
Dishes for the New Year 2015 Goats - what to cook for the New Year 2015

  • Dishes for the New Year 2015 Goats - what to cook for the New Year 2015

    The closer the cherished date of the New Year, the more often we start to think about the festive menu. Judging by the Chinese calendar, the coming 2015 will march under the symbol of the Green Wooden Goat. They say that a friendly, but slightly capricious goat, you need to please New Year's Eve with a variety of delicious dishes so that luck accompanies throughout the year. Therefore, try to cover the festive table so that it bursts with tasty treats.

    While making the festive menu, take into account the main recommendations of the eastern horoscope, which say that dishes for the New Year 2015 - the year Goats should be abundant in greens, vegetables, fruits and roots( carrots, potatoes, beets), that is, dishes that are in naturegoats are happy to use. To treat guests tinned raznosolami on New Year's Eve is extremely not desirable. Indulge better good-natured goat with fresh products.

    Please note! As the tree element corresponds to the coming year, serve beautifully laid fruit and salads, decorated with parsley, dill, basil or other available herbs, preferably in wooden utensils. In addition, on the New Year's table, the availability of various wooden supports or napkin rings is welcome, as it certainly will suit a wayward Kose. Take care and that New Year's napkins and a tablecloth have been sewn from natural fabrics( a clap, a flax).
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    New Year snacks

    The first dishes of the festive table are, of course, a variety of snacks - from vegetable, meat or fish cuts to sandwiches. But for the solemn meeting of the New Year, you can think of something more unusual. We suggest adding a couple of recipes to your culinary treasury:

    Stuffed apples

    "Stuffed apples". Treat Goat with an original snack in the form of apples stuffed with poultry meat. For its preparation, take five well-washed green apples, preferably large ones. Cut off the top( cover) from them and carefully remove the middle with a knife. Chop the pulp. Then, with two tablespoons of lemon juice, sprinkle the crushed pulp and apples from the inside so that they do not darken from oxidation. Cut finely 200 grams of poultry meat, one onion and fry everything in vegetable oil until almost ready. Then add the crushed pieces of apples and 50 ml of cognac. Add the salt with pepper to taste and stew the stuffing for about two to three minutes. Finished stuffing stuffed previously prepared apples, cover them with cut tops, put them on a baking tray. Bake in the oven for fifteen minutes at 180 ° C.Serve on the table in a refrigerated state. Eggplant rolls

    Eggplant rolls with cheese stuffing. Wash a couple of small eggplants. Remove from them the pedicels and cut into thin plates about two millimeters thick. Put the resulting plates in a bowl, sprinkle a little salt and leave in this form for about ten minutes. Over the specified time the aubergines will release bitter juice. After ten minutes, pour half a cup of water into the bowl to rinse the plates to get rid of bitterness and excess salt. Drain the water, press the plates lightly. In a bowl with aubergines pour a little refined vegetable oil( slightly more than two tablespoons).Fry eggplant plates on both sides without oil on a preheated frying pan and then cool them under the lid or under a plastic bag to make them soft. While the eggplants are cooling, grate 50 grams of hard cheese and a hard-boiled egg on a fine grater, season with two spoonfuls of mayonnaise and chopped three cloves of garlic. Stir the mixture thoroughly, then portionwise( one teaspoonful), put it on the plates. Plate the plates carefully and roll them onto a dish, decorating with parsley and tomatoes.


    Fresh vegetable salads

    The best option for the "green menu" on the festive table are salads made from fresh vegetables. A variety of tasty and beautifully decorated salads will allow you, along with guests, to receive gastronomic pleasure on New Year's Eve, and without gaining extra calories, which, in addition to the negative effect on health, still make the figures imperfect. So, we offer to prepare salads for the New Year's table:

    Cabbage salad

    For the next year Goats, prepare a simple and unpretentious salad of white cabbage under the merry name "Goat in the garden" seasoned with soy sauce, olive oil and for spicy crisps orcrackers.

    Greek salad

    All the favorite "Greek salad" .Slice a couple of ripe tomatoes, cucumber, bell pepper, 100 grams of brynza, half a bulb. Then add the crushed garlic clove, 50 grams of olives and two tablespoons of olive oil. Salad stir, put in a dish, decorate with greens.

    Salad under the fur coat

    Despite the passionate desire to preserve the figure, traditional salads "Olivier" and "Herring under the fur coat" must be on the New Year's table. They will definitely like the goat!

    Hot dishes

    Chicken in the oven

    As a hot for the New Year's celebration, an oven-baked turkey, a duck with apples or a ruddy chicken with an appetizingly crispy crust is perfect. You can also cook rabbit meat in sour cream or stuffed fish. The choice of dishes is great enough, so choose recipes according to your own taste.


    Prepare juice or compote
    Please note! Gourmet Goat prefers only quality drinks.

    Treat the goat with clean fresh water( preferably spring water), some useful and tasty berry juice, a banana-coffee cocktail or freshly squeezed orange juice. As you can see the variety of soft drinks is quite large.

    For those who prefer to have fun, tasting homemade liqueurs, we offer a recipe for making a drink. Take one kilogram of any peeled fruit( berries) and two hundred grams of granulated sugar. In a cleanly washed jar lay layers of fruit and sugar, then pour vodka. Fruits should be completely covered with vodka. Cover the jar with a lid and put it in a dark place. In two weeks, strain. In the end, you'll get a nice low-alcohol drink.