  • Eating belly or rotten eggs: causes, treatment

    Such a phenomenon familiar to many as a burp not only brings physical and aesthetic discomfort, but can be a sign of serious problems in the digestive tract.

    Therefore, it is so important to understand the features, types and causes of this ailment.

    Belching is understood as an involuntary, sudden withdrawal of food, air or gases with a characteristic odor and a special sound from the gastrointestinal tract through the oral cavity.

    Depending on the frequency, intensity and specificity of the process of appearance of unpleasant sensations, it is possible to determine ways of getting rid of an ailment.

    The main causes of air belching in adults

    This form of malaise is due to the fact that air bubbles are pressing on the diaphragm. This effect leads to the fact that the movement of air in the opposite direction begins along the esophagus to the mouth. This causes eructation. Single cases of its occurrence do not pose a threat and indicate errors in the diet or violations of the rules for food intake.
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    Eating by air in adults usually occurs after a meal, contains a small amount of air, an unpleasant odor is absent. A person does not feel much discomfort. This eructation is called physiological, which is due to the external causes of its occurrence, among which the following should be noted:

    • rapid swallowing of food, food on the go, at which the ingestion of air takes place.
    • conducting conversations at the time of the meal.
    • systematic overeating turns into that the food filled with food is not able to work normally. As a result, the food masses stagnate, the processes of fermentation and gas formation begin.
    • addiction to carbonated beverages is the cause of belching by air, since soaking up the liquid enters the stomach, and the gases tend to get out.
    • to worsen digestion can physical activity if to start it to be engaged soon after meal. Proper work of the gastrointestinal tract is broken, digestion of the eaten and its absorption slows down, there is an eructation. The
    • air outlet can be triggered by the frequent use of chewing gum, which affects digestion.
    • physiological eructation often worries pregnant women in late gestation due to the displacement of internal organs and pressure on the diaphragm. It is also observed in infants, who in the process of sucking seize a lot of air.
    You can get rid of such ailment without difficulty, having adjusted your habits of behavior at the table and excluding provocative products from the diet. A person should begin to thoroughly chew food, eat properly and slowly, to forget about unpleasant moments.

    What causes eructations of rotten eggs?

    This phenomenon is much more unpleasant and dangerous, because it indicates the presence of problems with the gastrointestinal tract. It is no accident that such a burp is also called pathological. It contains gases that leave the digestive tract and contain a small percentage of hydrogen sulfide. It is he who is responsible for a specific aroma, reminiscent of the smell of spoiled eggs.

    Only in rare cases, the cause of burping of rotten eggs is the result of excessive entrainment of boiled or fried eggs, fast food and meat products in large quantities. If the reason is only this, an unpleasant symptom will stop annoying after a review of the diet in favor of a healthy diet.

    The constantly appearing eructation of rotten eggs is associated with the presence of diseases. Suffering from the disease stomach is not able to properly digest food, the proteins contained in it begin to rot and release hydrogen sulphide, which gives the escaping gas a specific smell.

    Eating belly eggs can be a symptom of any disease:

    1. 1) Gastritis of acute course of infectious nature, as well as the chronic form of the disease, in which inflammation of the gastric mucosa leads to a deterioration in its secretory abilities until the secretion of the secretion is completely stopped. With running cases, a burp with an unpleasant odor is supplemented with other symptoms: pain syndrome, a feeling of fullness in the abdomen, nausea with vomiting and a loose stool.
    2. 2) Because stenosis of the pylorus of the stomach leads to food stagnation and the appearance of decomposition processes in the digestive tract, it can also cause the appearance of such characteristic eructations.
    3. 3) Chronic pancreatitis at the stage of exacerbation can be one of the reasons, since the presence of such a diagnosis already indicates an unfavorable situation in the digestive tract, interruptions in the production of enzymes, worsening peristalsis of the duodenum and other disorders that are only intensified in attacks. At the peak of the disease, the clinical picture includes not only burping of rotten eggs, but accompanied by the appearance of abdominal pain, bloating soon after eating, nausea and vomiting of
    4. . 4) Belching with these properties can be a sign of a number of diseases that are associated mainly with the onset of putrefactiveprocesses in the digestive tract. These include lambliasis, Crohn's disease and other pathological changes in the intestine, cholecystitis, cholelithiasis and stomach cancer.
    5. 5) Eating a rotten egg can occur when food is intolerant, for example, lactose, fructose and gluten.

    What to do with belching?

    If you consider that burp with the smell of rotten eggs is often just one of the symptoms of a serious illness, with frequent appearances, you should undergo a medical examination to find the source of the problem.

    After finding out the provoking factors, it is necessary to take care of the treatment and compilation of the optimal diet. The latter excludes the consumption of products that contribute to the processes of putrefaction and fermentation in the digestive tract.

    The most harmful from this point of view are fatty dairy products( sour cream, milk, cream), legumes, some vegetables( tomatoes, zucchini, cabbage, onions) and fruits( pears, apples, cherries, plums, citrus).You can not include in the menu and sulfur-containing foods: canned fish and red meat, rabbit meat, pork, chicken, turkey meat, beef, eggs. In their place, liquid first dishes come, and dairy products enriched with bifidobacteria( yogurt, kefir, cottage cheese).

    As for the drug treatment, it depends on the nature of the source of the disease. Infectious diseases prescribe antibacterial drugs. If the belching of rotten eggs is a symptom of a disease associated with parasite infection, resort to antiparasitic medicines.

    When slowing down the digestive processes due to a lack of enzymes, prescribe drugs that contain missing substances, as well as adsorbents and improving the peristalsis of the digestive tract medicines.

    In this case, therapeutic exercise, which provides artificial stimulation of the musculature of the stomach, can be useful.

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