How to get rid of sweating feet - ways to combat sweating
Perspiration of the feet is a problem that creates a lot of inconvenience. Excessive sweating causes not only an unpleasant odor, but also discomfort. This problem forces people to avoid public places and once again take off their shoes. Especially sweating is intensified in hot weather, or with increased physical exertion. Sweat has no smell. Smell provokes decomposing bacteria. Increased sweating of the feet can cause fungal and infectious diseases.
In order to get rid of an unpleasant odor, you need to reduce sweating. How to get rid of sweating of the feet? Are there any effective methods that will solve this problem? In order to answer these questions, it is necessary to find out the true cause of increased sweating.
Reasons for
- Inconvenient, tight, closed and substandard shoes.
- Synthetic socks.
- Physical overvoltage.
- Excitement, stress.
- Fungal diseases of the feet.
- Infectious or endocrine diseases.
- Non-observance of the elementary rules of hygiene.
- Improper shoe care.
Get rid of the odor
- more often. You should have at least two pairs of shoes for each season, so that one pair is ventilated and dried for at least two or three days.
- Shoes should be chosen only leather and in accordance with the time of year. In summer, it is advisable to wear open shoes so that the feet "breathe".
- In winter and demi-season shoes, the insoles need to be changed more often.
- You can put a bag in your shoes for the night, filled with lavender or juniper.
- That footwear, which is possible, for example, slippers, it is necessary to wash once a month.
Foot hygiene:
- Every day, you need to wash your feet with warm water, with the addition of table salt or baking soda, which dries the skin well and destroys the smell.
- Every day you should wear clean socks or tights. Socks must be cotton.
- Regularly you need to make warm baths with the addition of various herbs: sage, marigold, nettle.
- You can use a special deodorant for the feet, containing antibacterial and antifungal agents.
- Once a week, you need to use a special foot cream.
- At washing feet it is necessary to use bactericidal soap.
- You can use talc or a special powder daily, applying it on cleanly washed feet.
Folk Recipes Treatment
- Grind the oak bark and add it inside the socks.
- As powder, you can use: boric acid powder, talcum, potato starch.
- Prepare the mixture: potato starch + salicylic acid, in the proportion of 9 parts: 1 part.
- You can use salt or soda as a powder, they perfectly neutralize the smell.
- Apply the powder to washed and dry feet, abundantly sprinkled the feet and area between the fingers.
Special swabs can cure sweating of the feet. They need to be done throughout the year. With the help of the baths you can get rid of not only from an unpleasant sweating, but also to remove the coarsened skin and pods. Baths before bedtime increase the tone of the body and improve blood circulation.
For the preparation of medical baths you can use:
- sea or table salt - three to four tablespoons + warm water( two liters).Use this bath after washing your feet;
- oak bark and willow bark - for two tablespoons, pour steep boiling water( two liters) and boil for fifteen minutes. Strain and cool, lower your legs for twenty minutes;
- several packages of black tea, boiled with steep boiling water, after cooling, you should lower your legs for thirty minutes;
- mint, sage, nettle - take in equal proportions( three tablespoons each).Pour boiling water for fifteen minutes, cool, strain and lower your legs for twenty minutes;
- three tablespoons of chamomile, calendula and linden. Pour hot water, let it brew, drain. Lower your legs for twenty or thirty minutes;
- potassium permanganate. Prepare a weak solution of potassium permanganate, lower the legs for ten minutes;
- juice is half a lemon. Dilute it with cool water and lower your legs for fifteen minutes;
- half a cup of vinegar + two liters of warm water + thyme oil. Soar your feet for twenty minutes;
- 20-25 laurel leaves pour boiling water, cool. Soar your feet for twenty minutes;
- leaves walnut( 100-150 g) pour boiling water, insist fifteen minutes, drain. Soar your feet for twenty minutes.
General recommendations:
- To achieve the effect, you need to use contrasting baths - hot and cold.
- Soar in the spa baths should only be after they are well washed with soap.
- Duration of treatment with baths: daily use for one to two months.
- Daily it is possible to wipe cleanly washed feet tincture of a tea mushroom. This tincture tones and refreshes the knife of the legs, destroys the bacteria that cause the unpleasant odor.
In addition to powder, talc and therapeutic baths, complex solutions for excessive sweating of the feet include decoctions and soothing teas:
- tea made from mint, balm or chamomile;
- miracle tea from the root of valerian, St. John's Wort and Melissa. Grass is taken in equal proportion of a tablespoon, pour boiling water and insist for an hour. They drink several times throughout the day;
- decoction of sage - brew 100 g of grass with one liter of boiling water, insist, filter. Drink the broth at least three times a day for thirty ml;
- to drink decoctions and tea is recommended for one to two months daily.
We seek medical help
If treatment from excessive sweating of legs with folk methods does not bring the expected results and is ineffective, it is necessary to consult a specialist for recommendations and continue treatment with chemist's medications.
- Foot cream aims to eliminate odor and reduce sweating of the feet. A wide range of such tools presupposes different price categories and any spectrum of action. Use the cream according to the instructions.
- Drug medications - antibiotics and fungicides, can be taken only after consulting a doctor and under his direct supervision.
- In some cases it is necessary to resort to a more efficient method of electrophoresis. A weak discharge of electric current acts on the skin, and also suppresses the activity of the sweat glands. The course of procedures is two to four weeks, the effect persists for six to eight weeks.
- An expensive but very effective method is injections of botulinum toxin. This procedure will relieve sweating and unpleasant odor for six to eight months. However, not everyone can use this method of struggle against excessive sweating.
Massage as a component in the treatment of
Foot massage helps improve blood circulation and normalizes the sweating of the legs. For massage procedures use various aromatic oils, in particular lavender oil, which perfectly destroys bacteria. Massage with lavender oil is necessary daily, at night.
If you follow all the recommendations and advice, and if you regularly use the chosen method of fighting excessive sweating of your legs, you can permanently get rid of this unpleasant problem.
A few more good recommendations below: