
How to remove the flews on the face - methods of combating the face

  • How to remove the flews on the face - methods of combating the face

    With age, there are serious changes in the body, and the appearance is also undergoing a number of far from pleasant changes. Weight jumps, hormonal changes due to age or pregnancy, decreased collagen production, poor ecology and heredity, insufficient or improper self-care, and an all-powerful force of gravity that does not hide anyone on the planet leads to the formation of an ugly face contour with saggingskin in the region of the cheeks, called in the people by fleas. It is this cosmetic defect, not wrinkles, that give out the woman's true age.

    Methods of combat with

    Face masks

    To reflect in the mirror is not upsetting, you need to take care of yourself a lot of time. It is necessary to begin with 25 years, and in case of bad heredity - and even earlier.

    At home, you can try to smooth out a slight sagging, and prevent a worsening of the problem. One-time methods are indispensable here.

    Please note! If you are interested in how to remove face shields, you should be ready for a regular and constant struggle for your own beauty and youth.
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    There are two main methods for combating cheek slack: conservative and operational. The latter are used only in the conditions of specialized cosmetic clinics and are conducted by experienced certified medical personnel. Conservative methods can be both home and salon.

    Conservative methods

    Facial care

    Procedures that can be carried out at home:

    • Application of special creams, serums and tonics designed to strengthen the tissues and make them more elastic. This is the first thing that should start to do at the slightest sign of loss of skin turgor. All cosmetics must be matched to the age and type of skin.
    • Active hydration. The use of drugs with coenzymes, peptides and hyaluronic acid moisturizes the skin and stimulates the production of its own skin collagen. This strengthens the oval and pulls it up.
    • Masks - both factory and home made. Especially useful are modeling masks - alginate, clay, egg, and many others, which shrink when dried and simulate a beautiful face oval. Are applied regularly or by courses depending on need.
    • Compresses - oil, contrast, impregnated with active substances. Compresses with warmed-up natural olive oil of cold pressing work very well. A piece of cheesecloth is impregnated with warm oil, applied to the neck and the area of ​​the lower jaw, paved with a food film and insulated. Such a compress is extremely useful not only to strengthen the face oval, but also to eliminate flabbiness and wrinkles around the neck.
    Wiping with ice
    • Containing dousing and wiping with ice. The benefits of a contrasting soul have been known for a very long time. This procedure is well complemented by rubbing the face and neck skin in the mornings, as well as the decollete with a piece of ice from mineral water or infusion of herbs. It tones and strengthens flabby tissues.
    • Gymnastic exercises specifically for this area. Effective only if performed regularly.
    • Physical exercises. It has long been noted that women who watch their weight and play sports have a clearer face oval. This is facilitated by yoga and pilates, which are aimed at developing the mobility of joints and ligaments. Strong muscles well support the skin, not allowing them to deform.
    • Massages are an effective way to preserve youth and skin density of the face, only if used correctly or performed by experienced, trained people. At home, Japanese lymphodrainage massage Tsogan, also known as Asahi, is very helpful. With his help, you can effectively tighten the face oval, get rid of the flecks and excess fat deposits on the face. People with a very thin face should use this massage with caution or completely abandon it.

    Procedures for beauty salons:

    • Mesotherapy and biorevitalization. Injection or non-injecting administration of vitamin "cocktails" in the skin quickly removes traces of fatigue, tones and strengthens the skin, removes wrinkles and flabbiness. The skin looks young and fresh, more taut and without sagging cheeks.
    Laser rejuvenation
    • Laser and photorejuvenation. Exposure to the laser stimulates cell renewal and helps cope with skin defects, including with reduced elasticity. After the procedure, the skin acquires a density and a beautiful oval is restored.
    • Hardware techniques. A variety of massages and effects by devices such as Darsonval and many others in combination with special agents complex effect on the skin, cleaning, nourishing, softening and moisturizing it, removing wrinkles, stains, pimples and scars, brightening the color and making it dense, elastic, elastic andyoung.
    • Manual massages have a pronounced lymphatic drainage and tightening effect. After their course, the appearance seems changed and rejuvenated.
    • Special mask training helps to strengthen and consolidate the effect.

    Operative Interventions

    Please note! Already arisen and firmly "settled" on the face of the ball with conservative methods to remove quite difficult, and sometimes even impossible.

    In these cases, surgical interventions will help. They can be:

    • Complex radicals. With a very serious deformation of the face and the neglected situation, only a complete face lift can help. With this serious operation, all excess skin and wrinkles are removed, forming a new young face. It is only a very experienced plastic surgeon who is able to cope with such work. The operation has many contraindications and can have side effects up to ugliness and death.
    • Supporting. These include the introduction of various threads, including reinforced and resorbable, as well as the so-called gold. They are stretched under the skin, fixing in such a way that the resulting "net" from the inside supports the skin of the face.

    Introduction of threads or plastic surgery not only does not preclude careful care of yourself, but also requires an even more serious attitude to your appearance.