
The recipe for casseroles from cauliflower and ham: a step-by-step description of the preparation of a delicious dietary dish

  • The recipe for casseroles from cauliflower and ham: a step-by-step description of the preparation of a delicious dietary dish

    How to cook cauliflower? Today we will master the recipe for casseroles from cauliflower.

    Baked cakes are made from all kinds of products: from vegetables, cottage cheese, pasta. This is a very versatile dish. First, the casserole can be prepared from products that have remained since yesterday's holiday. Secondly, you can add anything to the casserole. Mushrooms, meat, ham, fruit for sweet casseroles.

    Now we will tell you how to make a delicious and healthy dish of cauliflower in the home.


    Cauliflower - 500 g, ham - 200 g, onion, cheese - 150 g, butter, vegetable oil, salt, pepper, greens.

    For filling: milk - 350 ml, two eggs, garlic, salt, pepper.

    Preparation of baked pudding

    Before preparing the casserole, cabbage must be prepared. To do this, we disassemble cauliflower on inflorescences.

    Boil the salted water and put the cabbage to boil for 3-4 minutes. Make sure that the cabbage is not boiled, so as not to become too soft, it should be hardened. Cut cabbage out of the water, let it flow well.

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    Place the frying pan over medium heat. Melt the butter and add a little vegetable. Finely chopped onion spread on a frying pan and fry until it is transparent. Ham cut into cubes and add to a skillet with onions. When the ham is a little fried, add the cauliflower to the onion and ham pan. Fry all together for 3 minutes, stirring occasionally.

    So, all the ingredients are prepared, now you can cook the casserole. We spread the cauliflower with onions and ham into a form in which we will bake cabbage, or in a frying pan with high sides. A little salt, pepper, sprinkle with herbs.

    Now prepare the fill, which is included in our recipe. For this, the eggs are broken into a bowl, mixed with milk, we add garlic, passed through the press, salt and pepper.

    Pour the pour into the form with cauliflower. Sprinkle with grated cheese on top.

    Bake at 180 degrees for 20-30 minutes. The time of baking depends on when the "fill" fills.

    Our delicious and very useful casserole, made by hand, is ready.

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