
How to get rid of a hangover( at home)

  • How to get rid of a hangover( at home)

    It is no secret to anyone that after drinking a lot of alcohol, a person begins to experience a lot of unpleasant consequences, which are accompanied by such symptoms as a sharp headache, nausea followed by vomiting, fever, severe thirst, chills, a significant change in blood pressure,weakness, etc.

    As a rule, such signs of alcohol poisoning come in a few hours after consuming alcohol-containing drinks. And if a person does not have the opportunity to stay at home and lie in bed, then he is forced to take all necessary measures to eliminate the painful condition.

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    So how to get rid of a hangover in order to restore your normal state as quickly as possible and easily go to work? Surely this question interested every person who at least once took alcohol. However, in order to respond to it, it is first necessary to identify the reasons for this unpleasant state.

    Three reasons why a hangover occurs

    Causes of a hangover

    Most people think that the headache, nausea and thirst begin to appear only after taking a large amount of alcohol. But this is an erroneous opinion, since a hangover can arise even from a small dose of alcohol-containing beverage. This feature is associated with the following factors:

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    1. Partial body poisoning. After drinking alcohol in the human body begins to break up into separate elements, while forming toxic poisons, which lead to the corresponding hangover syndromes. It is worth noting that such drinks as rum, vermouth, whiskey and tequila are especially harmful in this regard. This fact is due to the fact that the presented alcohol-containing liquids contain a large number of harmful impurities, which impose additional loads on the liver.
    2. Severe dehydration of the body. It is generally believed that during a hangover, the human body experiences a great lack of fluid. However, this is another misconception, since alcohol can not contribute to dehydration of the body, and a person feels thirsty only for the reason that because of taking alcohol, moisture is simply mis-distributed throughout the body. This explains the excessive puffiness of people who love to be pampered with high-alcohol drinks.
    3. Dysfunction of brain cells. Experts say that after taking alcohol, it breaks down in the body, forming a substance called acetaldehyde. It is it that negatively affects the nervous system of a person, which gives rise to a special sensitivity to light, as well as to a sharp and loud sound.

    Based on the presented reasons, it is possible to construct logical assumptions on how to get rid of a hangover and provide the poisoned organism with the necessary help.

    Three ways to restore the body after poisoning

    Water with lemon juice
    • Remove all toxins. With the intoxication of the body you can fight quite differently. For example, in cases of severe poisoning, it is recommended to excrete poisons by physical action on the human gastrointestinal tract. To do this, you need to make a two or three-liter enema or to wash the stomach. If, for any reason, these methods are unacceptable, it is recommended that they be cleaned with activated charcoal or other chemotherapy drugs based on lignin. In addition, from a hangover, such agents as succinic acid( no more than six tablets a day), tincture of Eleutherococcus( 30-40 drops before each meal) or ordinary water with the addition of lemon juice in a ratio of one to one are saved.
    Folk remedies for hangover
    • The correct distribution of moisture in the human body. In order to eliminate imaginary dehydration, some people resort to such tricks as the simultaneous use of diuretics and clean fluid. However, before these procedures it is desirable to replenish your body with electrolyte salts, having drunk cabbage or cucumber brine for this purpose.
    • Restoration of normal operation of the nervous system. To achieve this goal, experts recommend taking a drug such as glycine. In addition, the nervous system can be restored through the following medicines: Panangin, Pikamilon, Pantogam and Mexidol.

    How to bring the body to tone

    Contrast shower

    It is also worth noting that there are other methods of getting rid of hangover syndrome, which do not involve the reception of traditional medicines, but are aimed solely at a tonic effect.

    • Water procedures. As practice shows, the best way to get rid of a hangover is water procedures. These include the reception of baths with the addition of essential oils, a contrast shower, local cold compresses, as well as hiking in a sauna or a sauna.
    • Physical Exercises. In order to quickly get rid of poisons, experts recommend doing gymnastics and doing a couple stretching exercises. After such a shake-up, the human body is saturated with oxygen and acquires vital vitality.
    • Light lunches. During a hangover, it is advisable to eat only light foods rich in nutrients. For example, such products as fresh tomatoes, bananas, citrus fruits, apples, honey, capers, etc. help to cope with alcohol poisoning.
    • Abundant and frequent drinking. To maximally quickly remove all poisoning elements from the body, it is recommended to drink up to three liters of liquid per day. However, one should not only use ordinary water, but also water saturated with minerals. In addition, you can additionally drink tea, tomato or lemon juice, cabbage or cucumber brine, as well as kvass, sour-milk drinks, mineral water, etc.
    Water and alcohol

    Thus, following all the above rules for the intake of medications and nutritious foods,a person can quickly get rid of any hangover syndrome and restore normal functioning of his body.