
How to Get Pregnant Fast - How to Get Pregnant Fast

  • How to Get Pregnant Fast - How to Get Pregnant Fast

    1. Take vitamins. This is very important, because the future mother should strengthen their health, so that the body could easily bear the baby. The most beneficial effect on the process of conception and the organs of the small pelvis is folic acid and vitamin E. Of course, you should start taking any vitamins only after you consult with your gynecologist. After all, the dose of drugs for each woman will be different.

    2. Diet for the beloved. Everyone knows that the most important role in the process of fertilization is played by male sex cells. Therefore, they must necessarily be mobile and energetic, able at the right time to get to the main goal - the egg. To make spermatozoa more mobile and vigorous, and also to strengthen men's strength, experts give a general recommendation - to follow a diet. In the diet of the man, the main thing should be fish, nuts and meat, in general, everything that contains a large number of proteins. Absolutely do not need in this period too strong sports loads, they only make the quality of semen worse.

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    4. Walk more often in the fresh air. Future parents simply have to spend as much time as possible in nature. Be sure to take care of this if you want to become a mother as soon as possible.
    5. When you will calculate which days are most favorable for conception, and this is after ovulation, usually occurring in the middle of the cycle.

    6. Time for conception. Why is it considered that the easiest way to get pregnant is in the beginning of spring, or at the end of autumn. Spring - it's time when all the living things are awakened, then it's time for the birth of a new life. And autumn is favorable because it is during this period of time that a person's peak of health comes: he received a considerable amount of vitamins due to vegetables and fruits, eaten in the summer, as well as rest and the sun. There is also the most favorable time for conception. Do you know what? Morning, of course.

    7. The correct weight. Future mothers need to forget about strict diets. Believe me, you will have time to be beautiful. And now you have a slightly different, much more important task, you have to conceive and endure your baby. Therefore, try to regulate your weight several months before the planned conception. At too thin or, on the contrary, at too full girls, there can be problems with fast conception. The same rule is absolutely true for men. Did you know that because your loved one is losing weight, he can produce fewer sperm counts?

    8. Tell bad habits "no!".First of all, such habits include, of course, alcohol and smoking. Women who smoke reduce their chances of becoming pregnant by as much as 30 percent. For men, smoking is also very harmful: spermatozoa become "weaker".Yes, there smoking, ordinary coffee, and then adversely affects the conception, so exclude from his life the habit of drinking coffee in the morning. If this is completely impossible for you, at least go to the use of coffee, not containing caffeine.

    9. Proper nutrition. Everyone knows that there is a special diet for pregnant women. But few people think how harmful fast food, for example, the one who still does not bear a child. All these burgers and hot dogs only crush the stomach, supplying the body with dyes, preservatives and the most terrible carcinogens( especially the products that were cooked with sunflower oil - belyashi, french fries, etc.).Neither you, nor even more so your future baby does not need such "nice" supplements!

    10. Forget about drugs and chemistry! It is necessary to give up drugs, especially antibiotics. Everyone knows that any drug besides good brings also harm, so take care of your health at least before conception. In addition to drugs, household chemicals have a very negative effect on the body. Of course, no one says to stop washing dishes with the help of special tools, but try to stay away from the premises where smells of paint, varnish and other toxic substances are present. There are even such specialists who recommend removing the fillings of cat litter from home. Have to ask the cat for a while to walk in the sand.

    11. Avoid stress. More than once it has been proved that there is a relationship between the mental state in which a woman is and the probability for her to become pregnant. Therefore, it is necessary to try to avoid stress, feelings and negative thoughts. Find a way of relaxation that is right for you. How about recreation in nature, a bath with abundant foam or aromatherapy?

    In our crazy time, when women are increasingly planning to first reach certain career heights, and then create a family and give birth to a child, the question "how quickly to get pregnant" has lost its relevance a little. But, fortunately, there are still women who do not need much success at work, they obey the strongest of all human instincts and are very keen to produce a baby. After all, what if not motherhood is the most important of women's vocations?

    But quite often it happens that women who are eager to become a mother, face the fact that it is difficult for them to become pregnant. It is worth noting that the advice of this article can bring positive results only in cases where neither the man nor the woman has any serious health problems. To make sure that you and your partner do not have chronic diseases, you need to seek the help of qualified specialists who, after carrying out the necessary tests, will give you a verdict: will you have difficulties with conceiving a child.

    Of course, you yourself understand very well that pregnancy will occur sooner, when both partners are absolutely healthy.

    As soon as possible to become pregnant

    Doctors believe that in order for a woman to become pregnant, both partners should try. They advise future parents planning to conceive a child, to observe several rules.

    So, such advice, doctors, how to get pregnant quickly:

    Folk methods

    Folk methods for early pregnancy

    Pumpkin contains vitamin E, which is the main regulator of hormonal balance in the body of a woman. Therefore, buy yourself a pumpkin and search the Internet for as many recipes as possible of delicious dishes, which can be prepared from it.

    Our ancestors came with a problem of infertility to sorcerers, and they "prescribed" them to drink tea or infusion of sponges. Its recipe is this: take two glasses of grass, fill them with two same glasses of boiling water. This miracle-tool must be insisted for 4 hours. Drink it must be four times a day for half a glass 15 minutes before eating.

    There is another tool that helps you get pregnant quickly. The remedy is sage. But just remember that the decoction of this wonderful plant should be taken only in the absence of menstruation.

    Recipe: Take one tablespoon of sage and fill it with one glass of boiling water. Drink the broth for 11 days, twice a day for one tablespoon. The course can be extended to three months. If they do not have pregnancy, you need to take two months off the use of broth.

    To become pregnant after abortion

    The fact that women want to become pregnant after an abortion is absolutely normal and most importantly achievable desire. Of course, in most cases abortion greatly reduces the likelihood of quickly conceiving a child, but there are also diagnostic advantages, for example, secondary infertility. This means that at one time you could still get pregnant quickly, and the reasons that prevented it now appeared a little later. Such causes can be: improperly performed abortion, endocrine or gynecological diseases that have appeared. If you have an abortion, you can contact your doctor six months after the first unsuccessful attempt to conceive a child.

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