
Delayed speech development in children: how to "talk" the child

  • Delayed speech development in children: how to "talk" the child

    Child development is very individual. You can not compare your baby with other children.

    First the child only listens, accumulates the so-called "passive dictionary", remembers words and sounds. Later, he accumulates and develops his "active vocabulary": the child starts to make different sounds, tries to talk. All this happens somewhere in 1 year. In the next six months, your child is unlikely to say a new word, because vocabulary practically does not expand.

    Signs and symptoms of speech retardation in children

    The following are the main signs and symptoms of delayed speech development in children.

    The child does not turn when you refer to it( the child's age is 3-5 months).

    Does not see a difference between fun and sad intonation( 5-6 months).

    Involves your attention with weeping and gestures. Do not pronounce often used words( 11-12 months).

    Does not distinguish pictures. Does not answer questions( from 1 year to 2 years).

    Can not write a sentence of 2-3 words( 2-3 years).

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    Incorrectly pronounces a lot of sounds. Does not answer the questions of strangers( 3-4 years).

    The age variation can be 1 or 2 months.

    What to do

    Here's what to do with this violation in the development of the child.

    Be an example for your child: speak clearly and clearly, change the intonation, talk more often on different topics, explain as easily as possible.

    Do not slow down or speed up pronunciation of words. Speak slowly.

    Answer every question of your child. Do not disagree and do not get irritated, even if you have to answer many times.

    Do not interrupt the child, let him say what he wants, until the end.

    Be sure to read the baby several times a day( best of all children's poems).

    Praise the child if he speaks or tries to speak correctly.

    Drive the baby to the street, let him walk with his peers. If he asks, play with them. The child should not be overexcited, it is harmful to the nervous system, so new impressions should also be limited.

    Going to the pediatrician

    It is worthwhile to see a doctor only if you do not follow the above instructions. Remember the individual development of each person, do not worry, but just give the child more time, talk a lot( very much) with him, support him.

    Video materials on the topic of the article

    How to "talk" the child:

    Books and games for these children:

    Practical tips for parents:

    How to teach these children: