
Scenario New Year 2014 with friends - scenarios for friends for a year Horses

  • Scenario New Year 2014 with friends - scenarios for friends for a year Horses

    In this article you will find the answer to the question: "How to organize a cheerful New Year's holiday and surprise the guests when the company is supposed to be small - 3-4 people?"

    Let's say that my mother called for New Year's Eve, and maybe you and her husband and childdecided to celebrate the New Year at home, not inviting anyone. In such cases, the question arises: "What else to do, when all the goodies are eaten and the news is told."It's terribly corny and boring to press the TV button and jointly watch TV, video products or bury oneself in the computer. Try at least once to abandon this scenario and implement the following tips.

    Listen to the advice of

    Musical quiz
    • Take on the role of presenter. Evening will play in very different colors!
    • At the table, conduct a musical quiz. This kind of entertainment will not require any physical activity or physical effort from the guests, all can stay in their places. The only thing that will lead the host will be to prepare the music collection on a given topic in advance and then include the compositions in order in the order. The themes for the quiz can be different: guess by the musical composition of the film or cartoon, group or artist. A trivial disco of the 80's or 90's, which many of us often have, will do. One and the same collection can then be used more than once for other companies. It will not be superfluous to give the winner a small incentive prize, surprises like everything.
      instagram viewer
    • It's always good to have compilations with riddles at hand. For an adult company puzzles with a trick are perfect. Create a folder where you put any interesting puzzles and puzzles from magazines, newspapers, the Internet. In a festive family circle such a daddy will be very welcome. Discover and make the most interesting.
    • If everything is not yet configured for mobile entertainment, then include in the New Year's 2014 scenario with friends such a game. In advance, make a "Magic Box", where you put various small items. Guests in turn will look for the desired item by touch. To make the Magic Box, you will need a conventional shoe box, from above, a round hole is cut enough to pass the brush. To give a festive look, decorate the surface of the box with figures of colored paper, foil. Here fantasy is not limited. It is possible to glue a sleeve from an old jacket to the opening, then it will be even more interesting to climb into the hole. Put pamphlets with riddles, anecdotes and jokes in various subjects, for example, in a matchbox, container from kinder-surprise, candy. All this is hidden inside the box and ask everyone to take them in turns. Such fun will amuse both children and adults.
    Chocolate Fondue 2014
    • Plan to prepare and taste with the guests an uncomplicated dessert, for example, chocolate fondue. To do this, buy a few chocolates, fruits, marshmallows, cookies. Of fruits, they perfectly match with chocolate mandarins, kiwi, bananas, strawberries, apples. If you do not have a special fondue kit, this is not a problem. It can also be made from improvised household materials. Place the lattice on the table from the microwave oven, and on it a small metal( only not an aluminum!) Or glass pan. Under the grate, place a small candle to melt the chocolate and keep the fondue in a warm, non-caking condition. As a skewer, use a normal plug or Chinese sticks. By the way, fondue is perfectly suited to own cooked mulled wine or grog. To prepare mulled wine separately heat red dry wine to 70 degrees, add a set of spices for mulled wine, slices of lemon, apple, orange and give a little insisting on this wonderful drink. Pour over the glasses and enjoy the magic combination of chocolate, fruit and warming aromatic wine. If you have a little rum in stock, then it is perfect for making a tasty grog. Brew strong black tea, add sugar and pour in a little rum. Add the lemon to taste. Light the candles in the house, turn on the pleasant music, and the stunning atmosphere of the evening will remain in your memory for a long time.
    Board Games 2014
    • One or two board games can be a good continuation of the evening. Today, stores offer a lot of great board games for any age. For example, play a popular game at the association "Dixit", which is fascinating, both for children and adults. And it's not a fact that adults will beat children!
    • If someone is playing a musical instrument from the audience, arrange a song change for the sound of live music, for example: pianos, guitars, bayans. It is best to sing by the end of the holiday, when everyone will already feel relaxed and at ease. Well, in this case all the beloved and well-known folk songs are sung, like "Oh, frost, frost!", "I'll go out into the field with a horse", "Oh, it's not evening, it's not evening."This option is especially suitable for the older generation. The most active performer must hand a small prize.
    Songs for guitar
    • For those who have the opportunity to spend more time preparing for the holiday and communicating with the computer on "you", this idea may be interesting. In advance, make a small cut from video files or a slide show of digital photos by the type of the program "Yourself the director".Work a little with your family archive. For this purpose, such computer programs for video editing as: Windows Movie Maker, VirtualDub, Pinnacle Studio, Adobe Premier Pro, Sony Vegas Pro are well suited. Think of a funny topic for a photo, video series, for example: "Charming Madame", "Our Adventures."Add a sound track, funny labels and visual effects. Viewing your masterpiece is guaranteed to be "a hurray", and your comments to it will be an occasion to recall the wonderful moments from the life of those present.
    • Pay a little attention to the entourage of the holiday. It's always good to have candles, inflatable balls, pneumatic crackers, Bengal lights, glowing garlands, comic letters, as well as small incentive prizes for contests. It seems to be - little things, but such things can instantly make the atmosphere of a regular holiday apartment.
    Festive entourage
    • If you are celebrating at a dacha or nature, be sure to launch a flying Chinese lantern in the evening sky, but do not forget about fireworks either. Simple, cheap, beautiful and unforgettable. The more of them, the more beautiful.

    In general, go for it! Life is short, so let's live it more fun!