
Methods of combating cellulite - ways and methods of combating cellulite

  • Methods of combating cellulite - ways and methods of combating cellulite

    Another "disease of the century" - cellulite - was born only a few decades ago, when thin and fragile female figures emerged on the throne of fashion, devoid of any signs of excess weight. After looking at the "ideal", many women rushed to find the most effective ways to combat cellulite( or, scientifically, with dermopannikulosis).To help them hastened hundreds of cosmetology firms, vying to praise their products.

    However, cellulite "accompanies" women from ancient times( you can see this by looking at the pictures of Rubens), and almost all this time it was perceived as a perfectly normal everyday phenomenon inherent in female nature. In the category of "cosmetic defects" it was included by modern connoisseurs of beauty only thanks to the opportunity to get rid of it.

    What is cellulite

    Cellulite is an uneven deposition of subcutaneous fat, which causes the skin surface( usually in the buttocks and thighs) to become slightly loose, with dimples, and resembles an orange peel. In the advanced stage, deeper wrinkles and wrinkles appear.

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    Modern methods of fighting cellulite are based on the elimination of the causes that cause it:

    • metabolic disorders;
    • improper food, "snacks" at work, too "dense" dinners;
    • leading a sedentary lifestyle;
    • is a health hazard;
    • reception of hormonal drugs that do not fit the female body( including contraceptives).

    Although cellulite is more a consequence of malnutrition( usually "adjacent" with excess weight), weight loss does not help to eliminate it. According to experts, it is better to combine a competently formulated diet and local( external) procedures to combat it.

    Proper nutrition

    Proper nutrition in the fight against cellulite

    The most important "enemy" of cellulite is proper nutrition, based on a balanced diet of vegetables, fruits, lean meat and fish, fermented milk products and vegetable oil. Additional "weapons" - about 2 liters of water, which must be drunk daily( without taking into account other drinks and soups), but only if your kidneys cope well with the load and do not signal their poor condition with swelling. Clean water( without harmful impurities) will help to "wash" out of the body accumulated there for many years, slags and toxins, but for this it is desirable to acidify( crust of lemon or cranberries).It is also necessary to reduce the amount of consumed coffee or go to its analogue without caffeine. Sweet effervescent drinks( lemonades) should be replaced with natural fruit juices.

    By the way, alcoholic beverages are "allies" of cellulite, as they have a harmful effect on the liver( which is also "responsible" for the detoxification of toxins) and are quite high in calories.

    Our second "trump card" and a rather effective way to fight cellulite are special anti-cellulite creams, the action of which is directed to:

    • removal of existing swelling and removing excess fluid from the body( for this, the cream should include disinfection and decongestants natural ingredients - dill root, artichoke, black currant);
    • removal of accumulated metabolic products and, of course, fats( the venotonic action is exerted by elements that are part of ginkgo biloba, horse chestnut, red grapes);
    • recovery of skin tone and elasticity( horsetail, cuff, organic silicon).

    Anti-cellulite creams should be applied to problem areas and carefully rubbed, trying to move with the tips of your fingers from the bottom up( towards the flow of lymph), after taking a shower and cleaning the skin of dead cells with a washcloth or a special brush.

    In addition to the "store" anti-cellulite compositions, you can recommend a folk prescription: 3 teaspoons of almond oil plus 2 drops of fennel and rosemary oil - all carefully mix and gently rub in the affected areas of cellulite( do this procedure every day, otherwise the effect of its effect is notwill appear).

    This proven methods of fighting cellulite do not stop there. Particularly good results are the use of anti-cellulite products in combination with a massage performed by a soft brush or massage mitt for the body. The duration of the massage is usually 15-20 minutes and it allows improving the blood supply to problem areas of the skin.


    The next ally in the fight against cellulite is a daily exercise( at least 30 minutes).It can be fitness, yoga, aerobics, jogging and other varieties that give pressure to those muscles of our body that we rarely use at full strength in our daily lives. They will not only strengthen them, but also reduce the thickness of the fat layer( the main "culprit" of cellulite).

    The following exercises are particularly helpful:

    • stand sideways to the back of a chair or armchair, grip it with the nearest hand, straighten up, slightly bend your legs - slowly lift( and then lower) the straight leg, pulling the toe off;
    • lie on your stomach, bend your arms in the elbows and put your chin on the wrist - lift one leg from the floor by 15-25 cm and hold it so for 10-12 seconds, then lower it( repeat the exercise alternately with different legs);
    • lie on its side, lean your head against a bent arm, and lower your leg( turned on top) to the floor in front of you - lift and lower your second leg above the floor( without excessive tension);
    • lie on the floor, supporting the head with your hand, with the second hand, rest on the floor in front of you( for balance), lower the leg back, hip slightly forward - the upper leg slowly lift above the floor( can be upright), and then lower,lower legs.

    All the above exercises it is enough to do 10-20 times, not forgetting to change the supporting legs.

    Such "physical" means of combating cellulite can be supplemented with elastic dense elk or special anti-cellulite trousers( shorts), which help to achieve great results by creating the effect of "sauna".

    Not bad with cellulite cope and oriental dances. At the same time, they also have a positive effect on the self-esteem of a woman, enhancing her by giving her a charming sexual image, improving coordination and plasticity.

    Water rushes to the rescue

    Water as a means of getting rid of cellulite

    Our next weapon is a contrast shower. Causing alternating tides and ebbs of blood, it increases the elasticity of the skin, literally "expelling" its irregularities.

    Baths also have a good effect:

    • with ordinary sea salt without additives( should be taken for 15 minutes);
    • with seaweed extract( half an hour once a week);
    • with rose petals( here the time is not limited, but it is not recommended to stay in the bath after the water has cooled down).

    However, in order for cellulite to leave your body for ever, try to approach it in a complex way, using all the above mentioned means and some additional ones: quit smoking, do not stay long in one place( the stagnation of blood in the pelvic region "attracts" cellulite)more often go on foot( especially on stairs).And remember that the fight will have to be waged not one day and even one month, but constantly, throughout its long and happy life.