
How contractions begin before birth - prenatal labor

  • How contractions begin before birth - prenatal labor

    Of all the stages of pregnancy, women are wary of precisely the onset of prenatal labor. Why does such a fear cause a physiological process that promotes the birth of a long-awaited child? You can understand the name of the "fight" - a pain that resembles the grasping, compressive sensations in the abdomen that do not resemble anything. Describe this condition is difficult, not everyone can compare them with other known pain sensations. This fear can turn the pleasant expectation of a new life into a panicky expectation of unbearable pain, forgetting about the true purpose of fights. That's why many pregnant mothers ask doctors for special injections during labor to alleviate the pain.

    Fistology of fights

    Fistology of fights and attempts

    Contractions are a special physiological process that is of great importance for labor. During labor, the pituitary gland of the baby, along with the placenta, begins to release specific substances that significantly help the rapid contraction of the uterus. As a result, the fibers of the muscular wall greatly contract, shorten and thicken, this facilitates the maximum opening of the cervix for easy passage of the baby's head. When the cervix is ​​12 cm open, this indicates complete readiness for childbirth. Under strong intrauterine pressure, the amniotic fluid in which the baby is found bursts, and water flows out. It is not necessary to be afraid of this, because the woman does not feel the pain. When the bubble rupture does not occur, it is done artificially.

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    Appearance of

    contractions It should be noted that there are very few nerve endings on the walls of the uterus and it is almost insensitive to fights. The pain is felt from the contraction of the muscles that surround and hold the uterus itself. But this fact does not alleviate the pain at all, therefore, contractions must be perceived as an indispensable condition for the safe birth of a baby and try, as much as possible, to help this process.

    Please note! Strangely enough, it sounds, but during fights the future mother should be able to relax, to facilitate the entire process of delivery and at least somehow ease their pain.

    In most cases, everything is the other way around. Under the influence of pain, women panic and are in constant tension, which only aggravates their suffering. Therefore, during the entire pregnancy it is necessary to prepare for the forthcoming birth. Learn correctly, breathe and thereby achieve relaxation. A woman should know how the contractions begin before giving birth, and be ready for the upcoming process.

    How to begin fights

    Interval between contractions

    The very first contractions in women begin on the 20th week of pregnancy, they are called false. They prepare the muscles of the uterus and abdomen for the arrival of real birth pains. Such training is not all even felt, and they do not bring much trouble. Only after the end of the 35th week they can be recognized, some even confuse them with real struggles and early sound the alarm.

    How to behave in fights

    But real fights can not be confused with anything else. The first signs are uncomfortable feelings in the region of the lower back, which begin with girdling pain passing to the stomach. At this time, the future mother can not find a place. This should warn her about the onset of childbirth. Next come the fights themselves, but they last very briefly and stop after a few seconds. After a certain period of time, which is desirable to detect, the next stage of fights is like. A pleasant moment consists in breaks between contractions, when the body rests, preparing for further work. In one hour such approaches can be about four. They reach the point that the fight can last two minutes, and repeat after only one, it serves as a signal for the onset of labor, and the most painful stage will come up somewhere in 40 minutes. You need to adjust yourself in a positive outcome and take pain as an aid to your child. After all, he, too, at the moment, is not easy, it is the mother who can help him quickly and easily pass this stage and be born.

    If fights do not occur

    This also can happen, the woman has prepared for this process, knows how to behave during the fights, but already comes the 42nd week, but they are all gone. In this case, resort to stimulation, as waiting for longer does not make sense and it is possible to harm the health of the child. Also this method is used when there are different types of pathology that can be a threat to the future baby, therefore it is necessary to cause premature birth.

    There are several ways to cause contractions, for example, piercing the amniotic bladder, resulting in real fights. Also, a special drug can be inserted into the cervical canal on a hormonal basis, so it softens, begins to shorten and contract, thereby causing contractions. Intravenous injections that cause uterine contractions can also be used.

    The child was born

    But, despite all the frightening descriptions and stories of acquaintances, one always needs to think in a positive direction, this will make it easier to transfer this process, helping the baby to be born.


    From this video you will learn how to distinguish real contractions from childbirth: