one year, the disease can develop due to the fact that parents "treat" them with pacifiers, and in younger preschool children - in view of their propensity to lick toys.

    The following provoking factors should also be highlighted:

    1. Weakened immunity.
    2. "Stinging" the baby with sugar-containing mixtures.
    3. Artificial feeding.
    4. Abuse of antibiotics.
    5. Neoplasms of a malignant nature.
    6. Pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract.
    7. Multiple caries.
    8. Poor oral hygiene.
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    What you need to pay attention to

    Given that candidal stomatitis in children can be determined visually, the diagnosis of the disease is not difficult. The onset of pathology can be asymptomatic.

    Further there are such signs, as:

    • appearance of cheesy plaque white on the mucosa;
    • the presence of a specific sourish "flavor" from the mouth of the child;
    • increase in temperature( relevant for moderate to moderate forms of the disease);
    • spread of the plaque on the tonsils, tongue and throat;
    • loss of appetite;
    • appearance of burning and itching in the mucosa;
    • tear and irritability;
    • poor day and night sleep;

    Types of pathology

    Candidiasis is acute( infants) and chronic( older children).For the chronic form of the disease is characterized by the appearance of swelling of the mucosa and the presence of a specific touch of light brown hue. A child may complain of discomfort and dry mouth after eating.

    Complications of

    Treatment of complications of this pathology is quite difficult. In view of the fact that the infection can "travel" along the body of a child along with the current of lymph and blood, the patient often develops thrush of internal organs.

    Stop the disease

    Treatment of candidal stomatitis in children involves the elimination of the cause that caused its occurrence. The purpose of treatment is the destruction of microbes and bacteria, the penetration into the body of which accompanies the formation of caries.

    Boric acid solution

    A qualitative preparation must be purchased for the treatment of the oral cavity. The procedure should be carried out at least six times during the day. The gums and cheeks must be carefully treated.

    Help kids

    Treatment of candidal stomatitis in children very small should be gentle. If the disease is mild, doctors advise the use of Candida, an external antifungal drug.

    Candida in stomatitis in children contributes to the destruction of pathogens and reduces the spread of infection. Apply the drug with light movements. If you get into sores, it can provoke a feeling of slight burning.

    The use of candidiasis for stomatitis in children of one-year-old age and older is recommended by leading modern medics, since the drug is completely safe.

    Help to the frightened children

    Treatment of candidal stomatitis in older children involves the use of "Divlyukan".Dosage is appointed by the attending physician. This takes into account the age of the patient and the form of the disease.

    Given that the older children pathology develops against the background of dental caries, after treatment it is important to sanitize the oral cavity.

    Preventive measures

    In order to prevent the occurrence of this unpleasant disease, it is important to observe oral hygiene, to treat opportunistic diseases in a timely manner and to eat correctly.

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