
Banana massage against cellulite - massage with cans at home

  • Banana massage against cellulite - massage with cans at home

    One of the effective ways to get rid of the "orange peel" in the region of the hips and buttocks is a can of massage against cellulite. However, you do not use those glass jars that you might remember from your childhood( with their help you could be cured of a cough and cold), but special( for example, from medical plastic or silicone) that you can buy at a pharmacy. For a good massage enough and one can, but in the set they are usually sold for two.

    Principle of operation

    The principle of the jar for massage

    The cancellation massage against cellulite acts on the principle of a vacuum that causes increased blood flow in the part of the body that undergoes a massage. In this case, the banks do not just stick to the skin, but necessarily move along its surface( massage the problem areas).

    That's why, to better glide the banks, the skin first need to be lubricated either with any good cream( you can "child"), or special massage or anti-cellulite oil. But before proceeding to can massage, the thighs and buttock should be thoroughly massaged with hands - perform strokes from the bottom up, tapping, pinching and other warming movements.

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    Now we take a jar for massage, lightly press on its top( from it the air should leave a little) and we press to a skin that it has attached. Then we start slowly and accurately to move the jar on problem "orange peels" from below upwards along the hips and buttocks, zigzag movements. The bank should move fairly freely, but at the same time, it has quite a perceptible pressure on the skin. You can not do a can of massage on the inner surface of the thigh, as well as on the stomach.

    Calm the skin after massage

    The total duration of the can massage against cellulite is approximately 20-30 minutes. Repeat the procedure should be no more than two times a week for two months. More frequent use of cans is not desirable, as it can lead to damage to the skin in massaged areas.

    Immediately after the cancellation massage against cellulite, soothe the skin on the thighs, legs and buttocks with stroking hand movements, gently pushing upwards( from the knee area) when moving from the knee zone( towards the waist).

    After finishing the massage, do not forget that the jars must be thoroughly washed with soap and immediately before the next massage - disinfected with alcohol( or vodka).

    Disadvantages of cancellation massage against cellulite

    Disadvantages of can massage

    For can massage, there are several contraindications: skin diseases, vascular diseases, asterisks and varicose veins, heart diseases, as well as allergy to cream and oils used for massage and any tumors. Do not also do massage, if the "orange peel" is "decorated" with insect bites( for example, mosquitoes), redness remains from the previous procedure, or you accidentally got something scratched.

    In addition, cancellation massage against cellulite is a rather painful procedure( especially in the first three or four times) and can leave ugly red marks and even bruises on the skin. If you have a very sensitive skin, on which any( not very strong) pressure leaves damage, it is better not to use the massage jars, since subcutaneous hemorrhages are traces of trauma, not a positive result.

    Another drawback: cannax massage on the buttocks and hips perform at home independently( and qualitatively) can be quite difficult( that's why you either need an assistant, or you need to go to a beauty salon).

    Strengthen the result

    Yoga classes

    Banana massage against cellulite, unfortunately, will not save you from fat deposits in the hips and buttocks. Therefore, to enhance the effect( and reduce the volume), it is recommended to strengthen their physical activity. Any employment will approach: from aerobics up to yoga.