
How to treat dysbiosis in adults - treatment of dysbiosis

  • How to treat dysbiosis in adults - treatment of dysbiosis

    Dysbacteriosis is the most common disease, in which the intestinal microflora is disrupted, and the body begins to gradually develop a secondary immune deficiency.

    It should be noted that all lacto- and bifidobacteria, which form a normal environment in the intestine, carry out a lot of important functions in the body, namely:

    • cleaves cellulose, proteins and starch;
    • protects the intestines from pathogens;
    • synthesizes vitamins B, K, folic acid, biotin and immunoglobulins.

    If there is a dysbacteriosis, and in the intestine abound "bad" bacteria, then the person gradually begins to show signs of the disease.

    Symptoms of

    Abdominal bloating

    The most typical signs of dysbacteriosis are as follows:

    • general malaise, namely insignificant body temperature, weakness, lethargy, joint pain, etc.;
    • frequent intestinal disorders;
    • sharp intolerance of any products that have never had problems before;
    • persistent meteorisms, as well as rumbling and bloating;
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    • drawing pains in the navel and throughout the intestines;
    • regular constipation or diarrhea.

    If you have found at least some of these signs, then most likely, in your intestines, a large number of "bad" bacteria.

    It is worth noting that many people are completely unaware of how to treat dysbiosis in adults, and what should be done to once and for all stop their anguish.

    Reasons for

    Improper diet

    In order to get rid of this trouble, first you need to find out what is associated with such intestinal disorders.

    First, dysbacteriosis can occur regularly in those people who have congenital ailments of the gastrointestinal tract. Secondly, this disease is very often the result of hard diets, as well as poor-quality and irregular nutrition. Thirdly, the violation of microflora can occur due to the transferred infectious diseases, surgical intervention, etc. However, the most common cause of dysbiosis is the person's negligent attitude to his health.

    In connection with this fact, before treating dysbacteriosis in adults, you should first change your habitual lifestyle and take care of your own body as carefully as possible.

    Step-by-step disposal

    Getting rid of dysbiosis

    Stage one - properly selected food. In 90 out of 100 cases, the wrong and abundant diet is the cause of this disease. In this regard, there are several rules in the diet that can help get rid of the primary symptoms of dysbiosis:

    1. Refusal of fatty food Refusal from fatty and spicy food. It is these products that actively promote the reproduction of "bad" bacteria in the intestines, which in turn provoke constipation and diarrhea.
    2. If a dysbacteriosis causes profuse diarrhea, then it is extremely necessary for a person to limit the consumption of such dishes, which contain components that promote fermentation in the intestine. These products include various pickles, fresh cabbage, apples, bread and other flour products.
    3. Proper use of water In case of impaired intestinal microflora, it is strictly forbidden to drink any alcoholic beverages.
    4. In order not to impede digestion, it is not recommended to drink water, coffee or tea during meals. It is best to do this 30 minutes before or after a meal.
    5. When dysbiosis, doctors prohibit eating meat in fried form. This product can be either boiled, cooked or steamed, or quenched.
    6. Drinking kefir For faster recovery of the intestinal microflora, it is recommended to drink low-fat kefir every day with the addition of bifidobacteria. Such treatment is very effective after long-term use of any antibiotics.

    Phase two - removal of "bad" microorganisms. In order to get rid of negative bacteria, doctors very often prescribe special drugs that perfectly cope with their task( Bactisubtil, Enterol, Bacteriophages, etc.).After this, it is necessary to restore digestion with Pancreatin, Mezim or Creon. It is also very important to get rid of toxins and toxins through sorbing substances.

    Stage three - the population of normal microorganisms. Currently, there is a huge number of all kinds of drugs that fill the intestine with "good" bacteria. Among them, you can select such drugs as Lactobacterin, Bifidumbacterin, Bifiform, etc.

    Stage four - reinforcement of normal microflora. For such a kind of top dressing, Lactofiltrum, Laktusan, Hilak-forte, Dufalac, etc. are often used.

    It is also worth noting that after such a step-by-step treatment it is extremely necessary to observe a healthy lifestyle, eat right, and give every day time to sports.