  • Insomnia - how to get rid of insomnia

    Insomnia, what to do?

    When insomnia comes, we just do not manage to do it. We count the elephants, say the alphabet in the mind. We are always looking for a universal medicine to go to the "kingdom of Morpheus".Apart from the tablets that can have a side effect, nothing has been invented yet from insomnia.

    According to statistics, one in five suffers from insomnia. How to get rid of insomnia at night - until no one knows. And women are much more vulnerable to this than men. And people who are engaged in mental work suffer much more insomnia than people who work physically. A healthy and full sleep is possible only for 8-9 hours.

    You probably noticed such a fact that when you are spinning all day like in a wheel at work, then when you come home, you just literally fall from your feet. Of course, do not every day bring yourself to this state, but the daily exercise is still worth giving the body.

    Remedies for insomnia

    Here are the most popular means for insomnia that do not require medication:

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    • It will be important that you do not load the body with food after 6-7 pm. This will not only benefit the figure, but will also promote a healthy sleep.
    • If it is impossible to resist the temptation to eat, then it is best to drink kefir or eat some fruit.
    • If insomnia is a problem, it's worth it to get a dog. Communication with a pet will perfectly relieve stress, and if you want, you will have to walk the dog every evening. During the evening promenade, try to get distracted and think about something pleasant. This method will help to ensure a long and sound sleep. And you will understand that they finally found a remedy for insomnia.
    • It is proven that insomnia and medication can be very easy. Mozart's classical works have a therapeutic effect during insomnia. Music normalizes pressure and removes nervousness. The sound of the waves and the cry of the seagulls will help to relax the whole body, and the included fan will lull its monotonous buzz.
    • In general, we can not sleep for a long time because all the experiences and stresses during the day we bring home to bed and start scrolling in the head like a film. Remove all offenses, griefs and revenge plans from yourself with clothes. Think of something pleasant, and you will not notice yourself how to fall asleep.
    • The best remedy for insomnia is to take a bath with an extract of pine needles or sea salt. Lie in water for 15-20 minutes, at a temperature of not more than 37 degrees.
    • Still considered a good helper for sleep is not an interesting broadcast on TV or a boring and boring book. The fact that if we do not like something, then the blood pressure in these moments decreases, there is yawning and lethargy. Specialists strongly advise people who suffer from insomnia not to work at night and not watch fascinating programs.
    • Before going to bed, doctors are advised to drink a glass of warm milk or a warm slightly boiled tea with honey. Most people after that sleep all night long. As babies.
    • The most successful position for sleeping, it is lying on the right side and slightly you need to bend your legs. At the same time, muscles do not strain, and nothing hinders the work of the heart. It is also ideal for people who snore in their sleep.
    • Raise the pillow higher to facilitate breathing and try not to sleep on your back.
    • Try to go to bed always at one time, it will teach the body, and over time the craving for sleep will appear at this time.
    • To quickly get rid of insomnia, you can put under the blanket to the feet of a hot water bottle with warm water. You can also put mustard plasters on your legs( for caviar) before going to bed, this remedy helps many.
    • Take cover so that you feel comfortable, and the bed looks like paradise. Where everything bad disappears, and you immerse yourself in the fascinating world of dreams.
    • You can also stand up and walk barefoot for 10 minutes to get tired and freeze.

    Sleep phases

    People with insomnia usually wake up very badly in the morning. During sleep, our body goes through several phases. First, it's a slow dream. Slow sleep, in turn, is divided into four phases. During the first stage the body relaxes. Closer to the second, the rhythm decreases. In this phase, a person is easy to wake up. The third and fourth stages are characterized by deep sleep. At this stage, it is very difficult to awaken a person. The second, from the main phases, is a quick sleep.

    A fast( paradoxical) dream is a dream in which the human brain is in a state, as if it does not sleep, but solves very important problems. That is, it comes in a waking state. In this phase, only the muscles in the body are relaxed. The older a person becomes, the sooner his phase of deep sleep shortens. Experiments of scientists have established that if a person does not have a fifth phase of sleep, then he experiences malaise, loss of weight, deterioration of vision, becomes nervous and irritable.

    If a person is deprived of a slow phase of sleep, then a feeling of absent-mindedness, lethargy appears. Although the brain gradually gets used to it, and this phase is gradually shortened. Dreams we see in the fifth phase. In this same phase, when we wake up, we remember our dream clearly and in detail. Dreams in this phase are very believable, expressive and vivid.

    Sleep Control

    To easily fall asleep and then just as easily wake up, there are lots of tips that need to be implemented:

    • You need to sleep for as long as your body needs( but do not pour).
    • It is necessary to clearly define the time, how much is required for you.
    • On the weekend, you should not take the time to say "dozpat" missed hours. Sleep can not be reserved for the future.
    • It is necessary to sleep comfortably. If you experience discomfort, then do not fall asleep, because you will be completely broken.
    • The bed should be spacious enough. The temperature in the room is cool.
    • Turn off the TV, try to leave a minimum of light in the room.
    • It is not recommended to drink coffee or strong tea before going to bed. It is better to read a quiet book.
    • Choose for yourself the "right" alarm clock. If this does not happen, then in the morning you can just jump off the fright, and your day is considered spoiled. Constant headaches will leave you only after taking special medications.
    • The best option is to set the alarm for several calls at intervals, for example, five minutes. Also enjoyable and, according to many, the best option is a TV that turns on for the specified timer, which will gradually bring you into feelings.
    • Having woken up earlier, do not try to fall asleep again, if all the more you feel like having a good sleep.
    • At night leave the curtains open. The morning sun will cheer up any sleepyhead.
    • Getting up, turn on the rhythmic music. Do exercises, or simply "dance" in the kitchen to the kettle. It's great to cheer up and give energy until evening.
    • Very useful after waking up, immediately take a shower. This will have a beneficial effect not only on your mood and health, but on the whole body as a whole.
    • When refueling a bed, wish her not to be bored without you.
    • And finally, have a cup of coffee or tea. This will help the stomach to start working, stimulating the whole body.

    Dale Carnegie believes that night insomnia, more precisely its absence or lack of sleep deprives us of efficiency and energy, but do not worry, it is not deadly at all. Our body exhausts not so much the insomnia itself, and experiences about its absence. Thoughts during the day about what happens or not get to sleep today, you are exhausted by the evening, so that you constantly lie in bed thinking about it. And it can happen that even "grandmother's" means can not produce the desired effect. In this case, it is best not to engage in self-treatment, but to turn to a specialist.

    If you clearly follow the advice you read above, it is definitely clear that you will soon become a happy person.

    After all, happiness smiles to people who can fruitfully "create", and those who do not get enough sleep and suffer from insomnia, he has only his pillow on his mind and nothing else.