
How to build relationships with parents: 10 tips for psychologists

  • How to build relationships with parents: 10 tips for psychologists

    Sometimes communication with parents is truly catastrophic. Perhaps because we are more sensitive to their assessments and remarks, our reactions to them are more emotional.

    It's strange, but what we easily forgive to strangers, we often do not tolerate in parents. As we grow older and gain experience, we often move away from parents or from one of them. Many adult people prefer to keep them at a distance, so as not to experience negative when they persistently and persistently interfere in the affairs of children.

    It's rare that an important life event takes place without the comment of the elders. They want to discuss our successes and downs, choosing a partner in life, acquiring a profession, traveling and resting, raising children, cooking, cleaning in an apartment, working, dressing, gifts, relationships, feelings. .. How to build relationships with parents?

    Let's look at some tips that psychologists give.

    First, parents' advice should be taken seriously. Show them that you listen carefully and accept what they say. Remember, they have a lot of life experience and they want to give you the best, to help avoid mistakes.

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    Secondly, you need to be aware of the differences that exist between you. It is important to love them as they are. After all, many parents in their lives have sacrificed in order to provide you with a decent life. If you respect their way of life with respect, then they will reciprocate in this matter.

    Thirdly, you need to give your parents more time. Listen carefully to them, you need to be aware of the latest developments. Find time for joint vpemyaprovozhdeniya.

    Fourth, support your parents. If you see a bad mood, then you should ask what is the reason for this. Spilling out emotions, it will become easier, so you can show concern and love.

    Fifth, parents need to make gifts. It does not have to be grandiose gifts, nice little things.

    Sixthly, it is necessary to talk about their love for their parents. They need to know what's important to you. Say that be proud of them, that these are the most dear people for you. It is not easy to build trust relations, but it is necessary.

    Seventh, do not forget about the sense of humor. Laughter is an indicator of a good relationship between people. Tell funny stories, new anecdotes. Tell us about the curious situation in which we got to work. Among other things, laughter helps to smooth out conflicts and relieve tension.

    In the eighth, be an individual. Try to settle all your affairs on your own. Do not involve your parents in your family or financial troubles. Practice shows that such help, for example, financial, can cause conflict and spoil relations.

    Ninth, try to revive memories. Good memories are very important in old age. Bright images of the past help a person realize that life is lived in vain. These memories can be awakened in many ways. For example, view together a family photo album. Ask parents about people in the photo that you do not know. Ask them to talk about your childhood.

    In the tenth, find common interests. In your childhood, did you help your father repair a car? Renew joint activities with something and now. Recollect, than you were engaged together with parents and try to unite efforts in any business. Common interests will bring you closer and further strengthen your relationship.

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