  • Prevention of diabetes mellitus

    One of the most important preventive measures for diabetes is the prevention and treatment of obesity. In families with a hereditary diabetes-related heredity, it is necessary to limit the consumption of foods rich in carbohydrates, and very carefully take care of nutrition. To identify early forms of the disease, it is necessary to examine the blood for sugar in the relatives of patients, since diabetes mellitus, predisposition to it are inherited.

    Early diagnosis of diabetes mellitus is of great importance in prevention."Illness is easier to prevent than treat."No less important is the identification of its hidden forms, when the development of a predisposition to diabetes in true diabetes mellitus can be prevented by observing the correct diet regime( bread restriction to 300 g, sugar to 1-2 pieces, prohibition of sweets and overeating).

    With the right way of life, work, rest and nutrition, with systematic treatment, patients suffering from diabetes are practically healthy people with almost unlimited capacity for work. In our country, those suffering from diabetes mellitus are registered in polyclinics at their place of residence, they regularly conduct medical check-ups and examinations. Patients should seek advice from a doctor usually once a week and at least once a month and systematically be examined by physicians of different specialties. At the same time, special attention is paid to the condition of the oral cavity, lower extremities, eyes, kidneys and lungs.

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    Monthly surveys help identify complications of diabetes in the early stages, to prevent their further progression. The right combination of work and rest is the best guarantee against any unpleasant accidents. The strict observance of the regime gives a good feeling, a cheerful mood and a permanent ability to work.

    Once again I want to emphasize that a patient with sugar diabetes should consciously treat the performance of prescriptions of a doctor, should be familiar with the main signs of the disease, with the principles of diet and treatment with insulin and other drugs. In no case can you yourself set a diet, determine the dose and time of injections of insulin. It is necessary to know what signs characterize the developing hypoglycemia, in order to take the necessary measures in time. The patient should know the signs of the diabetic coma well and familiarize his relatives with them so that they can take the necessary measures if necessary. A person suffering from diabetes mellitus is advised to learn how to make insulin injections. You should always have a diabetic passport with you.

    For good health, a strict daily routine is of particular importance. It is recommended to go to bed early, eat only at certain hours. Very useful are moderate walks, frequent stays in the fresh air. Patients, especially those who do little physical labor, are useful( as directed by a doctor) exercise. Physical labor is not only not contraindicated, but, on the contrary, is useful, since it helps to improve the metabolism.

    Overstrain, overexertion, as well as excessive nervous overloads, can adversely affect the state of health, leading to an increase in the excretion of sugar in the urine. Work associated with frequent traveling and stay on the road( chauffeur, pilot, etc.), is not recommended for diabetic patients, because diet can be violated and insulin not introduced in time.

    The quality of life, its usefulness or a multitude of problems and limitations for a diabetic patient depends only on him.

    The leading role in the prevention of the disease belongs to the patient himself, who must consciously and flexibly carry out diet therapy, lead a healthy lifestyle, including avoiding bad habits, carefully taking the medications chosen together with the doctor, with constant self-control of blood sugar and urine, protein in the urine.

    Only by observing these rules can guarantee a multi-year full life, not overshadowed by the negative consequences of the disease.