
Causes of delay in menses other than pregnancy - delayed pregnancy

  • Causes of delay in menses other than pregnancy - delayed pregnancy

    Excitement of any of the fair sex, due to the temporary absence of menstruation, is most often associated with the familiar "female roulette": am I pregnant? However, the reasons for the delay of menstrual, except for pregnancy, can be very different, include both natural mechanisms of body protection, and pathological changes. In this case, the very first reaction of a woman to this circumstance is the desire to test herself with a widely known pregnancy test, which can be purchased at the nearest pharmacy. Doctors agree that if the month is delayed for more than 5 days, first of all, it is necessary to exclude from the causes "two strips".Moreover, they advise doing this twice, after repeating the verification in a few days.

    What is the "menstrual cycle" and how is it regulated?

    Regulation of the monthly pituitary and hypothalamus

    To understand how and why there is a delay in menstruation, you need to pay attention to the female anatomy and physiology of the process. All the reasons for adjusting the menstrual cycle are not in the woman's genitals, but in the "head".It is the cerebral cortex that collects all information about the health and condition of a woman, sending alarm signals to two "sentinel": the pituitary gland and the hypothalamus. This "sweet couple" interact, releasing special substances that affect the endocrine glands, as well as directly affecting the uterus and the ovaries. Without these stimulants of the menstrual process, there are no monthly ones.

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    In the first half of each "monthly cycle", so arranged by nature, the pituitary and hypothalamus women "order" these organs to prepare for the onset of pregnancy. The ovaries perform the task of producing estrogens and maturing the follicle with the egg, and a "pillow" is prepared for the adoption of the future fertilized maternal cell in the uterus, and the inner layer called the "endometrium" thickens.

    Maturation of the egg

    In the second phase of the menstrual cycle, after ovulation and release of the egg, the follicle transforms into a yellow body. It begins to actively release progesterone - one of the main hormones of pregnancy. If "successful" sexual intercourse has not occurred and no fertilization has occurred, then the yellow body is forced to cease functioning, the uterus begins to reject the cooked endometrium - as a result, the long-awaited menstrual periods come.

    The first ovulation and subsequent menstruation( "menarche") begin in girls in the period from about 11 to 14 years. Because of the unstable hormonal background in these years in adolescents for a couple of years, as a rule, the cycle is irregular. However, by the end of this period, it should become stable and have a duration of 21 to 35 days. Most often, specialists detect a 28-day period( plus or minus 3 days).

    Please note! The delay of monthly is considered to be their delay for 5 or more days. If such symptoms bother a girl or woman a couple of times a year - this is normal, but if such a pathology occurs more often - there is an occasion to consult a doctor.

    Causes of irregular menstrual cycle

    Reaction to

    medications The diagnosis of "ovarian dysfunction", delivered by a gynecologist, states a frequent delay in menstruation, but does not determine the specific cause of this situation. In the future it is necessary to determine: what served as a "trigger" for blocking the onset of pregnancy. It can be:

    • Stresses are real "killers" of the procreation process. Various nerve stresses, psycho-emotional disruptions, chronic traumatic situations can cause a delay in menstrual periods. Exams or family problems, complex relationships in a team or a quarrel with a young man - all this is perceived by the body as a stress, in which a woman should not bear children. You can change this situation by contacting a psychologist. Sometimes you can manage yourself: change jobs, find any positive solution to accumulated problems, or learn to perceive the situation not so tragically. It must be borne in mind that irregular sleep and fatigue( both physical and mental) is also a powerful stress for the female body!
    Sports overload
    Excessive sports and other physical activities. Complex "male" work with lifting weights, occupying professional sports, exhausting workouts are not the best conditions for the normal functioning of the monthly cycle and can even affect the possibility of procreation.
  • Acute and chronic ailments. Inflammatory processes( especially of the genitourinary system), hormonal imbalance, cancer( tumors, including benign), ovarian dysfunction and even improper insertion of the intrauterine device - these are the reasons for the delay of menstruation, except for pregnancy. Physicians also include various endocrine disorders: thyroid and adrenal functions, metabolic processes, such as obesity and diabetes.
  • Delay as a result of prolonged diets
    • Weight problems. An irregular menstrual cycle is associated with any deviation from the normal weight of a woman. It can be either excessive or underweight. Excess subcutaneous fat - a real "pantry" of estrogen, contributing to the emergence of various pathologies. And excessive leanness leads to the cessation of vital processes, including delays and stoppage of the menstrual cycle. The World Health Organization has determined the minimum weight of a girl capable of procreation - at least 45 kg!
    Disbalance in nutrition
    • Any diet, especially hard mono diets, unbalanced diet. In the diet of women, all micronutrients must necessarily be present: proteins, fats and carbohydrates. In sufficient quantities, you need to enrich your diet with vitamins and microelements. Even a low-calorie diet allows you to include all vital components, so that the body does not resort to emergency survival mode, delaying the monthly( as a side function).Moderate physical activity: jogging in the morning, doing fitness or aerobics will not do harm and will help to normalize weight.
    Moderation in physical activity
    • The reaction of the female body to individual medications: diuretic and hormonal( including contraceptive), anti-inflammatory and psychotropic, antiulcer, anabolic and corticosteroid. Often the reason for the delay of the monthly are various "diet pills".Consultation of a doctor to adjust the dose or complete withdrawal of pills in these cases is mandatory!
    Infringement of menstruation due to smoking
    • Prolonged intoxication. Harmful habits: smoking, drinking alcohol and drugs, as well as forced labor in harmful production poison the body of a woman. Only a change in work or lifestyle can lead to the normalization of the menstrual cycle after a general recovery of health.
    Delay due to bad habits
    • Interruption of unwanted pregnancy. Abortion has a very negative effect on the health of the uterus. Spontaneous abortions also have the same effect. They can lead to regular malfunctions in menstrual cycles.
    • "megaudar" hormonal contraceptives. Emergency contraception should be carried out only as the most compulsory measure - a double dose of hormones may in the long run cause a delay in menstruation. Recovery after such "therapy" is sometimes long enough. Therefore, resort to this method is possible only in exceptional cases!
    Hormonal birth control pills
    • Acclimatization. Sharp change of climate or abuse of the solarium, the female body perceives as stress. Unusual climatic conditions of Russian frosts for southerners or the scorching southern sun for residents of northern latitudes can cause a temporary absence of menstruation.
    • Heredity. If the irregular menstrual cycle was present in women of the same genus, the expectant mother must learn about these genetic characteristics.
    Delayed menstruation with climacterium
    • Climax. It is known that after 40-45 years the reproductive function of a woman fades and changes appear in the "schedule" of the onset of menstruation. Also, ladies of "Balzac's age" usually have a load of chronic diseases, which also sometimes leads to frequent delays and irregularities in the menstrual cycle.

    Having found out the reasons for the delay of the monthly, thanks to the medical examination, you can begin to eliminate them. At the same time, you need to take care of the rules of a healthy lifestyle. Do not waste your life potential! Proper nutrition, moderate and regular exercise, the regime of work and rest will strengthen not only health in general, but also your sexual system.


    For more information on the reasons for the delay in the monthly, see below: