Why joints crunch and ache: prevention of joint diseases
The cause of pain and crunch in the joints is the beginning arthrosis of
Until recently, it was accepted that the pain and crunch in the joints occur only in the elderly,and associated them with natural aging and body wear.
But medical statistics show that recently joint pains have often been experienced by young people and even children, which causes serious concern for doctors, because in severe cases, these diseases can lead to a restriction of mobility and even disability.
Causes of pain and crunch in the joints ^
Usually, when the joint crunch is not accompanied by pain, people do not pay any attention to it. But doctors warn that joint crunching, like pain, does not occur simply and often is the first sign of the beginning arthrosis of - , the most common joint disease caused by the wear of cartilaginous tissue.
Moreover, X-ray images sometimes show even a complete absence of cartilage, which, quite simply, "erased".Often, joint pains are the satellites of infectious diseases, the deposition of salts in the cavity of the joint bag, excessive strain or trauma.
The human joint is often compared to a sliding bearing in which the cartilage plays an important antifriction role, preventing the wear of rubbing surfaces, and the motion of the healthy joint is free and without crunching.
Osteoarthritis is cunning in that the cartilaginous tissue, erasing in the right place, begins to grow actively in another, unnecessary, thus blocking the mobility of the joint, and sometimes even causing its complete immobility. The most severe arthrosis of large joints - hip, shoulder, knee and ankle.
Symptoms of joint diseases ^
The main symptoms of joint diseases, indicating the development of pathological changes in them - is the restriction in their movement, swelling and tenderness in palpation.
Pay special attention to the mobility and flexibility of the joints. To assess flexibility and mobility, do the following simple tests yourself:
Hip joint test
Lean down, without bending your knees and try to reach the floor with your hands.
- If you reach the floor with your hands and hold this position for 3-4 seconds, you have great flexibility;
- if you reach the floor with your fingertips - the flexibility is good;
- if you could lower your fingers just below the knees, then, alas, it's bad.
Then turn your back to the wall and gently lift one leg to the side.
- If you could raise it by 90 degrees and hold for 2-3 seconds, the flexibility is excellent,
- at 70 degrees is good,
- less than 70 degrees is bad.
Knee joint flexibility test
- If you can fully sit down with arms outstretched or with hands behind your head, this indicates good flexibility.
Flexibility test for shoulder joints
- If you can bend one arm with your elbow up behind your head and the other with your elbow down behind your back, touch each other's fingers with your fingers, then you have great flexibility.
The first symptoms of developing arthrosis:
- articular pain arising from physical exertion, characterized by starting pain at the onset of movement, which is weakened as the motor activity increases;
- nocturnal joint pain, affecting the quality of sleep and causing waking up in the middle of the night;
- joint stiffness after sleep or long idle in a monotonous position;
- knee pain while climbing the stairs, increasing when descending, especially in people with excess weight;
- bone seals on the extremities of the hands.
Prevention of joint diseases ^
If you have found the listed first symptoms of joint disease, do not wait until the arthrosis completely hits you, and at the first signs start fighting with it. Prevention of joint diseases includes:
- weight normalization,
- proper nutrition,
- therapeutic physical exercises.
In many cases, it is enough to simply change the way of life - to reduce weight, get rid of harmful food addictions, start to practice curative gymnastics, carry out preventive cleaning from salt deposits by folk remedies, and the disease recedes.
Doctors recommend for the prevention of joint diseases, first of all, to normalize their weight, because most often they suffer from obese people, which is not surprising, since the extra pounds create a colossal additional load.
To prevent the progression of arthrosis, therapeutic gymnastics is very much shown, which contributes to improving the blood supply of tissues around the affected joint and providing cartilage with oxygen.
- It is useful to engage in cycling, swimming, skiing and especially walking - the most useful and gentle sport, which helps to strengthen the muscular corset and improve metabolism.
- When practicing sports, you need to load yourself reasonably, in no case be overloaded and do not lift excessive weights. At intensive loads often there are imperceptible externally microtraumas, which later outgrow into arthrosis.
- Do not recommend running, jumping, crouching and lifting weights.
- Doctors urge fans to "crack their fingers" immediately to abandon this bad habit, because such a click causes joint injuries, loss of their mobility, and, as a consequence, the risk of arthrosis.
Diet for joints
An important place in the prevention of joint diseases takes a balanced diet. An effective diet for joint diseases should be designed to help reduce excess weight, but at the same time provide the body with all the necessary substances and vitamins.
- The menu must contain proteins - the necessary building material for new cells, including the restoration of cartilage. Ideal in this regard, dairy products, which, in addition to protein, contain a lot of calcium, necessary for strengthening bones.
- Use in your diet more vegetables, fruits, herbs and cereals, containing a lot of vitamins and complex carbohydrates, giving a long feeling of satiety. Fiber found in these products, removes excess cholesterol, improves digestion and cleanses the intestines from toxins and toxins, which is very important for weight loss.
- In no case do not refuse from the fats necessary for normal metabolism, but as much as possible replace them with vegetable.
- Scientists also advise with articular pain, there are more fish products containing many useful substances for cartilage and bone tissue. It is noted that in countries with traditional seafood cuisine, the population is much less likely to suffer from joint diseases.
- In addition, it is believed that in joint diseases it is very useful to consume jelly or jelly cooked on bone broth, since this broth contains the collagen necessary for the construction of cartilaginous tissue.
The medical literature is widely known experiment of Dr. Wallock of the Harvard Medical School for the treatment of patients with joint diseases instead of medical preparations with chicken protein.
29 volunteers agreed to this experiment, which already had nothing to lose, since all known methods of treatment were used by the doctors, but due to their ineffectiveness, the last remedy was the operation to replace the joint.
The doctor invited them to wait another 90 days, since they had suffered so much before deciding to surgery. Every day, patients instead of pills and injections were given a teaspoon of chopped chicken cartilage, diluted with orange juice.
The results of treatment were simply stunning:
- after 10 days passed joint pain,
- significantly improved their mobility in a month,
- in 3 months the patients were completely healthy, and joint function was restored.
Therefore, if you have pain and crunch in the joints, as well as other characteristics, do not despair. Take preventive maintenance of the disease as early as possible, at the first symptoms of the disease, go through the examination, normalize the weight, eat properly and exercise useful physical exercises, not giving the chance of arthrosis to defeat you.