
How much does botox cost: the price of one Botox unit, where it is cheaper to make

  • How much does botox cost: the price of one Botox unit, where it is cheaper to make

    How much botox costs: calculation of the number of injections and their cost for correction of different parts of the face

    Since the appearance of the botosa in the territory of our country, the procedure was available only to well-known popular people. Now everyone can afford it, who has money for this. The drug is available in the United States. It is used for medicinal and cosmetic purposes. To date, you can buy it yourself in the city pharmacy. But not many people do it.

    How much does Botox( unit) in a pharmacy and clinic? Where it is more profitable to buy?

    The cost of the drug

    In the pharmacy botox is sold in a package-vial. It holds one hundred units. The price for packaging ranges from 14 thousand rubles to 16 thousand rubles. You can buy the drug and go to the salon or clinic for a procedure. However, clients are not in a hurry to do this.
    One Botox unit costs about 150 rubles. In the clinic you will be offered this drug for 300-400 rubles for the same amount. The benefit is obvious. But not everything is so simple.

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    To handle the entire problem area, 30 injections, or even less, are sufficient. The rest of the tool will be superfluous. For storage, special conditions are required, without observing which the drug will simply deteriorate. Repeated procedure is done in 3-5 months. Here also think, it is necessary to buy botoks in a drugstore or not.
    In addition, salons or clinics are interested in buying a product from them. Will argue about the questionable quality of the drug, not bought from them, and so on and so forth.

    Cost Botox for lips

    With the help of the procedure, you can smooth out wrinkles around the mouth, raise the corners and increase the volume of the lips. This will require five to twenty injections. Each injection provides one unit of Botox. The maximum price is 8,000 rubles.

    The cost of Botox area forehead

    This procedure is the most common and effective. Eliminates deep and facial wrinkles. It is done from twenty to thirty jabs. I'll have to pay about 12 000 rubles.

    Additional spending

    If you find a salon where you are offered botox at an affordable price, check all the details. As a rule, there are additional costs:

    Paid consultations with specialists, both primary and repetitive( 500-1500 rubles).
    Anesthetic cream - about 1000 rubles.
    Special cosmetics for skin care after Botox. It contains antiseptic substances that help cope with skin lesions.
    The price per botox unit is different in each institution. Determine the cost can only be on an individual consultation. The cost of the drug, the number of injections, the preparatory procedure, care after it and the services of specialists are taken into account.

    Number of Botox units for different procedures

    • Elimination of wrinkles around the eyes - 8-16 units;
    • Mimic horizontal wrinkles on the forehead - 4-15 units;
    • Fold between the eyebrows - 8-25 units;
    • Wrinkles over the upper lip - 2-4 units;
    • Pulling the corners of the mouth - 4-6 units.

    Repeated Botox treatments at a cost are no different from those made for the first time. The calculation is the same. The only thing you can save on consultations. They will need less.
    Do not forget that the effect of Botox is not eternal. In six months you will have to repeat it or keep it in the right direction. It's about round sums. Also, you should know that in the case of an "unsuccessful botox" you will need to get rid of its consequences. This will also require money. So once again, weigh everything thoroughly, and then start to act.
    Do not skimp on specialists. After all, success largely depends on who will do the procedure for you. Everyone can stab. But how to do it right - you need knowledge and experience.

    Video selection

    Since the appearance of the botox in the territory of our country, the procedure was available only to well-known popular people. Now everyone can afford it, who has money for this. The drug is available in the United States. It is used for medicinal and cosmetic purposes. To date, you can buy it yourself in the city pharmacy. But not many people do it.

    How much does Botox( unit) in a pharmacy and clinic? Where it is more profitable to buy?

    The cost of the drug

    In the pharmacy botox is sold in a pack-bottle. It holds one hundred units. The price for packaging ranges from 14 thousand rubles to 16 thousand rubles. You can buy the drug and go to the salon or clinic for a procedure. However, clients are not in a hurry to do this.
    One botox unit costs about 150 rubles. In the clinic you will be offered this drug for 300-400 rubles for the same amount. The benefit is obvious. But not everything is so simple.
    To process the entire problem zone, 30 injections, or even less, are sufficient. The rest of the tool will be superfluous. For storage, special conditions are required, without observing which the drug will simply deteriorate. Repeated procedure is done in 3-5 months. Here also think, it is necessary to buy botoks in a drugstore or not.
    In addition, salons or clinics are interested in buying a product from them. Will argue about the questionable quality of the drug, not bought from them, and so on and so forth.

    Botox cost

    lip Using procedures can wrinkles around the mouth, the corners of the lift and increase the volume of lips. This will require five to twenty injections. Each injection provides one unit of Botox. The maximum price is 8,000 rubles.

    The cost of Botox area forehead

    This procedure is the most common and effective. Eliminates deep and facial wrinkles. It is done from twenty to thirty jabs. I'll have to pay about 12 000 rubles.

    Additional spending

    If you find a salon where you are offered botox at an affordable price, check all the details. As a rule, there are additional costs:

    Paid consultations with specialists, both primary and repetitive( 500-1500 rubles).
    Anesthetic cream - about 1000 rubles.
    Special cosmetics for skin care after Botox. It contains antiseptic substances that help cope with skin lesions.
    The price per Botox unit is different in each institution. Determine the cost can only be on an individual consultation. The cost of the drug, the number of injections, the preparatory procedure, care after it and the services of specialists are taken into account.

    Number of Botox units for different procedures

    • Elimination of wrinkles around the eyes - 8-16 units;
    • Mimic horizontal wrinkles on the forehead - 4-15 units;
    • Fold between the eyebrows - 8-25 units;
    • Wrinkles over the upper lip - 2-4 units;
    • Pulling the corners of the mouth - 4-6 units.

    Repeated Botox treatments at a cost no different than done for the first time. The calculation is the same. The only thing you can save on consultations. They will need less.
    Do not forget that the effect of Botox is not eternal. In six months you will have to repeat it or keep it in the right direction. It's about round sums. Also, you should know that in the case of an "unsuccessful botox" you will need to get rid of its consequences. This will also require money. So once again, weigh everything thoroughly, and then start to act.
    Do not skimp on the specialists. After all, success largely depends on who will do the procedure for you. Everyone can stab. But how to do it right - you need knowledge and experience.
