  • STI diseases

    In the XIX century, doctors knew only two sexually transmitted diseases: syphilis and gonorrhea. They were romantically nicknamed venereal, by the name of the ancient goddess of love of Venus. Today, to recount all the diseases that a sexual partner( or partner) can reward, there will not be enough fingers and toes. For them, doctors even came up with a special term "STI"( or STD), which means - infections( diseases) that are transmitted sexually. No romance!

    Not only all sexually transmitted infections are attributed to STIs, which are caused by microbes, which are pathogenic in nature. This group includes those diseases caused by conditionally pathogenic, initially innocuous microorganisms. When the human body controls their vital activity, they behave calmly, but as soon as there are any malfunctions( for example, immunity decreases) - the microbes become more active, begin to multiply and spoil the person's life.

    The complete list of STIs looks like this:

    Syphilis is a classic venereal disease. Called pale treponema. Syphilis is known since the 15th century, when its epidemics scared the old Europe to death. Vrochom, some argue that this disease - the same age as humanity, and people knew it long before our era.

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    Gonorrhea( or gonorrhea) - until recently was considered the most common venereal disease. Causes his villain-gonococcus, a bacterium very like a grain of coffee.

    Venereal lymphogranulomatosis in Russia is extremely rare. Usually it is brought from exotic countries of Asia and Africa by tourists. The disease causes a special, very rare form of chlamydia. Soft chancre or chancroid - causes a pathogen with a beautiful name "streptobacillus Diocrea-Kreftinga-Unny."To pick up the disease is easiest for Thai prostitutes. Donovanosis - widely distributed in the tropics, cause its calf Donovan. After sexual intercourse with a sick person, the probability of infection varies from 1 to 50%.

    Chlamydia is the most common sexual infection. Called intracellular parasites by chlamydia. It's almost impossible to pick them up with oral sex.

    Mycoplasmosis causes microorganisms occupying an intermediate position between bacteria, fungi and viruses. Some researchers consider them conditionally-pathogenic, that is, capable of causing inflammatory diseases under certain conditions or in combination with other microorganisms.

    Ureaplasmosis - causes a conditionally pathogenic ureaplasma the size of a large virus. Since 1998, the disease is excluded from the list of STDs. Cytomegalovirus infection was discovered in 1956.Usually the disease is asymptomatic, but people with lowered immunity can get fever and get a headache.

    Trichomoniasis causes a vaginal trichomonas - the simplest in the form of a pear and with flagella. In most cases, infection occurs during sexual intercourse in the vagina. Candidiasis most of all troubles delivers to women, men can leak imperceptibly. The disease causes a conditionally pathogenic fungus, similar to yeast for dough.

    Gardnerellez - a violation of the normal vaginal microflora, in which the bacterium grows gardnerella. It is dangerous only for women who frequently change their sexual partners.

    Herpes( in Greek "herpo" - "crawl") of the genitals is an infectious disease caused by the ubiquitous herpes virus. Observed in 20% of adults.

    Papillomavirus infection. Its manifestations - pointed condylomas - are described by the doctors of Ancient Greece. Hippocrates called "genital warts."In the middle of the XIX century viruses were isolated from genital warts.

    HIV infection - causes acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, or AIDS.

    Sexually transmitted infections are usually infected during intercourse. And there is no difference what contact was: genital, anal or oral. To transmit the infection, it is enough that the microorganism has got on the mucous membrane( the vagina, mouth or rectum).Failure to comply with the rules of intimate safety and the rules for the prevention of sexual infections, casual sex without a condom or other protection( paste or candle) is a direct way to STDs.

    After a fleeting holiday romance or a pleasant night spent with a new acquaintance, it is advisable to visit a venerologist( gynecologist or urologist) in a couple of weeks, or at least pay attention to the following suspicious symptoms:

    1. Unusual discharge from the genitals.

    2. Itching and burning in the external genitalia.

    3. Rapid or painful urination.

    4. Discomfort in the lower abdomen.

    5. Pain in intercourse.

    6. Appearance on the skin or mucous membranes of spots, ulcers, blisters.

    7. Enlarged lymph nodes.

    Sex infections are dangerous due to their complications: inflammatory diseases of various internal organs, infertility, cancer. And from syphilis the nose falls.

    Treatment is selected by the doctor depending on the type of infection. All sexual partners should be treated, otherwise there will be no sense. During treatment for sexual intercourse, it is better to refuse at all or to be protected by condoms without fail. The information was prepared by the specialists of the State Educational Institution "VOKKVD"