
How to connect the TV to the computer to the cable?

  • How to connect the TV to the computer to the cable?

    Everyone understands that the TV is the same monitor, only bigger in size and has a built-in card for converting the information transmitted over the cable into high-grade television. However, sometimes there is a need to connect the TV to the computer, for example, to watch the film not on the monitor screen, but on a full-fledged large TV.In addition, there are times when you want to watch a movie, on a computer, but you also need to work for it, what should you do then? Of course, connect the TV to your PC.On how to do it correctly, we'll tell you in this article.

    In principle, there are only a few options for connecting the TV to the computer. That is, you will need one of the following cables:

    • HDMI - HDMI;

    • HDMI - SCART;

    • HDMI - VGA;

    • HDMI - DVI;

    • SCART - VGA;

    • SCART - DVI;

    • SCART - SCART;

    • DVI - VGA;

    • DVI - DVI;

    • VGA - VGA.

    How to determine which wire is needed to connect the computer to the TV?
    Extremely easy! Learn which ports( connectors) are on computers, and which ones on the TV.If there are coincidences, for example both on TV and on the PC, there is a connector for the HDMI cable, then it's better to do it - to buy an HDMI cable. If there are no matches, however, there is an available HDMI, VGA, DVI or SCART port on TV and on the computer, then you have a chance to purchase a non-standard cable with the combination of several connectors. For example, at one end there will be a DVI plug, and on the other - HDMI.
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    So that you could distinguish VGA from DVI, and HDMI from SCART, etc., we prepared photos of the connectors of these four types:

    How to connect the TV to a computer on Windows?

    Again, nothing complicated! Connect the cable to the computer and TV.Next on the desktop from scratch, right-click. In the context menu, select the "Screen Resolution" item, as shown in the picture below:

    In the window that opens, click on the "Find" button. That is, we launch the search for an additional monitor. If the TV is modern, then it can be found without any problems and immediately display its resolution, model, etc.:

    Do not rush to close this window. Note the following points offered by this window:

    • How the monitor is located relative to the main monitor. From which side - from above, from below, etc. Monitors with numbers can be moved in this window, holding them with the left mouse button and dragging. This is necessary to ensure that you understand where the monitor will be and in what direction you should drag the player with the movie.

    • Press the display number 2 and check the data that is automatically set by the system. First the resolution: it must match exactly with the resolution of your TV, if it is not, then forcibly set those parameters that are needed.

    • Orientation should be landscape if we connect a standard TV in its standard position.

    • When the operating system sees multiple displays, it can: expand these screens, display the desktop on only one of them or even duplicate the image at all. We recommend leaving everything by default, if there is an "Expand these screens" there. Thus, the TV will become like a second monitor, so it will become much more comfortable and understandable: one will use the capabilities of the PC, and on the second screen you will see the movie.

    • It is not recommended to change additional parameters, if there is no explicit need for this, since making changes it will be difficult to return them if you do not remember the course of your actions.

    For more information about the monitor parameters, changing the size of text and other elements, you can read the instructions that this window offers.

    After completing all operations, do not forget to click the "OK" or "Apply" button, otherwise all your actions will not be fixed by the system. To make the TV work as a monitor, you can use the "PC" button on the control panel or on the TV itself.

    What should I do if my computer does not see the second monitor?
    There can be several reasons. First, reboot the computer, since after that any modern TV will be detected and all parameters( resolution, diagonal, etc.) will be automatically inserted. If the action did not help. Check to see if you have inserted the plug into the connector on the PC and on the TV.Check whether the connector is selected correctly and if the cable is working at all.

    Do not confuse concepts! If you connected the TV to a computer, this does not mean that you can now just watch TV in the computer. This can not be. If you want to watch TV on your computer, then you will need a TV tuner( a board that plugs directly into the system unit of the computer and into which the TV cable is connected) or a special program + Internet. In this case, the channels will be broadcasted by Internet resources. The second option is simpler, but the quality of the broadcast channels will, frankly, be awful! So it's better to spend money on a normal TV tuner.

    In our case, the TV is just an additional monitor for the computer, which can be connected in several ways. Yes, our editors of the online magazine Vse-Sekrety.ru did not deliberately describe additional ways of connecting the TV to the PC, since they believe that other options have a lot of problems, and the quality of the signal will be significantly worse, which will affect the quality of the picture and consequently will not bring any pleasure from watching movies or other videos.

    We wish good luck in connection! If you have any questions - feel free to ask them in the comments!