
Day of Peter and Fevronia: signs, ceremonies and the history of the celebration of this day

  • Day of Peter and Fevronia: signs, ceremonies and the history of the celebration of this day

    July 8 marks the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity. All-Russian this holiday became only in 2008.This date was chosen not by chance, because according to the old style on this day, Orthodox Christians celebrate the Day of Peter and Fevronia - the patrons of marriage. Symbol of the holiday is chamomile. In the article it will be considered what are the signs and ceremonies on the day of Peter and Fevronia, as well as the history of the holiday.

    The legend of the appearance of the holiday

    The history of the appearance of such a day is incredibly beautiful and romantic.

    According to legend, the Murmansk prince Peter, who ruled at that time, became very ill, and nothing could help him any more. But the prince sees a dream: how he is cured, thanks to the simple girl-healer Fevronia. As soon as Peter woke up, he immediately gave a promise that he would marry Fevronia if she could manage to cure him.

    Healer cured the prince, but he did not marry her, as promised, and again fell ill. Peasant again healed Peter, and then he married. In old age the spouses became monks and prayed to die in one day, so it happened. On July 8, the spouses died, and as they were monks, they buried them in different coffins.

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    Signs and Celebration of the Day of Peter and Fevronia

    The loving couples on this day prayed to the saints for the blessing of the wedding, as well as for mutual understanding in the family. Those who could not find a soul mate also addressed them. It is on this day that love magic is stronger than ever. Often the celebration of this day is contrasted with the western day of Valentine.

    The day of Peter and Fevronia in the people is called the Rusalshchina: it is believed that swimming on this day is strictly prohibited, as mermaids could drag men to the bottom.


    1. If July 8 is hot, then this weather will last for another forty days.
    2. If there is dry weather, then until the fall there will be no mushrooms.
    3. For a whole year the family lived in prosperity, the spouses should work together on this day.
    4. The harvest will be bad, if the pigs start on the 8th of July there is hay.
    5. In order for the marriage to be long and happy, it must be concluded on the day of Peter and Fevronia.

    What customs are held on the day of Peter and Fevronia

    On the day of Peter and Fevronia, the following customs exist:

    • On this day the whole family should go to church and ask the saints for peace and happiness in the house, both for you and yoursrelatives.
    • Near the icons of saints often pray not only about peace in the family, but also about the birth of a child and soon successful marriage. Many argue that they have found the other half just after turning to the saints.

    What are the rituals to be performed on this day?

    To conduct rituals for the day of Peter and Fevronia can both spouses and girls who do not have a pair.

    To conduct the ceremony, you need on July 8 to take a photo, which depicts you and her husband, and, constantly baptizing photos, pronounce certain words. You need to say these words three times.

    The next rite for an unmarried girl. It is necessary to take two church candles and tie them with a red string of wool. Candles are lit and magic words are uttered. After that, the candles must be extinguished and hidden. When you meet a person you like, the candles get and light up, and they must completely burn out. And the cinders themselves are thrown into any pond.

    In those days on this day lovers celebrated the engagement. Such a ceremony in Russia could be considered an analogue of the marriage contract, which is popular in our time. In the presence of relatives and friends, the young exchanged rings and vows. After that they were considered spouses.

    No way on this day you can not engage in black magic: even if you are offered so-called harmless privoroty, you need to refuse, and replace them with a campaign in the church.

    The day of Peter and Fevronia is best spent with your family. On this day you need to talk about your feelings and give warmth to your loved ones. A selection of videos on the topic of the article