  • Advice of folk medicine

    Infusion of violets

    Pour 1 tbsp.l.dry grass violet tricolor 1 cup boiling water, insist for 2 h under the warmer and filter through several layers of gauze. Take 1 tbsp.l.3 times a day before meals.

    Compound collection

    All parts of the collection can be bought at the pharmacy, and that you will not find - gather in the forest or on the field. It consists of the following components: 2 parts of elderberry black flowers, 2 parts of nettle nettle, 4 pieces of willow bark, 4 parts of grass of horsetail, 4 parts of birch leaf, 1 part of flowers of cornflower blue, 1 part of calendula flowers, 1 part of peony flowers,1 part of juniper fruit, 1 part of shoots of nightshade is sweet-bitter, 1 part of bark of buckthorn. All components to grind, mix and pour 2-3 tbsp.l.mixture of 500 ml of boiling water. Boil for 10 minutes. Strain. Drink every 2 hours for 1 glass of hot broth.

    Ledum( grass)

    Take 1 tsp.herbs for 2 cups of cold boiled water. Insist in tightly closed dishes for 8 hours, filter through several layers of gauze. Infusion to take 1/3 cup 4 times a day.

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    Ledum and nettle

    If the joints are inflamed, we recommend drinking the infusion of Ledum and nettle. To do this, grind 25 grams of herb tea and 15 grams of nettle leaf, mix them well and pour 1 liter of boiling water. Infuse the mixture for 10 hours. Take the infusion during the day.

    Clay treatment

    Take 2 tsp.clay powder per day. Clay is diluted with water, taken 2 times a day for 1 hour before meals, in the morning and in the evening. It is recommended to rub the sore spots and put compresses with horseradish gruel.

    Cleansing baths from straw, juniper, oregano, salt and vinegar, sporis, pine and spruce.

    Treatment with kerosene using a special ointment. It is made by mixing kerosene with fir oil in a proportion of 1: 2. The finished mixture is rubbed into the skin of the joint region in a circular motion. Rubbing should be done within 1 - 2 months daily before bedtime. The duration of each procedure is 15 minutes.

    Arthritis is also treated with a nut-kerosene extract, rubbed into the skin of the affected arthritis joint. This substance is prepared from ground green walnuts and purified kerosene. Nuts fill 2/3 of a two-liter jar, in which 1 liter of kerosene is added. The can is closed with a plastic lid. The drug is insisted for 20 days in a cool dark place, then filtered and used for the intended purpose. Keep it in a cool place, away from direct sunlight, in a dark place in a glass jar with a tight lid.


    1. Ointment made from hops and vaseline.

    2. Ointment from sweet clover, hops, St. John's wort, Vaseline.

    3. Camphor ointment.

    4. Tincture of wild bird cherry.

    5. Ointment from a raw egg( dissolved in 70% vinegar), butter.


    1. Compresses from oat flakes.

    2. Compresses from needles.

    3. Compresses from wormwood.

    9. Achievements in official medicine( treatment and prevention)

    Similar cures similar to

    In 1911, doctors Nin and Friedman first applied the method of injecting diagnostic allergens to determine the causes. Then, if the patient is injected with a causative allergen, to which he responds, the aggravation of this disease can be avoided. This is called hyposensitization, that is, when a person inhales a "harmful allergen", he meets with a blocking antibody. However, unpleasant side reactions may appear, but they also learned to remove antihistamines.

    Immunotherapy( specific hyposensitization)

    Immunotherapy - the administration of an allergen to a patient with an allergy by injection to reduce the body's hypersensitivity to this kind of allergen. With this method of treatment of causes, the allergen is introduced first in very small doses, and then the injected doses gradually increase. As a result, by the end of treatment, there is a decrease in the manifestation of allergy in a patient when he meets an allergen. Thus, the disease proceeds more easily. Sometimes recovery occurs, but most often complete desensitization does not occur. The method is based on the fact that, in response to repeated and gradual introduction of an allergen into the body in increasing doses, special blocking antibodies are beginning to form in the body, which are believed to bind the allergen and, as it were, prevent its contact with allergic antibodies fixed on cellstissues, and, consequently, allergic cell damage and allergic reaction do not develop. Specific hyposensibilization, as a rule, is carried out at a time when the patient has no signs of disease. At its aggravation apply treatment with the purpose to stop allergic process, and also to liquidate separate symptoms of disease, for example at falling of a blood pressure give vasoconstrictive preparations normalizing it, and at bronhospazme - the medicines causing expansion of bronchuses, etc.

    From practice it is known,that this method is most effective in case of allergy to pollen of plants, house dust, to animal wool, etc. Treatment of specific hyposensitization is carried out in cases where it is impossible to completely excludeNGO-significant allergens from the environment and the patient contact with him.