
What vitamin is contained in the tomato, the composition and useful properties of tomatoes

  • What vitamin is contained in the tomato, the composition and useful properties of tomatoes

    Tomato - a saffron plant imported from the South American continent, which was originally considered decorative. Over time, when it began to be used for food, it was found that this vegetable is not only delicious, but also very useful. Scientists have found out what vitamin is contained in a tomato and brings the greatest benefit to the body.

    Vitamin composition of tomato

    The fruit of a tomato is almost 95% water. The rest is fiber, vitamins, minerals and a small amount of protein.

    The most important substance found in tomatoes is lycopene. This element helps the body to fight cancer cells.

    Vitamin composition of tomato:

    1. Fat-soluble A, D, E.
    2. Group B: B1, B2, B5, B6, B12 vitamins.
    3. Vitamin C.
    4. Nicotinic acid PP.
    5. Vitamin K.

    Next, consider what trace elements are contained in the tomato. The first item in the list is the one that is the most, the last with the least:

    1. Potassium.
    2. Phosphorus.
    3. Calcium.
    4. Magnesium.
    5. Sodium.
    6. Iron.
    7. Zinc.
    8. Copper.
    9. Fluoride.
    10. Selenium.
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    As you can see, the content of vitamins and minerals in tomatoes makes it possible to classify a vegetable as one of the most useful. Unfortunately, the number of elements such as copper and potassium is not very large( as in potatoes or bananas), but a tomato is one of the lowest calorie vegetables.

    Vitamin properties in tomato

    The participation of vitamin B1 in the metabolism of carbohydrates makes it indispensable for our body, especially for people who want to lose weight. Insufficient amount of B1 in the body makes it defenseless before the action of pyruvic acid, which can lead to poisoning.

    In the lipid-protein exchange, B2 is a vitamin, which is simply necessary for the growth and repair of cells. In addition, he is responsible for oxygen access. Normal functioning of the organs of vision is also impossible without this vitamin.

    Consuming vitamins B5 will prevent inflammation, and it is also a good prophylaxis for pellagra.

    Vitamin composition of tomatoes, although in small amounts, includes a natural antioxidant vitamin E. It fights against free radicals that form in the body and lead to cell destruction and premature aging. This vitamin normalizes the work of the reproductive organs. He is also an active participant in the metabolic processes of muscle tissue, nerves, and liver.

    Ascorbic acid( vitamin C) strengthens blood vessels, and also no metabolic process can do without it.

    One of the most important elements can be called vitamin A, if it is about vision, because its absence can lead to twilight blindness.

    To answer the question, how many vitamins in a tomato, we will not load you with numbers and measures of weight. It is enough to eat a few tomatoes to replenish the daily norm of vitamins C and A in the body.

    Properties of micronutrients in tomatoes

    The tomato contains a rich composition of trace elements that have a positive effect on the body. It's amazing, but just a couple of medium-sized tomatoes can fully satisfy the daily requirement of the body in potassium, magnesium, iron, zinc, calcium and phosphorus.

    Potassium helps in the work of the heart, removes excess fluid.

    Magnesium is an excellent anti-stress agent.

    Without iron, the functioning of hematopoietic systems is impossible.

    Healthy and beautiful skin and hair are caused by the presence of zinc in food. Calcium is responsible for the strength of bones.

    All metabolic processes in internal organs and tissues take place with the participation of phosphorus.

    So, we can conclude that the tomato is a very useful product, just a storehouse of vitamins and trace elements. It helps the body function properly and even prevents cancer. Eating fresh tomatoes and tomato juice will help people who are on a diet to replenish their vitamins and minerals without affecting the figure.

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