
Treatment of joint arthritis - methods of treating arthritis of joints

  • Treatment of joint arthritis - methods of treating arthritis of joints

    Arthritis is a disease of inflammatory joints. First of all, the inflammatory process begins in the internal( synovial) membrane of the joints. In the articular cavity usually there is an accumulation of inflammatory effusion - exudate. Inflammation can spread to other parts of the joints: cartilage, epiphyses of the bone, joint components, capsules of the joint, and on the bags, tendons and ligaments - periarticular tissues. There is such a thing as polyarthritis - inflammation of several joints.

    No need to delay arthritis treatment of joints, because after a time the pain will become stronger, and walking will be more difficult.

    Three "nature" of the disease

    Arthritis can have three origins: traumatic, infectious and dystrophic.

    The infectious nature of arthritis - reactive arthritis - a disease caused by a variety of infections, for example, urinary or intestinal.

    The dystrophic nature of the origin of the disease, occurs as a result of impaired metabolism, insufficient amounts of vitamins, and poor conditions of life and work.

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    The traumatic nature of the occurrence of arthritis is when a person receives small but recurring injuries, closing or open joint damage. Also the cause of the development of arthritis can serve as frequent physical overstrain and hypothermia. Most often because of this cause suffer joints of the ankle. Therefore, even with minor pain, always consult a doctor, perhaps you need an arthritis treatment for the ankle joint.

    Symptoms of the disease

    Usually arthritis is accompanied by such symptoms:

    • pain in the injured joint;The
    • tissue over the joint is hotter than usual;
    • appears a feeling of stiffness;
    • swelling of the site over the joint;The
    • person becomes rather limited in movements.

    Sometimes, especially with the appearance of severe arthritis, such symptoms may appear: fever, a feeling of general weakness and leukocytosis.

    The disease can affect the joints of various parts of the body: knees, hands, fingers and so on. Treatment of arthritis of the joints of the hands( and any other) is aimed, first of all, at reducing the manifestation of the disease and restoring the usual metabolism in the joints.

    Methods of treatment

    Methods for the treatment of joint arthritis

    There are three approaches to the treatment of this disease: complex, long-term and systematic.

    It should be noted that the treatment of the disease should combine not only the methods of influencing the processes in the cartilaginous tissues of the joint, but also the methods of affecting the entire body.

    There are such methods of arthritis joint treatment:

    • Pharmacological;
    • Non-pharmacological;
    • Surgical.

    If you have chronic arthritis, you will need 3 very simple tips that will help every day:

    • try not to make sudden movements. Do everything slowly and slowly;
    • make sure that all armchairs and chairs in your house have armrests. With them to sit down and get up will be much easier;
    • , bend only the way you feel comfortable. Remember that you must always distribute the load to all joints and muscles.

    Drug treatment

    Drug treatment

    Treatment of arthritis of the joints of the fingers or hands, no matter what part of your body is affected by this disease, should be done using specially designed medications.

    The first thing you should do is to buy special cream and ointments in the pharmacy that will remove puffiness and pain from the joints. Remember advertising on TV, there often offer various means of joint pain. The choice of such funds is very wide, so everyone can choose something suitable not only according to the prescription, but also on financial opportunities.

    Secondly, you need to take aspirin. After all, it is considered one of the main drugs in the treatment of arthritis. Just remember that you yourself should not choose the dose of the drug, only a doctor can do it. Aspirin should be taken with food, and must be chewed properly.

    Treatment with healing mud

    Treatment with healing mud

    This method is considered quite ancient, but it has proven itself well. In past years, the treatment of arthritis was carried out on the shore of the estuary or lake, the patient had to be buried in the mud. Mud treatment is used for diseases of the spine, various bone injuries, with disorders of the nervous system and, of course, with arthritis.

    Sea silt is also often used. It must be applied to the affected joints for about 20 minutes every other day. Do not wait for an instant effect, in order to feel relief, you need to undergo at least 10 procedures.

    Acupuncture treatment

    Acupuncture treatment

    This method came to us from China, there it has been used for many centuries. Nobody can really explain how it works. There is a theory according to which it is believed that thanks to acupuncture, endorphins are released into the body, which act as a natural pain killer. This method has proved effective in people who have been troubled for many years by arthritis of the elbow joint.

    Treatment with manual therapy

    Treatment with manual therapy

    This method is the effect of the hands of a specialist on a damaged joint or muscle. People who are really good at manual therapy can easily relieve the pain in arthritis. Only you need to make sure that you are going to the reception to real experts, not charlatans. After all, the intervention of inept hands with arthritis can have a very negative impact on your health.

    Surgical treatment

    Surgical treatment

    If you have already tried all of the above methods, and arthritis still torments you, everyone will come to despair. Even if the situation seems dead-end, remember that there is a way out.

    There are many types of surgical treatment. Of these, the most common are:

    1. Arthroscopy. With this method, the doctor, using a special optical device, which is inserted into the cavity of the damaged joint, examines the surface of the bone. And then, thanks to special tools, he restores cartilage and removes bits of bone that have come off.
    2. Arthroplasty. This is the name for the replacement of the damaged joint. Most often this method is used by treating the knee joint. There are two types of artificial joints: made of metal or plastic.

    Prevention of

    A significant part of prevention and successful treatment of arthritis is proper nutrition. Follow the following guidelines and the treatment will be much easier.

    1. Remember the variety in eating and consistency in weight.
    2. Reduce the amount of consumed animal fat. Enter in the diet more vegetable food.
    3. Eat as many vegetables and fruits as possible.
    4. Reduce consumption of salt and sugar.
    5. Mandatory: throw and smoke and drink alcoholic beverages.

    Of course, people suffering from arthritis, everyone, even the slightest movement can bring a lot of pain. But, no matter what, if you have arthritis, you need therapeutic gymnastics. Note that you need to practice regularly: every day and no less than 40 minutes. Try to do the maximum exercise at a time when the pain is at least a little let go.

    While no doctor will tell you that arthritis can be completely cured. But now you know that even if you have such a disease, following the recommendations of doctors, you can get rid of the severe manifestations of the disease and try to live a full life.