
A gift to my mother for the New Year 2014 - what to give my mother for the New Year 2014

  • A gift to my mother for the New Year 2014 - what to give my mother for the New Year 2014

    We start making Christmas presents long before the holiday: I want to make a surprise to every loved one! And, of course, it is especially necessary to please mother that she felt - no matter how old it was - we, as a child, appreciate her smile, her affectionate word. But sometimes we get lost: what to give? We will try to help you to choose a PC for your mother for the New Year 2014, taking into account her possible interests.

    What does your mom love?

    Mom's interests

    Our question may seem naive to you, in fact, not all adult children know the answer to it. Many people think that my mother, especially if she is old, has no interests, except for household chores. From year to year for all the holidays, she is given useful things for the house. In this there is nothing wrong, and my mother, of course, is grateful to her children. And only a few sons and daughters understand that the mother, despite her advanced years, can remain young in her soul. Therefore, do not rush to buy her a new plaid or dishes as a gift: think carefully, what else could make her happy. And for this, determine the range of her interests, unrelated to life. She read a lot? Is it embroidered? Knits? Interested in history? Art? He likes beautiful things, always notices some good spirits on someone? Not indifferent to the works of jewelry masters?

    instagram viewer

    We hope that we have already given you a clue as to which direction to look for a gift. The needlewomen will be pleased with new sets for embroidery, beautiful threads for knitting. The book is a wonderful present for a woman who is fond of literature. By the way, if your mother belongs to the latter and she does not yet have an e-book, then the New Year will be an excellent occasion to fix it. An art lover will have a way of working as artists. Elite perfume will create your mother a good mood every day in the new year, and jewelry jewelry is twice as expensive - it's a gift from children! And, of course, if your mother is active, sociable, interested in the world, she can make a surprise by buying a ticket: let the New Year begin with a proper rest.

    If the money for a gift is limited?

    If there is not enough money

    Opportunities are different for everyone. And those children, whose means do not allow making a gift to my mother for the New Year of 2014 expensive, do not be upset, and even more so, do not give up the idea to give her something in honor of the holiday. Do not forget: the most important thing for mom is the attention of children!

    What can you think of for a small amount? A small souvenir in the form of a horse - a symbol of the coming year, a horseshoe for luck. It is not necessary to give mother jewelry - the original jewelry also goes very well to some outfits. There is no money for big things, you can pick up a beautiful scarf. You can not buy a bag made of genuine leather - take a comfortable one from an artificial one;find some interesting accessories: a cheholchik for a phone, a housekeeper, a purse, a clutch. We will not say that the reproduction will completely replace the artist's canvas, but we admit that it can look very good in the room. It's hard to organize a trip to your mother - buy her tickets for a theater, a museum, an exhibition: women living exclusively spiritual values, such a gift will be much more expensive than a material one.

    And if you make a gift yourself

    Christmas tree of sweets

    Great option! Moms are always very proud of their children's talents: bind, sew, embroider, blush, decorate - whatever you do with your own hands, Mom will appreciate it very much! Perhaps you have a poetic gift or you write music: write something for your mother! Devote your poem to it or the melody you wrote. Or maybe you know how to draw or make crafts in some original technique? Does it seem to her too modest a gift? Never! This will be the most expensive New Year's surprise, the most memorable gift.

    Certificates as a gift - is this option possible?

    Gift Certificate

    To give my mother money for the New Year, probably, is not very beautiful. In addition, very responsible mothers do their best to not take money from their sons and daughters even on the occasion of holidays or significant dates. And even if children manage to give them a solemn envelope in a solemn atmosphere, they will find a thousand ways to get them back this money - often twice or three times. Therefore, certificates are very convenient: you can choose the type of goods or services that will be very useful for it.

    For example, do you want your mother to always remain an interesting woman? Why not give her certificates for beauty salon services - perhaps, to herself, she will not allow such luxury as spa treatments, massages, cosmetologist or make-up artist services. Does your mother have beautiful underwear? You are uncomfortable to ask and you do not know what exactly will suit her? Give certificates of the corresponding store with good goods - then she will definitely buy herself what she needs!

    Whatever you end up with, remember: a gift should be from the heart! Love your moms, try to please them with your deeds, help, attention signs not only on New Year's Eve, but all three hundred and sixty-five days a year!