
How to increase the level of estradiol - the level of estradiol

  • How to increase the level of estradiol - the level of estradiol

    When future parents can not get a baby in a natural way, they are forced first of all to see a doctor. Having passed analyzes, the young lady with surprise finds out deficiency of one of the main sexual hormones. How to raise the level of estradiol, on which the quality of the physiological cycle of a woman depends, the process of the correct development and functioning of the mother cell? In its development, the main role is played by the ovaries and adrenal medulla, although some of this "beauty hormone" is synthesized from other types of steroid hormones in the liver. The "production" of this effective species from estrogens is influenced by a number of other important hormones: FSH( follicle stimulating), prolactin( milky), LH( luteinizing) hormone.

    Please note! Estradiol has the highest biological activity among estrogen, its main goal is the formation of the female's reproductive system, as well as its attractive appearance and beauty. The low content of hormones in the blood plasma of a woman indicates a decreased function of the sex glands.
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    Therefore, it is so important to have it in sufficient quantities during the ovulation period, so that the hormone stably supports the body's readiness for fertilization.

    Influence of estradiol

    Estradiol not only affects favorable childbearing, but also gives courage, improves mood and memory, stimulates bone strengthening, healthy sleep, is an excellent prevention of atherosclerosis, enhances libido, gives natural shine to the hair and smoothness of the skin, normalizes the functioning of sebaceousglands.

    How to determine the low level of estradiol?

    Low levels of estradiol

    Signs that are easy to detect an inadequate level of this hormone before testing, should alert both the woman herself and the mothers of growing daughters. In time noticing possible hormonal disorders, it will be possible to avoid problems with childbearing in the future.

    • Hair loss in the region of the vertex;
    • Irritation of eyelids and dry eyes( may be the result of a long stay at the computer);
    • Appearance of fine wrinkles and grooves in the zone near the eyes and around the lips;
    • The forms of the body lose roundness, the chest begins to sag;
    • Hair in areas where hair should not grow;
    • Dryness of the epithelium of the vagina;
    • Absence of libido;
    • Frequent manifestations of a depressed mood and a feeling of fatigue;
    • Tides in young or fairly young age;
    • Scanty or excessively copious monthly;
    • Irregular, very long or too short cycle;
    • Painful sensations in coition;
    • Deficiency of lipid tissue, excessively "lean" constitution.

    Estradiol value for future mommy

    Estradiol value for pregnant

    In a woman's body, there is typically a male hormone - testosterone, which serves as a material for the production of one of the types of female estrogen - estradiol. His level in the blood plasma of a woman at different periods is different: it is given special importance during pregnancy, and reaches its apogee on the eve of the appearance of crumbs. In terms of the importance of his influence on proper development and careful bearing of the fetus, he is in second place after testosterone. It stimulates active blood circulation in the uterus, through which the fetus is supplied with oxygen and nutrients, and is also responsible for the healthy state of the vessels in the womb.

    Please note! The lowered level of estradiol is a threat to future crumbs, therefore it is extremely important to maintain its normal values ​​during pregnancy.

    What happens during menopause

    Estradiol during menopause

    After the onset of age-related changes in women of "Balzac" age, the production of estradiol by the body gradually fades, and its level in blood plasma decreases. This explains post-menopausal changes in the blood vessels, heart, bone system, skin and hair.

    How to increase the level of estradiol without harm?

    Increased estradiol level without harm

    Complete madness is considered by doctors to increase any hormones with information from the Internet or from the best girlfriends! And they are right! This is an extremely complex and specialized treatment. It will take a compulsory examination, before which you can not engage in heavy physical work, sports and sex for a day, you can not take any pills, you can not drink alcohol and smoke, and at night you need a good night's sleep and remain absolutely calm in the morning.

    Please note! Drugs, which include estradiol, are used to actively stimulate the birth process strictly according to the doctor's prescription! Their help is necessary only in case of a pregnant pregnancy - a diagnosis established by a medical professional!

    Contraceptives containing this substance should also not be used in the postpartum period, as it reduces lactation. On the fourth day after birth in the body of a woman the indicator of this hormone comes back to normal.

    Switching to a special diet

    By adjusting your diet, a lady can adjust the level of estradiol, increasing it to a sufficient amount. The following recommendations can be selected from the dietary advice given by specialists:

    • Use the necessary minimum of proteins from low-fat meat, poultry, fish, eggs, liver, milk and fermented milk products, if there are no problems with the thyroid gland.
    • From cooking methods, prefer cooking, steaming and quenching.
    • Do not get carried away with carbohydrates and vegetables that are abundant with starch: cereals, pasta, bakery products, potatoes and beets.
    • Completely eliminate "nature gifts" containing pesticides. It would be reasonable to impose a taboo on food additives!

    Do not forget about the danger of self-treatment with hormonal drugs, trust your health, beauty and spiritual comfort to knowledgeable specialists! They will help you in any period of your life to remain a queen!