
Hiccup of the fetus during pregnancy - baby hiccups

  • Hiccup of the fetus during pregnancy - baby hiccups

    Any, even the slightest movement inside your body in a pregnant woman causes genuine interest and unconcealed emotions. The kid becomes active. This occurs near the middle of the gestation period. The jolts are not only sensitively audible, but even visible visually, which enthralls all who are allowed to touch the abdomen of the future mother.

    But there are internal sensations that cause anxiety in pregnant women. Mummies characterize them as recurrent spasms, tapping, or even an abrupt twitching of the abdomen, not like stirring or jolting the baby and contracting the uterus. This kind of "clockwork" in the form of rhythmic twitching is nothing but a child's hiccup. There is nothing unforeseen or dangerous in this - doctors say. But with this unusual phenomenon, everything happens very individually.

    Manifestation of hiccups of the fetus

    Hiccup of the fetus during pregnancy due to its absolute unpredictability can be observed already from 26 weeks, that is, in the third trimester, and continue until the very birth. And some pregnant women for all 9 months may not know what the hiccup of an expensive puzozhitelya. There are two reasons for this: either the baby does not hiccup, or the mother does not feel the hiccup. After all, experts argue that a pregnant woman senses only 10% of all baby movements, besides, each of them, as they say, has its own sensitivity threshold.

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    Hiccups are very individual: it can last 2-3 minutes, and maybe half an hour. Most often - 20 minutes. Hiccups can occur in some - once a week, others - several times a day. Hence the different emotions in relation to this manifestation of a new life: some are amused, others are frightened, the third does not let you sleep: is everything good with the baby, is it dangerous, how can it be helped?

    Please note! Hiccup itself is a normal manifestation of the vital activity of the baby.

    Every organism makes different sounds, so why should not this kid try it? It is unlikely that the hiccup of an adult person gives him discomfort, equivalent to any danger.

    However, the mysteriousness of this phenomenon raises questions not only for the future mother, but also for specialists: there is still no certainty about what is happening at this moment with the child.

    Reasons and research methods

    Ingestion of amniotic fluid

    First assumption. The baby hiccups for the reason that it swallows the amniotic fluid( amniotic fluid), which, after getting into the lungs, is pushed out by the contracting muscles of the diaphragm. Perhaps, therefore, the crumb gets and trains the skills of yawning, sucking, swallowing.

    Diaphragm and light work

    The second assumption is .A diaphragm and lungs of the baby are being developed, which prepares itself for independent respiratory activity. After all, it is often possible to observe how a child born during the first weeks of his life continues to periodically hiccup and regurgitate. So his training in the "indoor" were not in vain.

    Oxygen starvation of the fetus

    Third assumption. There is a version about the relationship between hiccups and hypoxia, that is, oxygen starvation - a lack of oxygen in the tissues of the body. But such a relationship is not proved: many infants actively hiccup in the womb, signs of hypoxia are not revealed. Hypoxia, rather, can be diagnosed on the basis of increased activity of the child, that is, when the baby starts to perform sharp movements.

    Nevertheless, to obtain reliable evidence of the statements about hypoxia, a special method of investigation is used - Doppler( according to the scientific discovery of the physicist and astronomer Christian Doppler in 1842).With the help of this method of prenatal diagnosis, which is a kind of ultrasound, the nature and speed of blood flow in the vessels is determined. As a rule, examine the vessels of the uterus, the umbilical cord, as well as the aorta of the fetus and its middle cerebral artery. In ultrasound, the frequency of reflected sound from a moving object( in this case, the blood flow) changes if there are abnormalities in the placenta or in the fetus, in which the baby receives less than the substance necessary for his life and development. In this case, the doctor diagnoses fetal hypoxia or phytoplacental insufficiency. In addition to the treatment of a pregnant woman, a suitable tactic is planned to accompany her childbirth.

    Please note! Doppler examination( or dopplerography, which in addition to video is accompanied by a graphic image on the tape), as the safest and painless procedure can be performed the required number of times starting from the 23rd to 24th week, especially for pregnant women at risk.

    Suppose that the activity of your cute uterus in the form of hiccups is explained by trying to "get" for yourself a full portion of valuable oxygen for him, and even with an additive, then his behavior should encourage you - the kid does not give up, then will live. But if necessary, he can always be helped. If the US-Doppler revealed signs of oxygen starvation, experts recommend for the functional evaluation of the fetus to conduct another study - cardiotocography of the fetus( CTG).It is a study of cardiac contractions of the fetus and uterine activity.

    Please note! CTG must necessarily twice pass through all pregnant women during the 3rd trimester, starting from the 26-week period. CTG study allows an obstetrician to monitor the development of the fetus, in time to identify signs of deviation from the norms of fetal development and make a timely decision on the need for emergency delivery.
    Umbilical cord initiation

    Fourth assumption. Intrauterine hiccups can be observed with an umbilical cord. If the frequency, duration and intensity of the hiccups increased dramatically, then there is a need for additional research on the fact that the umbilical cord wraps the fetal neck, blocking the circulation. This leads to an influx of blood to the fetus and an increase in heart rate. To clarify the diagnosis, ultrasound and other studies are also performed.

    Please note! Prevention of umbilical cord entanglements is: mandatory walks in the fresh air, refusal to stay in a stationary state for a long time or stay in hot, stuffy rooms, exclusion of all kinds of unrest. Do not forget about breathing exercises.

    Activity manifested in the form of hiccups of the fetus during pregnancy, special causes for anxiety in the mother should not cause. Most often such vigorous physiological manifestations of the life of crumbs indicate the successful formation of its central nervous system.

    Maternal active habits will certainly become signs of the good health and vitality of her baby.