
What is the sign of 2016 - under what sign will 2016 be held

  • What is the sign of 2016 - under what sign will 2016 be held

    The new year 2016 is coming. Each person with the coming of the new year hopes for the best changes in his life. Someone is waiting for changes in their personal lives, someone is improving their financial situation. Yes, there are few questions on which I would like to find an answer. There are people who do not think about it at all, but there probably are not many. There is even such a category of people who visit all sorts of fortune tellers and fortune tellers. But to some extent all people trust horoscopes and like to look at it from time to time. Someone is serious about predictions, someone with disdain, and someone is just wondering which sign of 2016 will accompany us.

    On the eastern( Chinese) calendar, each year passes under the sign of an animal. According to astrologers, the events occurring on the earth depend on the habits of this animal. So let's still figure out which sign of the animal on the horoscope in 2016 will bring its changes in our lives.

    Monkey differs mind and ingenuity
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    The coming 2016 will pass under the sign of the Fiery Red Monkey. To find out what the year will be under the auspices of this animal, one must understand its habits. The monkey contains the counteraction of the elements. She differs intelligence and intelligence, can not stand a lie, loves justice.

    What is the nature of the

    ? Changes in the personal life are possible.

    The Year of the Monkey promises to give all the signs of the zodiac an opportunity to achieve its goal in life and overcome everyday problems, but only through hard work. In 2016, the energy of the Fiery Monkey will help you succeed in business. Hosting in the new year, she will reward her people with hard working qualities to achieve success. The coming year will bring change both in personal life and in deeds. A lot of surprises are expected - both pleasant and not so. Anyone who does not like change will experience difficulties. After all, this animal has active habits, it is in continuous motion and loves a change of environment.

    Please note! At the beginning of the year, you should not worry about failures. It is required not to whine, and with new forces to get down to business - to despond there is no time.

    Monkey will help people who are striving to achieve success.2016 will depend not on accidental luck that has fallen on your head, but on hard work. Count only on yourself, not at random. Do not conflict with friends and relatives. Adhere to good relationships with friends at work and in business. A monkey is a provocateur, so there will be many conflicts for no apparent reason. Do not forget about it and do not get fooled into provocation. The year of the Monkey will begin on February 8, and will end on January 27 of the next year 2017.

    Monkeys are good businessmen

    A man born in the year of the Monkey can become famous and famous, become a successful businessman. It does not matter what kind of activity the Monkey manifests itself, most importantly, do not be lazy. Representatives of Monkeys have the gift to quickly assess the risk of a financial situation. They quickly find the right solutions, delve into any details of the question and find the right solution. Monkey is an excellent organizer and always happy with her work, which she picked up for achieving quick results. To people of this sign of the zodiac, love intrigues are inherent and with them it is hard in a life. It is not easy to have a transparent relationship for a long time. But tired of the stormy relationship, she will be a faithful partner.

    Predictions of astrologers say that the year will be fun and easy. The mistress of the year will learn to rejoice at any moment of life, without thinking about the future. But do not relax. An increase in the level of diseases and injuries is expected. This year will untie the hands of many scammers, so do not trust your finances to strangers. Do not take risks in quick earnings, you can lose a lot.