
How to treat chickenpox - treatment of chicken pox in children and adults

  • How to treat chickenpox - treatment of chicken pox in children and adults

    Chickenpox is one of the most common diseases among children. Chicken pox( or chickenpox) causes the herpesvirus type III( Varicella Zoster).Chickenpox is sick only once in a lifetime. Most often, it affects children under the age of 10-12 years. It is only one child to pick up the virus, as in a short time an entire class or group in the kindergarten becomes infected. Infectious disease becomes one day before the appearance of rashes on the skin.

    In childhood, chickenpox is much more easily tolerated than in an adult. In some countries, a child with chickenpox is not isolated from peers. It is believed that it is better to have it in childhood, then there is no need for special treatment, and there will be fewer complications. The disease itself is not too dangerous, but rather unpleasant. It is very important to monitor the patient's condition, and if symptoms of a complication occur, seek medical advice immediately.

    Chicken pox is given by airborne droplet. After recovery, a person remains strongly immune to the disease.

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    Symptoms of chicken pox

    Symptoms of chickenpox

    The incubation period of chicken pox is from one to three weeks. During this period, no symptoms appear. After the patient greatly increases the body temperature to 39 - 39.5 degrees. Together with her on the skin there is a rash, it is she who determines chicken pox. Also, there is a headache, loss of appetite and weakness.

    First the rash appears in small amounts and looks like flat pink spots. After a few hours, their number is greatly increased. The specks themselves become convex, and fill with liquid. Here you should be especially careful: they are forbidden to squeeze out. The rash appears on all parts of the body: on the trunk, limbs, face, and can even on the mucous membrane of the mouth. Later these bubbles burst and dry up, forming crusts. Then they fall away without forming scars on the skin.

    It should be noted that the rash has a polymorphic nature of the rashes. Simply put, it appears as waves, therefore on the patient's body there can be both pink spots and bubbles with liquid and crusts. The appearance of a new rash usually occurs every day or two for one week. Everything depends on the human immunity.

    The rash on the skin causes severe itching. However, it is forbidden to scratch the skin, as the infection can be infiltrated into the wounds, and secondary skin infection will appear in addition to the chickenpox.

    How to treat chickenpox in children

    The best remedy for chickenpox

    Specific treatment for chicken pox does not require. All actions are aimed at alleviating the symptoms. For example, at a high temperature give an antipyretic agent, and the blisters are covered with a green. If the child is weakened immunity, chickenpox is injected with immunoglobulin.

    Sick children are treated at home. Hospitalize the patient when he does not tolerate the disease or when complications arise. But there are no special procedures at home. During illness the child is shown bed rest, and it is important to change bed linen frequently. It is worth paying attention to the baby's diet. During this period, he should consume as much liquid as possible and follow a diet based on dairy and plant products( juices, milk porridges, fruit or vegetable purees).

    Rashes on the skin should be treated with a solution of potassium permanganate or zelenok about two times a day. If this is not done, then the skin will develop scars. However, do not be zealous. If the pimples are treated more often, they can be overdried, and the skin will also have scars. When treating the rash, you should pay attention to the cotton swab. Do not touch them to clean skin - the virus will also pass to it.

    There is an opinion that the main treatment for chickenpox is green. This is not quite true. Zelenka only helps to reduce itching and prevents infection. Doctors can determine whether the child is infectious or not.

    How to treat chickenpox in adults

    As soon as chickenpox enters the adult body, it begins to act with greater force than the child. The incubation period is about 3 weeks. After this, the temperature rises sharply, there is weakness, pain when swallowing. In adult rashes, even more.

    Adults who are sick with chickenpox can not leave the house for about 2 weeks, and also be protected from people who have not had chickenpox, regardless of age.

    The rash appears first from the head, inguinal area and trunk, and then passes to the body. The rash turns into blisters, with a diameter of 2 to 3 mm, which are strongly itchy. And if the child needs to be monitored, then an adult should understand that he risks infecting the wound.

    Rash is not allowed to be wetted. Only intimate hygiene is allowed. The first shower is allowed three days after the appearance of blisters. To alleviate the itching, you can take diazolin twice a day( the first time in the morning, and the second evening after eating).Blisters fall to the end of the second week, and after them remain pink spots, recovering one and a half months.

    Complications after chickenpox

    In childhood, and, of course, with proper care, there are almost no complications. In adults, chicken pox can be the cause of the development of new diseases, such as nephritis, otitis media, pneumonia, toxic shock syndrome, and the like.

    If any of the following symptoms occur, the doctor should be immediately consulted:

    • if, after a crust disappears, the pink spots increase in size, or the new rash is small enough and quickly passes;
    • for more than a week keeps the temperature above 37 degrees, even if the rash does not cause any problems;
    • if a rash has appeared in the mouth, on the eye shell and genitals( possibly a rash has appeared on the internal organs);
    • if the patient began to cough and had a runny nose( this can occur if there is a rash in the nasopharynx);
    • if the disease has any atypical symptom.

    Disease is also dangerous during pregnancy. The fact is that the virus is transmitted to the child. And it can cause the development of severe deformities, pneumonia, scars on the skin.

    In any case, if the first signs appear, the patient should consult a doctor who will diagnose and monitor the course of the disease.