  • Treatment of diabetes with mineral water

    Mineral water in combination with diet and other methods of sanatorium treatment significantly improve the general condition of almost all categories of patients.

    Mineral water, penetrating through the mucous membrane of the intestine into the blood and lymph, exerts its multifaceted action on the whole organism. The activity of tissues, organs and fluids of the organism changes, which distinguishes them from the state in which they were before taking water. The drinking course usually lasts a month and has an active effect to a greater extent than the unsystematic use of water in a short period - less than 25-30 days. The constant use of medicinal water without medical appointment is not recommended.

    Mineral waters are commonly found on the territory of our country, but the most popular are the waters of the so-called Kamminvod group. The mineral waters of this region have a powerful curative effect on carbohydrate metabolism( which, incidentally, is of most interest to patients with diabetes mellitus).

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    The active action of therapeutic waters on carbohydrate metabolism should not be considered in isolation from other metabolic processes. Providing its multifaceted effect on the body as a whole, therapeutic water through its complex system of adaptations has its influence on it too.

    When prescribing a drinking course for a diabetic patient, the most often used medicinal waters are Essentuki No. 17 and No. 4. The mineral waters of this group have the property of reducing the level of sugar in the blood more or less clearly, and not only the nature of the prescribed therapeuticwater, but also the state of the patient's body: concomitant diseases that can be in a patient with diabetes mellitus, the state of his nervous system, metabolic processes, etc.

    However, no mineral water can replaceinsulin. It is impossible to cancel treatment with insulin, counting on the beneficial effect of medicinal water. Only in combination with insulin and other drugs, the drinking course gives the desired result.

    Therapeutic water without dietary regimen also does not give a good result. In the body of a patient with diabetes mellitus, metabolic disturbances and changes in acid-base balance usually occur. Its normalization is achieved by applying a whole series of therapeutic and prophylactic measures: the regime of the day, proper nutrition, physical and water procedures it.etc.

    The purpose of this or that drinking course is within the competence of the doctor. The healing water should be taken at the source, not only because it retains all the healing qualities inherent in water, but also because when walking to a mineral spring, the patient expends muscle energy, which is particularly beneficial for carbohydrate metabolism, thereby reducing tosome degree of blood sugar. Therapeutic water should be taken three times a day: before breakfast, lunch and dinner, 1-2 glasses of natural temperature, that is, without heating, 45 to 60 minutes before meals. Prescribe usually healing water Essentuki No. 17, which has the most pronounced alkalizing effect. Therapeutic water "Essentuki" No. 4 is prescribed in the presence of concomitant diseases. The number of glasses, the temperature of the medicinal water taken, the hours of admission are determined both in connection with diabetes mellitus, and in connection with concomitant diseases.

    Extensive use in the treatment of diabetes mellitus finds the external use of medicinal waters( baths), they have a great effect of a complex of their properties( thermal, mechanical, chemical).The body that directly perceives the action of the baths is the skin. The patient in the bath changes skin permeability, which facilitates the penetration of gaseous substances into the body( carbon dioxide, hydrogen sulphide, emanation of radium).Some value on the therapeutic effect has the amount of salts contained in water, that is, the degree of its mineralization. The pronounced therapeutic effect gives a course in 10-14 baths. There are several methods for the release of medical baths, of which the most common treatment bath every other day.

    Studies have shown that after taking baths, there are fluctuations in the amount of sugar in the blood. The most beneficial effect on the entire body is provided by "gas"( carbon dioxide hydrogen) baths.

    Therapeutic baths exert their effect on the nervous, cardiovascular system, the function of the digestive tract, the work of the endocrine glands, which contributes to the normalization of disturbed metabolic processes. To appoint a particular bath can only an

    doctor, and strict compliance with his instructions should be the rule for the patient.

    Staying in the bath longer than the doctor's appointed time, taking more baths, changing the temperature of the bath at any time, regardless of the doctor's prescription, may harm the body instead of the expected therapeutic effect. Before taking a bath and after taking it you need to rest. The most useful action is if the patient is comfortable and feels good. If you feel uncomfortable while in the tub, then all the unpleasant sensations experienced by you during bathing and after it should be reported to the attending physician or the attendants.