
How fun to celebrate New Year 2015 - Happy New Year holiday

  • How fun to celebrate New Year 2015 - Happy New Year holiday

    On how to celebrate the New Year 2015 cheerfully, most of our compatriots reflect long before the Year of the Emerald Goat( Sheep) approaches. After all, this holiday is not just summing up the results of the outgoing year, developing plans for the next year, but also a bright joyful unforgettable action that allows you to forget about all the bad and unsettling things that happened last year, and at the same time make a program of the next twelve months, set for positive. A cheerful, fervent meeting of the Year of the Emerald Goat in the circle of relatives and close friends will leave pleasant memories of the celebration for a long time.

    The main thing is the cheerful company

    The main factor of fun at the New Year's holiday is a good company where any person can relax as much as possible while remaining himself. In doing so, you can joke, without looking around, carelessly play any games, as in childhood, without fear of appearing ridiculous or stupid. In such a company, as a rule, there are people who dream of communicating with each other, when they meet, they can not say a word. Parents and other loved ones, close friends and good friends, long acquaintances and all those with whom comfortably and well together, who gladly jokes himself and sincerely laughs at the jokes and jokes of others. In this case, a cheerful meeting of the New Year 2015 will be guaranteed to you. It does not matter where you go with them: to a dacha or a country house, restaurant, hotel or night club, to the forest, to nature or to a ski resort. In such a company you can have fun at the glory, having met 2015 in any place.

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    Home, away or in the Canaries?

    Celebrating in the forest

    Plans for meeting the New Year 2015, you need to compose with friends and relatives with whom you dream to spend this magical holiday. First, in this case, the chosen option will suit everyone, and besides, the collective mind always differs from the individual by the large possibilities of brainstorming. He can give out the most original and most fantastic suggestions.


    Places where you can have fun New Year 2015, a great many."Savages" adore the real winter forest with a bright moon, a ring of living coniferous beauties. A real bonfire, lapnik, on which it is warm and comfortable to sit, a light frost and pure snow - what is not a New Year's fairy tale about twelve months? !It remains to uncork champagne and celebrate the arrival of the New Year 2015 cheerfully. Here you can have a lot of fun, playing snowballs, sledging and skiing, driving dances and making unexpected jokes.

    Forest herringbone
    Please note! Instead of strong spirits in the forest, it is better to bring thermoses with tea, as in the cold these fluids behave differently: hot tea relaxes and warms, while alcohol gives a slight sensation of heat at the beginning due to the expansion of blood vessels, andthen narrows them sharply. This can cause critical hypothermia of the body. Be careful!
    New Year's Eve in the Country

    A goat, as you know, is also not a supporter of "raising the degree".She welcomes light drinks in order to have a fun New Year 2015: champagne, cocktails, unwashed wines.

    At the dacha

    Those who value comfort can prepare a celebration at home or go to the country. A good festive table and fun at the fireplace, communication with your family and friends will leave an indelible impression of the celebration. In the courtyard of a city house or in a village you can arrange cheerful fireworks, ride a toboggan on a nearby hill, and skate on a frozen pond.

    New Year at the city tree

    In the city, too, it is not necessary to sit all night at the festive table, just walk along elegant streets and visit the central square with a beautiful tree, taking hot tea in a thermos. The high spirits, with which it is fun to participate in contests, fireworks, light Bengal lights under the clogs of champagne plugs, will all make you remember often those happy moments of the New 2015 meeting.

    In the restaurant

    There is no desire to bother with the consequences of the festive feast, but there is a dream to celebrate the New Year 2015 fun and delicious? Go to a restaurant or cafe, each of which prepares New Year programs to attract guests. Just take care of booking the table in advance and pay special attention to the attire.

    In the ski resort of the Carpathians

    Long before the New Year, it will be necessary to book tours to the ski resorts in Europe: Switzerland, Finland, Sweden, Bulgaria, Romania, Slovenia. Also popular are trips to the New Year on the hot beaches of Asia: Thailand, India, Japan, China. No less relevant are the southern countries, where fun is celebrated the New Year for tourists: Egypt, Turkey, the United Arab Emirates. Fans of a particularly comfortable holiday visit the Canary Islands or the Maldives - favorite paradise oases for the powerful of this world and the stars of show business.

    Festive New Year's program

    New Year's events 2015

    If you plan to celebrate the New Year 2015 with your family or friends, where there will not be a special event, then think about the entertainment program in advance, take the chance to arrange a fabulous action of your dreams!

    To keep the New Year holiday memorable for you with your unrestrained fun, laughter, unexpected rallies, surprises, include various contests and games in the program, arrange quizzes and competitions.

    New Year program

    Especially popular are the forfeits - a guaranteed way to cheer even a surly skeptic! The main thing is that the tasks differ in originality, subtle humor and amuse your guests. If an erotic dance is appropriate only among adult friends, the dance of an African tribe will suit a wider audience. And how everyone laughs when someone mimics a person trying to portray a Christmas garland!. . Show your imagination and fun on New Year's holiday will be provided!

    New Year is a time when everyone's thinking is freed from standards, charged with energy and joy, with bright emotions, sparkling smiles and a sea of ​​positive emotions. Different ideas, how fun to celebrate the New Year 2015, there is a huge amount. The most important thing in such a holiday is to completely immerse yourself in a fairy-tale world, to feel the charm of magical moments, to turn into a young mischievous merry fellow!