
Dry mouth during pregnancy - thirst during pregnancy

  • Dry mouth during pregnancy - thirst during pregnancy

    What surprises the woman does not surprise her with during pregnancy? Many of them are natural, inoffensive are known in advance and even expected, for example, pronounced preferences for a particular food, a sharp increase in appetite, toxicosis, emotional changes. But sometimes there are such changes that not only surprise, but also seriously alarm, in particular, if they occur for the first time. One of them is drying in the mouth. It can not be attributed to the typical, on the contrary, women in the position often complain of copious salivation.

    Salivary glands

    Who is not familiar with the sensation of thirst on a hot day, or in the morning after a dream, as a result of passion for spicy food or when on a salty tug? Abundant drink removes all problems. The temporary nature of dry mouth is not dangerous for a pregnant woman, nor for her child. But when the dryness becomes obtrusive, it is worth seriously tackling this issue. Regular presence of dryness in the mouth suggests that there have been changes in the body, the regularity of which should be studied.

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    Symptoms of dryness

    Cracks on the lips

    In medicine, the phenomenon of dryness of the mucosa in the mouth is called xerostomia. With its flow, saliva production either decreases, or in special cases completely ceases. Considering xerostomia as an independent disease would not be entirely true, rather it is a symptom of another, often more serious disease. Dry mouth, in fact, does not require medical treatment, it will disappear on its own if it gets rid of the cause of its occurrence.

    Please note! Dryness of the oral cavity is considered a serious symptom in the event that it is accompanied by itching, cracks in the lips, burning tongue. The consequence of these symptoms may be mucosal atrophy - partial or complete.
    Burning of

    The xerostomia is manifested by changes in taste sensations, thirst, increased viscosity of saliva, difficulty swallowing. It is possible with stress, with excitement. The presence of dry mouth for several days should be a signal to immediately consult a doctor to find out its causes, to identify a possible disease at its early stage.

    And this is very important. After all, it must not be allowed that the fetus in the mother's womb develops under adverse conditions.

    Periodicity of dryness should not cause anxiety, which can not be said for its steady manifestation. This suggests that there was a noticeable malfunction in the body of the pregnant woman.

    Why is my mouth dry?

    Infections of the oral cavity

    Pregnancy is often accompanied by a hormonal malfunction that disrupts the rhythm of many internal organs( including causing atrophy of the salivary glands).Dry mouth in such cases is sometimes the only symptom of a serious illness and a signal for action.

    Dysfunction of the internal organs is the most likely cause of dryness of the oral mucosa of a pregnant woman, as hormonal failure during pregnancy is a frequent occurrence.

    Vitamin Deficiency

    Against the backdrop of hormonal imbalance in the female body, diabetes mellitus can develop, especially with hereditary predisposition. There may be a shortage of potassium, magnesium, an excess of sodium, the amount of which is restored by a revision of the diet.

    Please note! Some medications do not always have a beneficial effect on the entire body of a pregnant woman, sometimes leading to side effects, such as dry mouth. In this case, the doctor will choose a replacement for them.

    Dehydration of the body, associated with toxicosis due to vomiting, diarrhea and frequent urination of a pregnant woman, also causes dryness of the mucosa in the mouth. Manifestations of toxicosis can be mitigated, and therefore, reduce the likelihood of dryness. Dehydration causes increased blood circulation associated with the need to supply already two organisms - the mother and the baby, therefore, the expenditure of fluid also doubles. It is worth remembering the increased daily intake rates for pregnant women.

    Lack of water in the body

    Infectious diseases, including infections in the respiratory tract, malfunctions in the nervous system, gastrointestinal disorders, autoimmune disorders, hypertension, arthritis( rheumatoid), anemia lead to dryness of the oral cavity.

    Dryness in the mouth is also unpleasant because it is accompanied by an unpleasant odor from the mouth. Hygiene of the oral cavity with regular brushing of the teeth has not been canceled. And an unpleasant smell can be reduced by frequent mouth rinses with fragrant and useful tinctures, having consulted beforehand with the doctor about the choice of preparations in order to avoid allergic reactions. To reduce the drying of the lips, to prevent the formation of cracks on the lips, you can resort to frequent mouth wetting with water.

    Please note! If dry mouth in pregnancy is not the main symptom of a serious illness, but has arisen, for example, through smoking or taking medications, then it can lead to diseases such as stomatitis( inflammation of the oral cavity) or gingivitis( inflammation of the gums).

    Future moms should know that pregnancy itself can not cause dryness in the mouth, and the baby in the mother's womb has nothing to do with this, just as dryness in the mouth can not hurt him. Urgent care is required for the mother's body, and it is necessary to begin with a visit to the treating doctor.