  • Scleroderma treatment with folk remedies

    Systemic scleroderma is a disease with multiple syndromes.

    Symptoms: usually begins systemic scleroderma with a single syndrome and gradually acquires the features of a multi-syndrome disease. The first symptoms are usually arthralgia( pain in one or more joints without its swelling or any other symptoms of arthritis), increased excitability, fever and weight loss.

    What's going on? The cause of the disease is not accurately established, although many of the findings indicate a virus. However, one virus is not enough for the onset of the disease, provoking factors are necessary: ​​hereditary predisposition, neuroendocrine changes( adrenal and / or thyroid gland disorders), impaired nervous regulation. The disease is first diagnosed or aggravated after trauma, infection or vaccination, cooling, vibration and shock, contact with chemicals.

    Women get systemic scleroderma 3 times more often than men. A greater susceptibility to the disease was found in women aged 30 to 40 years, but it occurs in both children and the elderly.

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    The disease is characterized by lesions of the skin, mucous membranes, muscles, joints, heart and blood vessels, lungs and pleura, kidneys and gastrointestinal tract, nervous and endocrine system.

    Skin lesion is characterized by a widespread dense edema that goes into a tightening and atrophy of the skin, reminiscent of the skin of mummies. The skin of the entire body becomes dense, like a shell. The greatest impact of the disease on the skin of the face and limbs. Possible hair loss and baldness, deformation of the nails, ulcers and pustules on the fingers, a change in skin pigmentation, in which it becomes spotty. Often with this disease, teeth fall out. Muscles and tendons atrophy, which often leads to disability. Arthralgias and significant deformations of the joints are observed in most cases.

    Almost all cases have more or less severe heart damage. In this case, there are pain in the heart, shortness of breath and a violation of the rhythm of heartbeats. Lesions of small vessels and vessels of internal organs lead to severe consequences: gangrene of fingers, hemorrhages, disintegration of lung tissue.

    Lesion of the lungs and pleura leads to pneumosclerosis, which is characterized by shortness of breath and difficulty in deep inspiration, hard breathing, a decrease in the vital capacity of the lungs to 40-60%.The defeat of the kidneys is most often characterized by nephritis. Often there is a decrease in skin sensitivity, a violation of thermoregulation and sweating. The patients have suspiciousness, irritability, tearfulness, insomnia, a sharp change of emotions. Frequent violations of the menstrual cycle and early menopause.

    In the acute course of systemic scleroderma, the disease progresses rapidly, and death occurs 1-2 years after the onset of the disease. In most cases, there is a chronic course of the disease, in which the disease lasts for years, slowly spreading throughout the body.

    What should I do? Treatment can be prescribed only by a doctor. During periods of exacerbation, treatment in a hospital environment is necessary, all the rest of the time it is done on an outpatient basis, but for a long time and constantly. It is necessary to provide adequate nutrition.

    Prevention of systemic scleroderma is the identification and elimination of "risk factors".For those who are already sick, dispensary supervision and treatment is necessary. Work should be selected, not associated with heavy physical labor, contact with chemicals and drugs, metals and temperature fluctuations.