
Treatment of sinusitis in the home - home treatment

  • Treatment of sinusitis in the home - home treatment

    Sinusitis refers to the inflammatory processes of the mucous membrane of the maxillary sinuses. The disease occurs as a result of infections and viruses that affect the respiratory tract and bronchi. Microbial pathogens fall into the maxillary sinuses, which are located on one and the other side of the nasal septum, they immediately multiply, causing inflammation.

    Causes of maxillary sinusitis

    Staphylococci, mycoplasmas, fungi, hemophilic rod, chlamydia, streptococci are most often the causative agents of infection.

    Sinusitis is an independent disease that often develops against the background of sore throats, colds or flu. The cause may be a blockage of the nasal mucosa with swelling. The liquid can not come out and irritates the mucous, allowing harmful micro-organisms to freely reproduce in the nasal septum and cause inflammation in the maxillary sinuses. Often, the cause may be a sick tooth that digs, or chronic tonsillitis, which inflames the tonsils, allowing the disease to go deep into the body.

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    In general, sinusitis develops in a period when winter replaces autumn. At this time of year, the human body lacks vitamins and minerals, which significantly weakens its protective functions, reduces the activity of the immune system.

    Curved nasal septum may cause the development of the disease. Also favorable for the development of sinusitis are allergic reactions and the presence of adenoids, which prevent a normal outflow of fluid from the nasal cavity. Thanks to this, a cluster of bacteria accumulates.

    Symptoms of sinusitis

    Symptoms of sinusitis can be hidden, that is, the disease may well have a latent( hidden) nature.

    The first sign of sinusitis is a permanent runny nose and nasal congestion. Speaking "in the nose" also signals the development of the disease. Many patients complain of persistent pain in the area of ​​the maxillary sinuses and headaches. At the peak of its development, the disease is characterized by severe headaches and purulent discharge from the nasal cavity.

    If you suspect a sinusitis, you should immediately consult a doctor otolaryngologist. An experienced doctor, having interviewed a patient and having established a clinical picture, will be assigned ultrasound examination of the maxillary sinuses to confirm the diagnosis. If the result is positive, it will be seen in the photo that the sinuses are filled with liquid.

    The standard treatment of sinusitis involves a medicamentous method, invasive and physiotherapeutic.

    Drugs should contain antibiotics of strong local effects, for example, bioparox. Physiotherapy includes the heating of the maxillary sinuses with ultraviolet, electrophoresis and other types of procedures.

    Surgical intervention is the most cardinal method of treatment of sinusitis. In view of the fact that the human brain "adjoins" the human brain with maxillary sinuses filled with a purulent yellow-green liquid, many otolaryngologists immediately suggest "punching the nose."This procedure consists in introducing into the maxillary sinuses two plastic tubes, through which the liquid filling them will be discharged. Many patients are addressed to the invasive procedure. Its disadvantage is that the unpleasant procedure will have to be repeated periodically. To avoid this, you can carry out treatment of sinusitis at home.

    Methods of treatment

    Methods of treatment of sinusitis

    There are a lot of ways that are based on the use of different products, namely, vegetables, fruits, herbs and plants that relieve catarrhal diseases, including sinusitis.

    1. Rub the skin over the maxillary sinuses with garlic. Then rub mixed birch charcoal and juice of burdock roots. The duration of the procedure should not exceed half an hour. The full course consists of three such procedures.
    2. Cook the eggs and heat them with the maxillary sinuses. To do this, immediately after the eggs are welded, wrap them with a towel so as not to burn the skin on your face, and hold until it cools down completely in the area of ​​inflammation.
    3. Inhalation is well done with tincture of propolis. In boiling water, add half a teaspoon of a thirty percent alcoholic tincture of propolis and get some steam, covering your head with a towel. Inhalations with propolis are an excellent remedy not only from sinusitis, but also from the common cold. For convenient use it is possible to purchase a special inhaler in a pharmacy.
    4. Treatment of sinusitis with aloe juice Take in equal shares celandine( grass), aloe juice and natural honey. Mix all ingredients and put them on the cold place for an hour. Then bury the resulting mixture in both nostrils for five to ten drops from three to five times a day.
    5. Spread the skin in the area of ​​inflammation with baby cream or vegetable / olive oil. Take the unpolished radish and rub it on a fine grater. Wrapping one or two spoons of grated vegetables in a piece of cloth, put it on the skin above the maxillary sinuses. Next, cover your face with a warm scarf, you can even wrap it around your head. Hold the compress for about ten minutes.
    6. Peeled and grated on a fine grater horseradish root combine with lemon juice squeezed out of three fruits. Drink tincture in the morning for twenty minutes before breakfast no more than half a teaspoon. Duration of treatment is limited to four months. You can repeat the course of treatment by making a two-week break.
    7. Honey from honeycombs can be digested into the nostrils one to two drops every three hours.
    8. Treating sinus with butter You can put a melted butter in your nose. The procedure is better in the morning or evening. Bury by five to seven drops of oil in each nostril, the head must be thrown back.
    9. Spruce gum( two hundred grams), one onion, fifteen grams of copper sulfate, fifty grams of butter and stir and boil. The cooled mixture has a consistency of ointment, which must be rubbed on the nasal mucosa.
    10. Bay leaf from three packets brew with steep boiling water and let it brew. With a hot solution, moisten the gauze and compress the skin in the area of ​​inflammation. Cover the wrap with a warm scarf or handkerchief.
    11. Get rid of the headache will help the cyclamen juice. When the patient lies on his back, you need to drip two or three drops of juice into his two nostrils. The reaction manifests itself in five minutes. The patient sneezes, coughs, feels a strong fever in the body, sweats heavily. The next day the sinuses will be cleared, the purulent discharge will flow from the nose, so that the headaches recede, the sleep normalizes.
    12. Treatment of sinusitis with a mixture of herbs A mixture of St. John's wort, yarrow, string, sage, lavender, eucalyptus, chamomile, taken in equal proportions, pour water: two liters of water into three tablespoons of a dry mixture and boil. Drink one third of the glass six times a day.
    13. You can carry out inhalations not only with the use of propolis, but also honey itself. To do this, in an incomplete teapot of boiling water, dilute a tablespoon of natural honey, cover with a towel and breathe over the steam. Sinusitis is a very serious disease. Given the localization of inflammatory processes, one should not underestimate the possible complications that will inevitably appear as a result of negligent attitude towards one's health.