
How to treat sinusitis - to treat sinus in the home

  • How to treat sinusitis - to treat sinus in the home

    Headache, fever and stuffy nose. .. Nothing can be worse? Can! When the rhinitis is complicated by inflammation of the paranasal sinuses or sinusitis. Its danger is that the disease quickly changes into a chronic form, and it is rather difficult and long to treat it. Most people think of the treatment of sinusitis as something incredibly terrible, associated with the use of strong antibiotics or even a puncture of the maxillary sinuses. I want to please you, that in reality everything is not so scary, because you can stop the inflammation in time and prevent any complications.

    What is sinusitis

    There are small cavities in the walls of the skull that contain air - sinusitis or paranasal sinuses. They are covered with mucous membrane, which protects the entire body from the penetration of viruses and bacteria into it. In addition, sinusitis takes a direct part in warming the air and air exchange.

    The largest adnexal sinuses can be called frontal and paranasal. Inflammation of the latter was called "sinusitis", and inflammation of the frontal - "front."

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    Sinusitis can occur because of the high predisposition of a particular person. For example, the disease can lead to: anatomical structure of sinusitis and nasal cavity, lifestyle and transferred diseases. Quite often the appearance of sinusitis is associated with acute course of flu, cold, measles and other diseases.


    Treatment of sinusitis

    Due to swelling of the mucosa and inflammatory reaction, microcirculation in the sinuses is very difficult. Therefore, the main task in the fight against sinusitis can be called the investment of outflow from the nose.

    It is quite difficult to ensure the penetration of antibiotics into this area, because they initially enter the stomach, they are absorbed and only reach the nose with blood. There is a barrier for the medicine - edema and impaired blood circulation. For this reason, it is necessary to act by various methods in order to make the treatment effective.

    In classical medicine, medicines are used and in some cases, surgical intervention. The first thing you need to do is to remove puffiness from the mucosa with the help of preparations of vasoconstrictive action. These include sprays, drops and inhalers. That's only to use them is not recommended for more than 3-5 days in a row.

    Next in the course are anti-inflammatory and antibacterial drugs. They are used for three weeks. If such medication methods did not bring the expected result, you will have to wash the nasal cavity, that is, make a puncture of the paranasal sinus. This is done in order to pump out all the pus from the nose, rinse the sinuses and enter into them the necessary medications.

    A large number of patients think that if they get a sinus puncture once, then all the time they have to do it. In fact, when the course of treatment is carried out correctly and to the end, there will be no need for repeated punctures. To date, in hospitals, immediately after the puncture, a catheter is placed in the sinus, through which it will be very convenient to do daily washing. Such a procedure does not need regular punctures and gives an opportunity to recover as soon as possible.

    Symptoms of sinusitis

    Usually, sinusitis is manifested by such symptoms( characteristic specifically for this disease):

    • headache that gives out in the teeth. Often soreness becomes much stronger with the onset of the evening;
    • sensation of pain when pressed on the cheeks or forehead;
    • sensation of squeezing or heaviness in the face;
    • purulent discharge from the nose;
    • a stuffy nose and a nasal voice;
    • increase in body temperature to 38 degrees;
    • general malaise and weakness.

    The final diagnosis is usually made after the radiography or tomography of the paranasal sinus has been performed. Genyantritis is dangerous because the infection is able to pass to the adjacent sections of the skull and even the brain( in rare cases).

    Treatment without antibiotics is possible

    Treatment of sinusitis without antibiotics

    Some doctors believe that curing sinusitis without using antibiotics is a feasible task.

    Because the blood flow in the sinuses is very weak, the effect of the drugs, however powerful they are, is quite insignificant. But the whole body suffers greatly from them: antibiotic treatment is always accompanied by immunodeficiency.

    How to stop sinusitis before it is not quite started yet? For this purpose it is necessary to act directly on the mucous sinuses. Do it quite possible and at home:

    1. Herbal infusion or a solution of sea salt to wash the nasal sinuses. As herbs you can use sage, heather, tartar or calendula. It is very convenient to carry out a similar procedure with a small syringe. Repeat washing at least 4 times a day.
    2. It is very important in case of maxillary sinusitis not to allow the mucous membrane to overdry. To moisten the mucosa use self-made oil droplets. So, take corn and olive oil in the proportion of 1: 1, let the day infuse into the hunters, and then for another hour 3 warm up in a water bath. Immediately after you wash your nose, bury yourself such a remedy.
    3. Before going to bed, when all the procedures are completed, apply a small amount of balm "Asterisk" to the places where the maxillary and frontal sinuses are located.

    For already overdried and inflamed mucous membrane there is nothing worse than drugs with vasoconstrictive effect. After all, they only lead to increased puffiness, a violation of blood circulation and are a hindrance to medications. For this reason, they should be taken only when serious evidence exists for this.

    In general, to facilitate breathing and improve the general condition, you can use the products having an oily basis. They create the thinnest film that does not give the mucous of your nose to dry out very much.

    Such a complex of procedures should be performed daily for 10 days. This will help improve blood flow in the sinuses of the nose, remove all the contents from them, prevent suppuration and the appearance of swelling.