
How to decorate the office for the New Year 2013 - Office decoration for the New Year

  • How to decorate the office for the New Year 2013 - Office decoration for the New Year

    It seems that everything is ready for the New Year: the Christmas tree is decorated, the garlands are hung up, the streets are full of New Year's tinsel, multicolored lights are shimmering everywhere, and only the office remains gray and dull. We must also decorate it, so that the New Year's mood is felt in everyday work. But even to the office, at last, we got our hands. How to properly decorate the office? Where to start and what to finish?

    Pre-holiday cleaning

    Holiday cleaning

    To begin, perhaps, it costs with clearing office blockages. In this you will help the cleaner, but if she is not, then all have to do with their own handles. Do not spare yourself, cleaning should be general, you want to celebrate the New Year so that then for a long time there are warm memories, to paraphrase a well-known saying: "How to prepare for the New Year, so you can handle it."It is necessary not only to clean the dust from distant corners and disassemble in office cabinets, it is necessary to pay attention to your workplace and put things in order there: shake out unnecessary pieces of paper from the desk drawers, maybe even wrappers from chocolate bars, crumbs and broken office supplies. View the desktop of your computer. Are there many unnecessary labels? What, they do not even see the background picture? Then, delete the files. Let it be better to have a New Year picture on your computer desktop.

    instagram viewer

    We decorate the office space

    So, the cleaning is completed, now is the time to prepare the office for the New Year. How to decorate the office for New Year 2013?Much depends on the budget allocated for the decoration of the office. Generally speaking, all preparations for the New Year can begin and end with the search for a professional designer who, for a fee, will do everything for you. But in the New Year somehow you do not want to lose money, because these same money could be in the quality of premium to get into your pocket. So it makes sense to decorate the office by yourself, especially since it's not so difficult and even nice - to spend time with colleagues in an informal setting.

    The most basic rule, which should not be abandoned in any way - is strictness, diversity is appropriate only in some store, you are working in a serious firm, let customers feel it. Best of all, if the firm has its own logo and its corporate colors, then it will be possible to decorate the office in a businesslike way. For example, to withstand all the decorations in one color scheme, using a maximum of three colors. The colors of the upcoming 2013 are black, white, dark blue, blue, green, yellow and gold.

    There must be a symbol of the coming year in the office, in this case Snake. An animal-patron brings good luck and happiness in the New Year.

    Office herringbone

    Specificity of the kind of activity of your office can play into your hands, and the New Year is an occasion for additional advertising. Why not use a Christmas tree for this purpose? Especially for her, you can order balls with a logo, or you can, if it's appropriate to look, decorate the company's products. For example, if a company specializes in making business cards, then hang these colored cards on the Christmas tree. And in general, you can make stylish Christmas decorations from office supplies. For example, make a garland of colored paper for a printer or Christmas decorations from colored paper clips

    Where to put a forest beauty? To solve this issue, you need to consider the availability of free space in the office. If there is a lot of it, fine, if space is rather limited, then check if the tree does not interfere with opening and closing the doors and cupboards. In short, do not put the tree on the aisle. In case of lack of space, set the Christmas tree. A traditional place for a Christmas tree near the reception or closer to the entrance. If there is a hall in the office, place a Christmas tree there. New Year's composition will attract the attention of customers and raise their spirits. In case of lack of space on the floor, you can install a small Christmas tree on the table. It can be not only natural or artificial, but also made, for example, from colored paper. Recently, the hi-tech hairs are popular. In the extreme case, if the tree has absolutely no place to put, its role will be performed by office plants in pots

    It is better if the tree is artificial: firstly, it does not crumble; secondly, it can be used for several years and, thirdly, itlooks more respectable than a spruce live. At the tips of fir-trees for picturesqueness you can put artificial snow.

    So, a brief instruction for decorating the office will look like this:

    • to conduct a spring cleaning;
    • decorate the office with tinsel and balls, preferably using corporate colors and company logo, trying to withstand the design in one style;
    • put a Christmas tree next to the entrance, if possible decorating it with company products or creative hand-made articles from office supplies.

    That's it, the room has changed. Do you already feel the festive mood in the soul? If yes, then good. Do not forget to return the office to its office after the holidays.